I was diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago but have been suffering various symptoms probably because of it for about 10 years (IBS, Back Pain, Fatigue, heavy periods and other symptoms others have shared here).
I had surgery (laparoscopy) 2 years ago where a cyst was removed from an ovary and endometriosis was confirmed and some clearing was attempted. Now I am due for another surgery but this time with an endometriosis specialist. He has made a full diagnosis explaining that the endometriosis has spread around and is attached to my rectum. I also have large fibroids in my womb which he says will be difficult to remove if the womb is to remain intact. He says I should choose either between a hysterectomy (but not remove the ovaries) which he feels will be most helpful; or to clear as much endo as possible but leave the womb (and fibroids) in place.
I wonder if others have been in this situation? What are the consequences of a hysterectomy - emotionally? physically? affecting periods?
For any who have back pain like me, how do you get best pain relief?