Don't want to go back on the pill/more su... - Endometriosis UK

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Don't want to go back on the pill/more surgeries! Deep infiltrating endo on bowel and uterine polyp removed recently for heavy bleeding.

jen2023 profile image
5 Replies

Hello fellow endo warriors. I have a dilemma. I really don't want to go back on the bcp after being on it for 15 years as it has not been effective for my deep infiltrating endo on my bowel. My ultimate goal is to heal endo at the core using non-hormonal & surgery approach. Not just a bandaid solution of more bcp, and surgeries(hysterectomy and bowel resection). Every single GP, gynaecologist i have met have pushed for the bcp/IUD and surgeries, which i am doing my hardest to push back as they are not effective methods and i have already gone down that path for so long without success.

I am 45 years old, had a laparoscopy excision surgery to remove multiple chocolate cysts on my ovaries when I was 28. Been on the pill ever since until 4 months ago. I thought I was doing all the right things, reading countless medical journals on endo treatments, taking numerous supplements and herbs (Inc tcm & acupuncture) to help with estrogen metabolism, curb my blood sugar, manage digestive issues, eat a strict name it , i have tried it!

had my first period in years and it was a period from hell! Had so much bleeding and clots for 3 weeks, needed blood transfusion and iron infusion due to excessive blood loss and severe anaemia. Discovered and removed uterine polyp and it stopped the bleeding immediately. Polyp was the cause of the heavy bleeding for me.

Now I am facing 2 choices, go back on the pill, or continue with my journey of healing without the pill and surgeries. I want to give the natural method one more try, but I am scared the polyps will grow back again and cause another bleeding episode that requires blood transfusion and polyp removal surgery. Anyone have similar experience or dilemma like me?

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jen2023 profile image
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5 Replies
MyStar86 profile image

it’s nice and I understand why you want to try the natural method but from your experience you can see it didnt improve things and actually made them worse. The best option would be surgery to remove it all then it won’t grow back. You could try zoladex to put you into menopause and don’t use the add back hrt if you don’t want the hormones like the pill. It’s just a thought but I would be too scared after what you went through just to not have any treatment and leave things to get worse but it’s a personal choice. Take care and I hope something helps xx

Cinnamonswirl profile image

Hi lovely I really hear your dilemma. I wonder, now that the polyp has gone, maybe your periods without the pill would be more 'normal' (whatever that is!) And you'd be able to pursue your investigation of what works best diet-wise etc for your body? Could you be offered maybe a follow up ultrasound if there is a chance you could have a polyp recurrence, so that it's caught before it caused heavier bleeding? Then you'd get a chance to try your approach? I do think the balance is sometimes skewed a bit towards medical intervention rather than looking at other approaches. But I know how lucky we are to have modern medicine overall. But sometimes seemingly simple things can help all kinds of conditions, so it seems like it could be worth a try.

Sorry, I don't have any experience with polyp problems (I was told I had one after an ultrasound once, but it hasn't been mentioned again after having an MRI and a hysteroscopy since) but I do think a lot about the relationship between intervention and natural approaches for period/endo/Meno stuff in general (I'm 44 and recently diagnosed with suspected deep infiltrating endo) and I would also like to see what a natural approach could achieve on my own endo journey, even though I will also have a laparoscopy in next few months. I do have fibroids that are likely to be the cause of my own very heavy periods and I would also like to look into whether diet can help there, rather than going down the hormonal route.

Wishing you good luck x

jen2023 profile image
jen2023 in reply to Cinnamonswirl

Hello lovely! Thank you for your reply and sharing your journey. I am sorry to hear of your ordeal with endo as well.

I was about to give in to the doctors and everyone around me who has no idea about endo and the risks of surgical interventions and long term consequences of hormonal pill. I needed more confidence and belief in my conviction. Reading your comment gave me alot of courage!

I was thinking the same thing as you mentioned about how my period can be better after the polyp removal. Prolonged use of the pill has wrecked the hormonal balancing system and made my endo worse. Although it is at a small amount, synthetic estrogen are part of the combined pill I am on. I am sure it accumulates in my system.

I am going to give my natural approach one more try. This time, higher dosages of DIM and other supplements that helps with liver and endocrine cleansing and balancing. I am also working on my mental health, nervous system regulation to process stored trauma and stress in my body. This helps with estrogen metabolism, digestive health and overall cortisol/stress levels.

Happy to share my approach if you are interested.

Sending you my wishes!

Cinnamonswirl profile image

I just wanted to say thank you for your lovely reply, it's given me some very helpful pointers too. I have been meaning to reply but have actually been off work sick with mental health stuff and everything was beyond me for a while. I'd be really interested in hearing more about your more holistic approach if you would if you wouldn't mind sharing when you have time.

How have you been these last few weeks? I hope the periods are still relatively settled and manageable.


jen2023 profile image

I am sorry to hear you had a difficult time recently. I am happy to share my journey and holistic approach with you. How about we do a zoom call? Might be too much sharing all the info on this thread, easier to chat. Let me know if you are keen for a chat. I am in Sydney Australia. I am quiet flexible with my time as i don't work atm.

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