Hi all
I had a laparoscopy in October and I told them beforehand that I felt like I had bowel endo, as I often bled from my back passage during my period as well as diarrhoea. They informed me that they would check the surface but wouldn’t check inside.
So I had the surgery and they found endo but she only mentioned my pelvic area.
I had the coil fitted which I was assured would be the best treatments, however fast forward to now and I am supposed to be on my period according to my tracker, and I’m not bleeding from the front, but I am from the back, as well as awful rectal pain and I have had diarrhoea 6 times since I woke up this morning at 7.
Surely this can’t be normal! I have logged it with my GP who has written another letter to the gynaecologist and also had a blood test to check for any raised inflammation, but it’s really getting me down that if I did have bowel endo they didn’t look at my bowel properly in the initial surgery.
Just wondering if anyone has any advice on bowel endo?
Many thanks!