Mercilon tablet- any feedback?: Hi all... - Endometriosis UK

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Mercilon tablet- any feedback?

Mmk22 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all,

Hope everyone is staying safe and well.

I have a 3.8cm endometrioma on my left ovary- It’s growing steadily. (I had a scan on Monday)

I’ve decided to go back on to a contraceptive to try and slow down growth. About a year ago I was on Cerazette, which honestly made me lose my mind. I had constant bladder infections, bleeding, hair loss and the worst depression I have ever experienced.

My doctor has prescribed Mercilon which I understand is a ‘low dose’ contraceptive. However, I’m slightly confused. Mercilon, although it contains estrogen, contains 150mg of Desogestrel. Cerazette only contained 75mg is Mercilon going to make me twice as crazy?!

I don’t understand why she has prescribed this pill, does the estrogen counteract the side affects of Desogestrel?

If any one has an advice or experience on this pill, I’d really appreciate your help :)

Thank you

Misha x

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10 Replies
Boxclever1 profile image

I think you should go back to your GP and ask her to explain the rationale for this pill choice. It could well be that the addition of oestrogen will counteract the negative effects you previously experienced from the desotrogel, but I agree it sounds a bit counterintuitive!

I developed an endometrioma (with associated pain) at start of lockdown so I did ALOT of research as to the best pill and I found several clinical studies that showed that the combined pill Eloine actually reduced the size of endometriomas within 6 months. So I got my GP to prescribe me it! Back in March, my endometrioma was painful and 2.1 cm. I started the pill, and within a few weeks, the pain got better but I would always 'know' it was there, a slight ache. Had it scanned in July (exactly 3 months later) and it had increased slightly to 2.6 cm. Continued with the pill and for the last 3 or 4 weeks I have been entirely pain free, wouldn't know I'd ever had it. I will be going back for a scan start of Oct (so exactly 6 months after starting it) to measure the size, but from my entire lack of symptoms, I believe it might have shrunk.

I consulted a private gynaecologist via email (through my work health insurance) and he recommended taking (any) combined oral contraceptive back-to-back. You can either do that for 3 months, have a 4 day break, or do it for as long as possible but take a 4 day break if you start spotting for 3 days or more, or do what I am now doing which is taking it continuously, just putting up with the spotting. I found that when I took a 4 day break after 3 months of back to back, my pain got noticeably worse over the subsequent 2 weeks.

I have no side effects from Eloine (but I've never had side effects from the pill/hormones so don't read anything into that) but logic suggests to me that using a pill with a different form of progesterone than the one that sent you crazy would be a good starting point, and Eloine has the additional benefit of having been shown in clinical trials to shrink size of endometriomas. Let me know if you want the links to the studies x

MMich15 profile image
MMich15 in reply to Boxclever1

Hi Boxclever would you mind sharing the links? I’m not adjusting very well to marvelon and find GP / consultants not very helpful in prescribing an alternative.


Boxclever1 profile image
Boxclever1 in reply to MMich15

Of course! Here are three - there are more - google 'drospirenone + endometrioma'. Eloine is the UK version of the pill used in those studies. It's not as cheap as some pills, but my GP did not quibble it, and my tiny village pharmacy had it in stock so presumably its widely used.

This is an article showing Eloine is useful for endometriosis in general (not specifically endometriomas):

Hope this helps!

Mmk22 profile image
Mmk22 in reply to Boxclever1

Hi Boxclever1

Thank you SO much for your response- the info you provided and advice is super helpful!

Yes it seems counterintuitive to me as well- I just can’t see the logic in it and I really don’t want to be back on a pill that caused me such issues.

I will definitely speak to my GP about Eloine, as this seems like it could be more suitable. Well I don’t know..but defo worth a try!

I’m very fortunate in that I don’t really have any symptoms with my endometrioma, I get the odd twinge but aside from that I’m ok- so I never really know what’s going on!

Thank you so much for your help, and good luck with your scan- I hope your endometrioma is reducing in size!

All the best

Misha x

BumbleE17 profile image

Hi Misha,

Your post is really interesting as I've been wondering about the effects of Cerazette. I'm on Mercilon to help manage the symptoms of my endo (and suspected adeno) and it is working really well for me, but because of my age (nearly 45) my doctor is always trying to persuade me to go on to the progesterone-only pill (Cerazette). But I'm loathe to change as I'm worried about all the possible side effects (and I have suffered badly with anxiety, and I've heard it can affect mood quite badly).

I have tried the Mirena coil before, which I hated as it gave me so many side effects - inc. low mood/tearfulness, exhaustion, hair loss, heart palpitations, bad skin and quite bad weight gain, so I'm worried about trying a progesterone-only option again. (Although I could just be particularly sensitive to the progestogen in the Mirena - Levonorgestrel.)

After the coil I tried Lo-estrin 20 (low-dose combined pill, with another type of progestogen - Norethisterone), which did help (although I gained weight) - but then this was discontinued. So that's when I decided to try Mercilon. In my mind, it was a way of trying a different type of progesterone (desogestrel), but also combined with Oestrogen to minimise any effects. I've been totally fine on it... I take it back to back for about three months, then have a break as my body usually feels like it needs one. I have gained weight (but I think that's also to do with lockdown and doing less exercise!), but I hardly get any other side effects. Maybe a bit of an increase in needing a wee during the night and some bladder sensitivity, and quite a bit of spotting - but all bearable compared to the pain I was in before. And my skin is good - which is always a problem for me usually!

So, I was wondering the same as you.... as it seems I can tolerate Mercilon quite well, does this mean that I would actually be ok on Cerazette? I guess there's only one way to tell - by me trying it. But I just don't feel confident in taking that step right now. Kind of the same as you, but in reverse!

If you do end up trying Mercilon, I would be interested to know if you had any side effects. It would be interesting to know if, despite having a bad time on Cerazette, you could actually tolerate Mercilon. If that's the case, it must be the Oestrogen balancing things out.

Anyway, some food for thought... good luck with whatever you try next!


Mmk22 profile image
Mmk22 in reply to BumbleE17

Hi Emma,

Thanks so much for your response :)

It’s interesting because I used Cerazette for about 3 years when I was younger and was absolutely fine on it- didn’t have a period or bleeding once, until my last few months on it where I had spotting every day- that’s why I came off it in the end.

I thought when I was on it this time round, I would be fine as id used it before! It’s crazy how differently I responded to it this time.

However, everyone’s experiences on pills are different so maybe give Cerazette a go and see how get on? If it’s not for you then you can just stop taking it. I would assume if you’re ok on Mercilon then you don’t have any particular sensitivity to Desogestrel?

I will let you know if I try Mercilon, il discuss with my GP first and see what she comes back!

Thanks again for your response :)

Wishing you all the best

M x

BumbleE17 profile image
BumbleE17 in reply to Mmk22

Wow, yes that is strange how you've had such a different reaction to it this time round. Amazing how our bodies can change over the years.

I know the spotting thing can be an issue on Cerazette - I've read that quite a few people double the dose to stop this (which would then take it to the same amount of Desogestrel in Mercilon). But then would this mean double all the other side effects, too?

I know what you're saying about trying Cerazette as I might not be sensitive to it... but I'm just nervous. I'm currently job hunting (after being unemployed for quite a few months) so I don't want anything to tip the balance.... I will consider trying it once I'm settled with a job, but I can't face trying it now.

Please do keep in touch and let me know how you get on if you do end up trying Mercilon!



Mmk22 profile image
Mmk22 in reply to BumbleE17

I know so weird!

I think spotting can be an issue with Cerazette but normally it calms down within 3 months, and if doesn’t, they normally recommend you try something else. Like I said, first time round, I didn’t have a period for 3 years- it was amazing!

I totally understand you’re concerns, try it whenever you’re ready :) I’m exactly the same with contraceptive pills in general! I’ve managed to stay off them for 7/8 years and have a normal cycle, it is really frustrating that I have to go on one now to try and control this endometrioma. However, i do have to stay positive as it could be a lot worse!

I’m getting married next year so as superficial as it sounds, I’m just so worried about weight gain on the pill as well as all the other symptoms, but I think I just need to bite the bullet and give it another go.

Thanks so much Emma! I’m going to pick up my prescription today and probably start it during my next cycle so I’ll let you know how I get on.

Same to you, hope the job hunt goes well and let me know if you try Cerazette.

All the best xxx

BumbleE17 profile image
BumbleE17 in reply to Mmk22

I totally understand about the weight gain... I don't think it's a superficial worry. But I guess at least you've got a while until you get married, so you can give the pill a go, and if it doesn't suit you you've got time to stop and let your body recover.

Good luck with it all!


KylieP profile image
KylieP in reply to BumbleE17

My experience is very similaar to yours BumbleE17. I have endo, adeno and fibroids. I dont bleed at all on mercilon, which i find really interesting. While a lot of women have the stereotypical heavy bleeding with these conditions, as i got older my bleeding lightened. Then when i tried the combined pill, it's pretty much stopped - which i have found to be a welcome side effect. Haven't really experienced any other side effects from it.

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