Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has had a really raised temperature on Desogestrel? I have been on Desogestrel for nearly 3 months. Whilst on it I have continued to have spotting on a off throughout, which has been a pain but not a massive inconvenience.
I had surgery on the 17th March and on the 27th March I started feeling unwell (temperature, chills, body aches). Obviously due to Covid19 I thought it could be that but I also contacted my G.P incase if was an infection from my surgery. I was prescribed two lots of antibiotics for 2 weeks. After this I noticed one of my wounds hadn't healed so that was needing to be packed but it wasn't infected and the antibiotics I was on covered a wound infection anyway.
I had my bloods done just under 2 weeks ago which showed high white cell count and lymphocytes I was advised to carry on working from home (I am a nurse but can work from home in my job). I had a Covid19 swab but possibly too late which could have given a false negative (having bloods done again this week). My consultant also doesn't believe it is anything from my surgery.
My temperature has continued to fluctuate and I am having hot sweats and chills (especially at night) and my body is aching still and (sorry for TMI) on and off days of really bad diarrhoea.
I'm thinking it surely cannot be Covid19 to be lasting this long so am now thinking of other possible causes.
Is it my endometriosis/ adenomyosis?
Is it Desogestrel?
Is it Covid19?
Is it something else to add to my list of ailments?
If anyone has experienced this then please let give me any advice... I don't even remember being this bad with my temperature changes when I was on Zoladex...
Thanks in advance!