Hi guys,
I suspected I had endo since being a teenager (now 29) but my symptoms were never bad enough for me to really investigate, and there wasn’t enough information available!
After suffering with much worse symptoms for over a year (since coming off the combined pill), going back and forth to doctors, I finally found a doc who took me seriously and didn’t tell me “it’s normal”
He sent me for a scan, which showed a cyst on my right ovary, and that along with my symptoms has made him confident that it is endo, and has now referred me to gyno. Hopefully for a laparoscopy to asses how bad it is. I have to wait three months for this initial gyno appointment now.
In the mean time, he has suggested going back on the combined pill to alleviate some symptoms. I came off it to get pregnant, obviously have struggled, and my endo symptoms have definitely got worse since being off the pill. So I guess it does help...
My question is, if it’s too much estrogen that is suspected to cause endo, how could a pill that has estrogen in it, help endo? Surely it’s adding fuel to the fire? I understand it has progesterone too which is our friend right? and helps balance? But adding estrogen and progesterone to an estrogen problem, surely still means there’s more estrogen than progesterone in your body? If that makes sense?
I can’t deny that my symptoms have got much worse since being off the pill, but I am worried about going back on it now. My doctor has no idea what he’s talking about and could not advise. He was googling it himself...
The pill will only be temporary to alleviate symptoms while I wait for gyno to asses the situation. Obviously my main concern is fertility as I am trying to get pregnant! So hopefully they won’t offer more medication to treat it, and go straight for the operation if it’s needed? Symptoms include painful bowel movements so I am concerned that it’s affecting me there as well as my ovaries, and this makes me worry that it could of spread around quite badly in there?
Also, since coming off the pill my periods have basically stopped. I go through painful ovulation every month, and then a week or so later I get brown spotting for a day. And that is my period. Doctor couldn’t tell me what that means as endo usually results in heavy periods? Has anybody else got endo and experienced basically no period at all?
I hope my rambling makes sense! And if anyone could offer explanations or advice that would be lovely, as many of you have found, my doctor has not been educated on this at all!
I’m sure I’ll find out more at my gyno appt... fingers crossed... but I am finding it hard to wait three months for answers to my questions and concerns. Thanks guys 😘