I'm new to this group... I've known I have fibroids for about 5 years, but they have recently grown and have been giving me trouble for the last several months. Just got bleeding under control, but I have "bulk symptoms" and cramping and general discomfort. Two doctors recommend laparoscopic hysterectomy. Uterus is 14 week pregnancy size, and I have 5 fibroids 5cm or less and multiple small ones. Does this sound familiar to anyone, and did hysterectomy help? Thanks in advance for anyone that has info to share.
Pondering hysterectomy for fibroids - Endometriosis UK
Pondering hysterectomy for fibroids
Hey, I can't help with the "what to do" sort of thing but wanted to say hi and welcome
Oh what were your symptoms for fibroids? How did docs diagnose it and what do they suggest? I've had a transvaginal ultrasound a few years back before my endo diagnosis and they found a 5cm fibriod but said it's nothing. I had a hysteroscopy during my endo excision lap but they didn't mention it then. Just wondering if I should chase it up.
my fibroids were found originally while getting a CT scan for something else. I didn't have any symptoms then so there was nothing to worry about. As they have grown, they cause heavy, painful periods and some extended periods of bleeding. I also have a feeling of fullness of lower abdomen with some crampiness. So recently had abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds which showed the size and how many fibroids there are. Hysterectomy recommended because there are so many. Too many for myomectomy, and I'm done with childbearing. Hope this helps!

It does thanks. At least I know what to look out for, my specialist doesn't seem concerned, and I've not mentioned it in over a year and a half but just been thinking recently as my cycle has gone a bit off, hoping it's just a one off. Haven't had any other symptoms though apart from my endo flareup symptoms around my period.
I would think then in your case a hysterectomy would help at least with the main symptoms then you could deal with any related symptoms once recovered x
I had a hysterectomy for fibroids and endo. Excellent for stopping the bleeding but pain remains. I didn’t like the thought of all that growing inside so felt it was my only option.
IF you don't mind sharing, could you tell me what type of pain youre having? I'm sorry you went through that and still have pain.

It’s right sided aches and stabbing pains right into hip area. Also sudden shooting pains up backside to tummy. Gets worse monthly as I still have my ovaries. x
I had just fibroids, not endo. I had very heavy bleeding, period pain, bloating and (with hindsight) constipation and frequent urination. I had a sub-total laparascopic hysterectomy, keeping ovaries and cervixm last April. Everything went well. I have no pain, no regrets and all the aforementioned issues are resolved.
I’ve recently had uterine fibroid embolisation to treat my fibroids. Has this option been mentioned to you? It’s far less invasive than a hysterectomy and the recovery time is quick (relatively speaking).
Yes but one of the several fibroids is pedunculated subserosal and possibly not an appropriate type for that treatment? Did you have that type?

No, not pedunculated. But some pretty big ones and a cervical one which I’m waiting to find out if it’s responded to the the embolisation.