I had a lap in January where endo was diagnosed. Since then I've had 2 mirena coils fitted & dispelled, then the implant. Which also failed to help me. Currently I'm trying the injection. Since January I've had heavy bleeding on and off and constant light/medium bleeding. I've been anemic and on iron tablets. I work a 3 shift pattern at work and I am really struggling to cope and I'm having to have lots of time off work. Not getting much support from work. Anyone else had issues with work or know where to get advice from?
Struggling with work due to anemia - Endometriosis UK
Struggling with work due to anemia

It might be irritating to hear but mirena coil is the best option. Can i ask you if the coils came out on their own after periods? Do you hv a submucous fibroid?
Dienogest for 1 yr could be one option. How old are you?may be you could ask your doc why the mirenas are coming out. Most of the time there is no explanation though. Whats your hb?
Thank you for your reply. The first coil came out due to post op heavy bleeding. And the 2nd was in 6 weeks and came out due to large clots.
The Fibroids were deemed to small to be causing any problems in January that's why they didn't remove them. I have an appointment with my consultant on 23rd December.
Sorry for being silly but what's HB?
I'm nearly 39 .
No no its ok hemoglobin level
You can start with dienogest if no contraindication after disc with your doctor and pyt in another coil after bleed reduces or stops . Then slowly taper off dienigest after 6 mnths