Hi guys. I've had an ablation, and it failed. I had the mirena, and I had 2 rounds of the depo injection and I'm still bleeding so so bad. 2 periods a month now on average, so I'm finally on the list for a hysterectomy. Doctor has now put me on tranexamic acid in the hope that it will help. Last month it did nothing to help and I'm just wondering if anyone else has found that it didn't work? I've started taking it again today. When do you normally see a difference in the flow? I'm so tired of bleeding now. I just want it done with. Does tranexamic work or can it be hit or miss??
Does tranexamic acid work? : Hi guys. I've... - Endometriosis UK
Does tranexamic acid work?

Hi Aofiel73,I have taken TXA for a fair few months along with mefenamic acid, fortunately for me I see a huge difference... I start them the day I first notice spotting/bleeding and I do notice a huge difference in my flow from day 2 or 3 than when I didn't take them.
Fingers crossed you have a better outcome with them this month round 🤞🏻✨
Hi. I had the same problem with bleeding, and tranexamic acid didn't help at all, I felt like it made me bleed even more. Just after having laparoscopy done and taking some natural supplements that regulate estrogen levels I finally didn't bleed continuously. Hope some treatment eventually help for you 🌸
That's what I felt last month too. It was crazy heavy. I was afraid to leave the house for ten days. but I had myself convinced that i was taking them wrong. Stupid, I know. I must look into alternatives because I could be waiting for ever for a hysterectomy
If you still keep bleeding, talk with your GP and ask if there is anything else that could help. Endometriosis can make your hormones get really out of control...if they don't give you anything else, maybe you will need to look into homeopathic alternatives. After laparoscopy I quit all the hormonal treatment because I couldn't tolerate it even after months of trying. Then I bought supplement called "Estro Freedom" on iherb website. That seemed to help me with my hormones, got rid of the hot flushes and other symptoms. It's a bit pricey though, so I always waited for discounts. Also "Estro Sense" is a good one, and cheaper. But I can't say it works for everyone, just know it helped me when my hormones were going through the roof.
It did nothing for me.
Hi I experience really heavy bleeding too and have no regular periods I just get about 1 week break in between periods they are prolonged so I take the tranexamic acid just when bleeding st
Starts to get heavy I found sometimes they work sometimes they don't.It's tiring all the bleeding isn't it. Hope they work for you 🤞
Hi Kirsty, I have recently been prescribed it too. Have only been taking it for a couple of months but have found it has made a difference. Has no impact on the pain (I don’t think it’s supposed to) but periods are so much lighter, so saving myself a lot of money on pads and tampons! Hope it works for you too
Did it work straight away for you?
Yeah I noticed a difference almost instantly. One thing I would say is that I bled for a bit longer than usual (I usually bleed 6/7, on these it’s more like 8/9), but for me it’s worth it because my periods were so heavy before! Obviously everyone reacts to it differently but I’ve definitely had a positive experience with it ☺️ I was prescribed Diflonenic Sodium at the same time for the pain, which apparently may also reduce bleeding.
Reply when I take them it slows it down a little but the bleeding goes on for longer I hope you find a solution soon, sending you a big hug x
I’m so sorry you’re having issues with bleeding. Recently I had a period that lasted over 90 days in total and I have had regular 30+ day periods since feb 2022. Tried tranexemic acid, mefanemic acid and progestins. None of those did anything and they seemed to make me worse! At the end of July my dr gave me norithestrone- works like a charm! Haven’t bled since 2 days after starting it. I’ve been taking it back to back everyday as my gp said to take it until my surgery date which is in just under 3 weeks time.
Also the depo can actually cause worse bleeding!
I’d speak to your doctors and see about trying norithestrone. It’s really good and hopefully it works for you xx
Wow I've never even heard of norithestrone before. My Gynaecologist said that I've tried everything and next step is hysterectomy. (Maybe it's different in Ireland) I'm due to see him again soon so I'll def ask about that thank you so much
I was in the same situation and it didn’t work for me! Feels like nothing can successfully close the floodgates or slow the flow at all.
I can recommend the maternity pads from Amazon. Think it’s brand ABENA. I am not affiliated with them (ha! I wish) but they’re the only thing that has felt dry and comfortable with the amount of bleeding. At least to make you a bit more comfortable until the drs find a way to help x
Thank you so much for that advice. I'll order some. Its so bad now that I have to wear 4 pads during the day and 5 at night plus sleep on 2 towels to protect the bed. It's wearing me out. None of them are absorbant enough for the heaviness of the flow