Am I deluded? Business travel one week af... - Endometriosis UK

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Am I deluded? Business travel one week after lap

Katy_in_the_house profile image

Hi! I am having my first lap on 27th November. I have a work trip via Eurostar planned to depart on 4th December. Has anyone had a lap before and do you think I'll still be groggy/in pain?

I still don't know if it will be a diagnostic lap or one where they need to do surgery. They will decide on the day.

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Katy_in_the_house profile image
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23 Replies
Stresshead24 profile image

I'm one week post op and recovering. .. but wouldn't be able to go on a business trip! I'm very bloated and leggings are my new best friend as nothing else fits! I did have endo removed but was keyhole. Hope this helps abit x

LISaprag profile image
LISaprag in reply to Stresshead24

What smytoms u have for endo as I’m sure I have it but Docs says I don’t be have all symtoms and don’t get heavy periods but get a lot of pain where womb is and on right side I’m at end of period little bit spots blood and still in pain

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to LISaprag

Hi. Well it turns out they did alot of surgery and was on my bowel ovaries etc and a 4cm rectovaginal nodule. They said some people like me would be doubled up in pain etc but my reason for going to the doctors in the first place was due to not getting pregnant and occasional (bad) pain during my periods. It would come on suddenly and be awful but pass if I took buscopan. I also had spotting inbetween periods.

I'm healing well so hope it's all worked. Try and pursue it if you think you have it as not everyone with it is doubled up in pain all the time (thankfully I was a lucky one) x

The hospital gave me the impression that I would be ok within a week of my lap but I really wasn’t. I went back to work nine days after my lap where they did minor ablation and was still very tired and everyone told me I looked like I shouldn’t be there. I only work three days per week so I got through it but in my case, taking a trip would have been too much and I would have felt really poorly once I got there... in no fit state to work! I didn’t drive for four days and a small supermarket trip on day five led to me having to sit down after going through the checkout before having the energy to drive home. Worth saying that I didn’t react very well to the general anaesthetic though (I’m one of the one in ten who it makes sick and my blood pressure dropped very low) and had 24 hours not able to have food or fluid so that won’t have helped.

KTJohnson profile image

I’ve had two laps - both removed endo. I’m an optimistic person and all reading implied you’d be ok in a few days.

My first lap in Jan 2014, wasn’t out of bed for two days and didn’t leave house for about 4.

My 2nd in Aug this year took me much longer - couldn’t stand up straight for 5 days.

It’s a tricky one, as whilst the procedure is the same no two laps will be the same because you don’t know what they’ll find. Both mine were over 3hiurs of surgery. So anaesthetic along takes a while to get out of your system.

I went to Ireland 3wks after Aug surgery. Was nervous, but was ok. But it totally wiped me out. And it was for a wedding - so fun

Maybe caveat with work that you’ll make final call 5 days before you go?

The one thing about surgery, you develop a new found respect for how amazing our bodies are day-to-day (minus the endo bit) because suddenly you ache in places you didn’t know, and the process of surgery is very tired.

All I will say is, you need your energy to heal. Not to get back to work too quickly!

Lalaw profile image

I was told a week off work and it took me four days to even feel like I could leave the house by shuffling along around the corner to the shop. I’m a teacher so luckily had following week off too for half term and i really needed it- could not have gone back til day 12 after op. I had a lot of endo removed though so possibly made a difference. Good luck.

danielle996 profile image

Hey! I was also one of the lucky ones, no real pain throughout most of the month, only the odd bleeding mid month, really bad pain at period time and lack of being able to conceive. My first and only lap they removed 1 of my ovary cysts and some patches of endo, so minor in comparison to some. This was 3.5 weeks ago, I’m 30 and recovered really well, no bloating, op was on a Monday, by Thursday I went to the pub for a couple of hours and Friday I went to a friend’s. I took it easy though for maybe a week-10 days. I think it’s possible but you’ll need to just play it by ear and listen to what your body wants to do! Good luck xx

a1234567 profile image

I had lap and it took me 2 weeks to fully recover. I spent the first week in bed and couldn't move because it was very painful. I decided to go to work the second week and it was a mistake. I could barely walk and it was still painful. People were looking at me and saying "what are you doing here"?. Doctors said to me one week was sufficient, however for me definitely it wasn't.

Rachie9 profile image

I had my lap 1 week ago today. I was signed off by the hospital for 4 weeks. I still feel so tired at the slightest thing and keep having nana naps.

Although the pain isnt too bad at all, it dupes you into thinking you can do things. For example, I felt fine on day 4 and went to supermarket for 15 mins, held onto trolley but I could have cried once I got their, and it took me a day to recover.

Its easy to want to pick things up or bend down...but again, I have suffered for this and one of my stitches has popped.

We are all different though, but hope all goes well whatever you decide x

Booboo08 profile image

I'm on day two. Removed tubes and stage 4 endo by excision. Not moved out of bed . Feel really positive and like I could do stuff. But then I nod off lol.

Trapped gas is a pain. I think you'd be there in mind. But the thought of lugging all your luggage and timetables and schedules would be too much.

Gotta see how you go.

Depends I guess on what they remove. How it goes? Length wise of op? How much you can rest after?

Too many variables xxx hugs

Katy_in_the_house profile image
Katy_in_the_house in reply to Booboo08

Thank you for the insights and I send you hugs and wishes for a good recovery! Keep napping! :-)

I've been told anything could happen during my op...they could just drain the cyst or they could do more. No idea what to expect...I kind of want to prepare myself for the worst and hope for the best. At the same time, I don't want to know to know many details about what they will do as it will make me nervous.

I told my colleagues this morning and we have arranged cover for me so that's a massive relief. I was avoiding telling people TBH. It's just hard explaining this problem to people at work. It's not easy to explain what's "wrong" when you have an ongoing chronic illness that most of the time doesn't affect you at all. It's hard to understand even yourself what the consequences are. I can't predict whether it will definitely stop me from having children.....can't predict when/whether I will be in lots of pain...can't predict whether I'll need another operation in the next year.....two years...or never again.

Liche profile image
Liche in reply to Katy_in_the_house

Its great you arranged cover at work. I had my lap on the 25th of October and thankfully didn't have much pain but it was difficult to stand up, sit down and had to walk slowly. I also experienced nausea, felt bloated and really tired the first week. I was given three weeks off by the gynaecologist.

Hope all goes well with you and please take care.

sanchia46 profile image

It depends what they do in the lap. Are they planning to remove any adhesions?

Katy_in_the_house profile image
Katy_in_the_house in reply to sanchia46

I don't know what they are planning to do! Makes me feel nervous thinking about it. At least, drain my cyst, and at most, remove my ovary. They they might remove adhesions. I hope you are well xxx

sanchia46 profile image
sanchia46 in reply to Katy_in_the_house

In that case you may need more than one week my dear x

becky1985 profile image

it entirely depends, i have had 2 laps to remove endometriosis. It has been 3 weeks today and i am still getting the occasional pain. I tried a little walk after 6 days and felt very sick and still couldn't stand straight. It could be different for you. I did recover quicker after the first one however i have had it removed from different areas this time. I still have swelling after 3 weeks with this one. I think your doctor/surgeon wouldnt recommend it. Discuss it with them before you go down for surgery. Good luck x

Lulububs profile image


I had my diagnostic lap about 3 months ago now and i told my work id b back within a week.... oh how wrong i was.

I went back after a week and i fainted at work. It was just to much to soon. Even the dr will tell u two weeks at least.

U will b swollen and bruised and ur stictches will pull and hurt coz ur so swollen. So dont b trying to go on business trip so soon u could just do urself harm in process.

Ur also feel week and weird from anaesthic.

I ended up not goin back for 21/2 weeks. It wasnt the pain, i was not really in pain it was just uncomfortable but i was so knackered all the time... i just kept sleeping then to go to work where i stand up for about 8 hours was way to much. Ur b able to potter and do stuff just not work

Christinecraft profile image

It takes 1-2 weeks to become totally fit after a lap. Your trip is after one week, so I hope you will be ok to travel. Pain remains for 4-5 days. But your doctor will definitely give you pain killer. I wish it would be a diagnostic lap.Wish you all the best.

Kelly3322 profile image

My first lap when I was 21/22 was meant to be a diagnostic lap and I ended up in surgery for 5 hours and lost my right ovary and tube as well as removing various size cysts and endo. I was recommended to have 5 weeks off work but started feeling like I could manage about and of week 3 into week 4. My second and third laps I was back to work after 2 weeks. And this last one last week in having 2 weeks off and they removed loads of endo. I could do with an extra week but I don't get sick pay. Xx

ninaharrison profile image

Hi there. How are you? What your doctor suggested about this? I think he will guide you best. I don't see any problem is this. I wish you all the best. Take care of your diet and health.

Saravillar12 profile image

Hi there, any kind of trip one-week post surgery is not a good idea. As your body needs some time to recover. You mentioned that you are not sure if it will be operated or not, If it comes out to be just check up and surgery at some later point you can go with your business plan. But in case it turns out to be surgery you should avoid that trip. PS your doctor is always the best person to ask.

AnaWong profile image

It takes 1-2 weeks to end up noticeably completely fit after a lap. Your excursion is following one week, so I trust you will be alright with movement. Torment stays for 4-5 days. Be that as it may, your specialist will give you the agony executioner. I wish it would be the asymptomatic lap.Wish all of you the best.

Hi ladies I was brave and said no to the work trip! No regrets and all colleagues were understanding.

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