Answers after Lap?: Hi! Can someone help me... - Endometriosis UK

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Answers after Lap?

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image


Can someone help me..I went for my first consultant appointment on Tuesday..They said it sounds like endo and giving family got my first lap on Tuesday coming..because it was a cancellation..they have booked me fast..I'm very nervous and scared..But does anyone know if you find out if they found anything on the day of the Lap or would I have to wait?

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13 Replies
luthien profile image

Aww, it's understandable to be nervous, it's an operation. We'll all help you through it with help / advice and any last minute worries / preparation, after op stuff we've all experienced. Any questions just ask, doesn't matter how silly; docs sometimes forget we're people and we need to know all the silly stuff even down to knickers or not when going in for the op lol!

My consultant operated on me himself so when I was coming round in recovery he had a quick chat, told me what they'd found and done. I had a diagnostic with removal of anything they found, plus hysteroscopy and biopsies. They found endo and excised it. Then later that day when my hubby was there he came round again to explain stuff and what I should expect recovery wise. I know not everyone sees their consultant after the op, sometimes they have to wait for the letter to go to their GP or have a follow up appt with their consultant. I had that aswell at 2 weeks post op, and the letter to my GP with me CC'd in at home.

I'd definitely see if when you're in before you're op if they can excise anything they find, plus take biopsies, as it will avoid waiting for another op; usually the first is just a diagnostic before you then have to wait for another one to actually remove end (if it is that) which I have heard it can be months. I was able to push for both ops in one.

Hope that helps xx

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to luthien

Thank you for replying to me..I feel like I don't want to ask to much and annoy people lol..Im going to ask about it before hand..I'm scared that their either not going to find anything and it'll be something else..Or that it will be stage 3 of 4..All the worse case scenarios keeps going round in my head lol.

They've said I'll only be down about 25-30 mins and I'll be home 1-2 hours after if everything goes smoothly (fingers crossed) I'm soo scared that something is going to go wrong..But everyone keeps telling me I'll be fine..but I'm a natural worrier lol..Thank you for really does help when someone who's been through it can answer the questions! X

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Mermaid-Galaxy88

I was soooo worried before mine. I asked so many questions on here as I'd never had an op, you're not going to annoy anyone, we've all been where you are now, we all remember!

The American system is to grade it, my specialist doesn't like grading as symptoms don't always correlate to severity. Mine was classes as severe, with endo on the bladder, uterus and bowel, sticking them all together. My specialist unstuck them all and removed as much endo as he could on his own in one op. I was under for about an hour, and could go home 5ish hours later when I was ready. I did have a second op where he wanted a specialist to get the bit off my bowel, that was a 2 hour op and an overnight stay. I think they go by how you are in recovery and what they did during your op. Yours sounds like just a diagnostic, it'll be fine.

Just give yourself time to recover xx

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to luthien

I'm so scared..Literally every horrible thought possible is running! I'm in the UK so it's a lil different! I'm terrified I'm going to be put to sleep but still feel it or they think I'm asleep and I'm not! Horrified that I might fart whilst their doing it and I'll be mortified! I'm that scared I've thought about cancelling it! X

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Mermaid-Galaxy88

I'm in the UK too, even here all experiences are different and it varies from hospital to hospital and specialist to specialist.

You'll be asleep, they check all that :) You'll drift off while the anasthatist and his team talk to you and do their stuff, before you even get to the theatre, then boom you wake up in recovery and you're high on painkillers and groggy!! It's like no time has passed.

As for farting, just think what they've seen or heard, they won't care!

My most scary thing was realising I woke up with no knickers and a pad shoved there :O !! The nurses explained everything has to be clean as they may need to check there, and I was like oooo I see lol!

Just keep focussing on why you want the lap and go from there, you're a step towards finding out what's wrong.

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to luthien

Oh sorry I thought because you'd put something about America I thought you were American I've gone back read it I get it! My mum and hubby said the same about the farting and seeing things i didn't realise they were guna see..they said "I bet they've seen worse so don't worry lol" I'm going to be having it done at southmead hospital (Bristol) I've had friends have it done there and they've been alright so I just keep thinking about them lol..I pray I'm out the same day as staying in there is worse than's soo boring lol xx

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Mermaid-Galaxy88

lol it's okay!

Take your tablet and netflix! or something to read.

hope all goes well xx

princessk09 profile image

Hey, good luck for your lap! I got a discharge letter which gave a brief sentence of what he found and did during surgery. And the nurse told me in recovery too and I wanted to cry as I finally got answers xx

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to princessk09

Thank you for replying!I hope I get some answers! But I'm more scared than anything about having it done lol x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Mermaid-Galaxy88

The surgery is nothing to worry about and I have a huge fear of hospitals and stuff haha xx

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to princessk09

That makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who doesn't like hospital of want to stay there lol xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Mermaid-Galaxy88

When I was in the ward after the lap, I just lied and said I went toilet since they won’t let you go until you have ate, drank and peed haha xx

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image
Mermaid-Galaxy88 in reply to princessk09

Same as after having a baby..they won't let you go unless you've done all them...if I have to I will lie lol xx

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