Hiya! I'm at my wits end and I really don't know who or where to ask.
I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14, Endo at 21 and have had a total of 5 operations and am now 31. I was told after last operation things were 'ok' but to go on Zoladex. As my problems have been lifelong and Zoladex is only a temporary solution (plus horror stories attached) I decided to go with nothing. I react very badly to hormone pills. I tried depo injection and wasn't able to walk for the second two months so came off of it. I also had many neurological events while on Mirena and Cerazette.
In August last year I began to get bouts of nausea for about 3 days prior to my period, mostly in the evening. With other neurological problems seemingly tied to 'time of the month' I thought I would try a monophasic pill (loestrin) to level hormones as a test. The side effects were awful, mood dropped way down, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, paranoia, fear, severe nausea, diarrhoea ..and then very aggressive thrush same time each month (for three months). I couldn't bare the side effects so I came off them and I am really not right, ovulation is awful and my periods start including a week long migraine (with aura + I smell either burning or dog poo just before the attack).
During ovulation (like clockwork): sudden uncontrollable diarrhoea (to the point I've had to poop in front of my bf on the side of busy motorway!! Sorry TMI :() flu symptoms, nervous/fear, severe headache/migraine, hip pain, very low mood, abdo pain.
Period: All of the above yet longer lasting. Migraine (with aura) for a +/-week. What really worries/bothers me is this huge wave of nausea I get, it hits several times throughout the day and then welcomes in intense panic and fear. I also shake feeling VERY cold, like suddenly my blood is made of ice (temperature shoots down to 35 degrees), my body feels cold to others, yet its no cold in a room. Whats worse is now I have an intense phobia of being near other people that are unwell. If I know someone is sick then it sets this chain reaction off too (only the nausea and panic bit).
I don't understand whether the nausea (and has an underlying cause) sets off the panic or the other way round. I had a simple hormone test done last week but apparently that's fine. I don't know whether its my hormones (endo or PCOS) messing about.. or to try depo injection again.. surely the side effects of that are better than this.. last night I was so panicked that I was determined I should dump my bf and had many suicidal thoughts.
The symptoms are less during the month but still there on and off. I go to Mindfulness group and counselling but neither are making a difference.
If anyone has similar feelings or can offer advice I would really really appreciate it! Thanks