Sick and tired of doctors not listening! - Endometriosis UK

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Sick and tired of doctors not listening!

koko88 profile image
5 Replies

I have been having constant severe pain for months and I am at my wits end because I keep being fobbed off - I have suffered with PCOS for years so I very rarely get a period. I have spoken with 2 gynaecologists first one said nope not a gynae problem, I know you have PCOS but you dont need medication, learn to live with it! I questioned him about endo and he told me no you cant have both...bull****

The second one practically went through the roof when I told him im not being treated for PCOS and because I dont ovulate with pcos I cant have endo because the pain isnt constant and only happens during ovulation!

Told me I had IBS and I told him I didnt agree and he just wouldnt listen..

I explained the pain and the symptoms im having which is sharp pain on right side, nausea, dizzy, lower back pain that goes right down my legs, lots of discharge and sooo much pain! I even bled after the transvaginal ultrasound I felt like I was being stabbed the whole way through and had to spend the next day in bed because I literally couldnt walk.

Is anyone experiencing any of this?

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koko88 profile image
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5 Replies
ADRemington profile image

I experienced the same thing and soon after I was diagnosed with Endo, I had to force my gyn to do the procedure because she was %100 sure I didn't have it.

One of Endo's side effect is a lot like IBS, but it isn't IBS.

For the pain, I drink a lot of Raspberry tea and use heat pads/blanket. Ginger helps with nauseous, for inflammatory use pineapple, cilantro, melon's & Turmeric(works best with black pepper). Pinterest has lots of information on herbs and how to use them.

Roxie101 profile image


Sane thing happened to me though I don't suffer with PCOS. I was back and forth doctors for years who told me had IBS. I had the copper coil at the time too so was experiencing excruciating periods and pains. I eventually returned to doctors only because my husband said the coil was causing the problems. She really didn't want me to remove coil but I did. The gyne who removed it actually listened to me and said my symptoms sounded like endo. I tried a different GP at my doctors and I told her what the gyne said. She referred me and many years down the road I had a lap and they found I have endo on my ovaries and bowel (which created IBS symptoms) also possibly adenomyosis. So keep persevering, try a different GP. Maybe make a pain diary so you can show them when, where and the type your having.

Good luck x

I've experienced the same thing, was misdiagnsoed for 6 years because I was told it was muscle injuries, urine infections or just being female, which really hacked me off. Recently the pain has got worse and I'm being passed back and forward between my GP and the gynaeo, some GPs at my practice still don't believe I have it or that my tiredness and low immune system are even related. It sucks but all we gotta do is keep pushing and making a fuss til someone hears, no one knows your body like you!

Roslynkatie profile image

I was discharged from hospital yesterday following the most intense pain I have ever experienced. I also couldn't walk, couldn't work and felt in agony. I looked 30 weeks pregnant. I've previously had scans, a laparoscopy 4 years ago and so many swabs and bloods. It's taken 6 years to get a diagnosis. And yet even now, I was told yesterday they thought it was just a cycle thing. It wasn't until the ultrasound showed a ruptured cyst, 3 patches of active endo and another cyst that they listened.

It's so tough trying to get people to listen. It's so disheartening because people stop supporting you and I started to feel like I was going mad.

sal-lew profile image


I don't know how much help this is but I did get pushed from pillar to post a bit with doctors. One thought it was IBS, another said ovarian cyst, then they said a trapped this point I got quite upset and explained I know my own body and whilst I'm not medically qualified, I knew something was wrong and it felt like it was coming from my uterus. Funnily enough, that's exactly where the endo was!!

I was very lucky to see another doctor who was very understanding and thorough. He talked me through what endo was for about 40 mins, and said that when I see gyne, not to leave without the lap being booked. They did give me other options first but I did exactly what he said and I do think it got me through the process quicker. Can you see an endo specialist to really push this through? Big hugs xx

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