Went back to consultant in October after just being so fed up, new kind of awful pain waking me in the night, bad flooding and general feeling rough.
I had to keep from rolling my eyes as he sent me for yet another ultrasound... feeling confident that, like every other time, it would show nothing abnormal.
Well, went back for results from consultant today and it appears I have a bulky uterus and large mass in my uterus which doesn't appear to be part of the endometrium/myometrium. It's 6cm x 5cm x 3cm or something so not tiny considering my uterus isn't an awful lot bigger (not had kids). I also have an enlarged right ovary but the consultant is more concerned about my uterus at the moment.
My consultant is reasonably alarmed. He took an endometrial biopsy during the consult under local although the amount of blood sitting in my uterus made it problematic and after about 6 pipelles full of old blood he called it enough and just hopes there is some tissue in there too.
He is pushing through a hysteroscopy. Under local though - has anyone had one under local? I've had one under GA but am nervous about it under local.
This mass is cavitatory and heterogenous in appearance.
Has anyone had anything like this? And what was it?
We talked through that it may be an endometrial cast (but doc feels this is unlikely), a very bizarre and huge polyp or a fibroid although he didn't seem convinced by any of the above.
I am trying to be sensible and not get too worried but I could tell just from how quickly he was getting things sorted that it could be something sinister as usually the NHS drag their feet. He wants all investigation done within 6 maximum so we can mak make a treatment plan.
I would be grateful of anyone's experiences with this sort of thing.