Hi. I'm now 4 days post op. Doc told me he used a lot of heat around my ureters to free them from dense adhesions. He mentioned a possible complication of ureteral necrosis which he said can rarely occur "several days or more" after surgery. My question is anyone here have damage to their ureters/bladder etc and what were you symptoms and how long after surgery did they occur? He said that although rare my ureters could disintegrate and leak urine into my pelvic space! Oh my..... I'm feeling ok, but obviously nervous about this info.... Eeeek.
Damage to ureters anyone? 4 days post op. - Endometriosis UK
Damage to ureters anyone? 4 days post op.
Actually just want to clarify on the terminology i used - he mentioned the possibility of thermal damage, not necessarily necrosis.
Yes he is a very skilled endometriosis specialist, and an advanced laparascopic surgeon.
Hi Meekos,
Sorry to hear about your op hope you are resting up.
I have had a lot of problems with bladder/ ureteric endo and in fact had horrible complications where my bladder wall split open (several times in fact - it's a rare thing to happen apparently). I have honestly never experienced pain like it - it was an immediate excruciating pain, I was unable to walk at all and struggled to call an ambulance. In fact the pain was so bad I also lost feeling in my extremities as I couldn't even feel the needle from the cannula going into my arm. All in all - very painful indeed! Luckily it finally got repaired and I am loads better now, just some residual scarring and mild pain.
Take care and good luck with your recovery.
PS - it's worth knowing that this type of surgery is very complex, sometimes (not often) complications do unfortunately occur.... I really hate endo as it can be so invasive and v difficult to treat. The surgeons work so hard to do this type of surgery.
Thanks doc hope you have a nice weekend
Telling a patient the truth or any part needs to be followed with
We will try to prevent this ,,,,,,,
I had many many surgeries
As for me I have all my organs
I'm not in pain
I'm past menopause
One female dr said to me
" wow after all that you managed to keep all your organs"
Clearly she was surprised
And while that may not be the goal for all to reach it may not even be a good goal to reach
It's a choice I made
If you lose organs you may be out of pain there is no shame in wanting out of pain or having things cut out
No shame
There is no blame or shame in any of this for any of us .
I do see how necrotizing of any skin is possibke
If blood supply is cut off the organ will start to die
In menopause the organs the ovaries do shrink and become useless
But that does not mean they will cause an issue
I sure hope that since your dr is so good at putting fear and worry in you
He had some answers as to how to help
Dr if your penis starts to die don't worry
Cut it off at your age you don't need it
Has none here wanted to say that ??
I have
I had operation on my ureters and bladder 5 weeks ago. Did you have stents put in ? I had stents for four weeks so the ureters can heal up properly. Now the stents are removed and the urologist is very happy with the result!
If you did not need stents then hopefully the likely hood of any serious complications are low. The gynaecologist did tell me there always possibility of secondary stenosis which strikes randomly. I decided not to dwell on it as there is more chance getting killed by car commute to work!
Don't worry too much. Hope you recover well.