My Latest Lipid Profile, My Fasting Insulin... - Diabetes India

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My Latest Lipid Profile, My Fasting Insulin & My hsCRP as reported today.

namaha profile image
26 Replies

This is futher to my Previous Posts on HBA1C, hsCRP, fasting insulin , Amylase/ Lipase and testosterone,

I am happy to share with you my latest lipid profile!

Since I can attach only one image with each post , I attach my lipid profile report with this message, I had to make 3 different posts - all are arranged sequentially

(1) According to my endocrinologist and cardiologist, My Lipid profile and hsCRP are concurrent with each other, ruling out any future CV risk. My hsCRP is less than 0.1...continuosly for the 3rd time during last one year.

(2) This time I checked for Amylase enzyme released by my pancreas ...which indicates that my pancreas is not under stress.

(3) also this time I got my testosterone level checked...found to be adequate ...

Why testosterone ?

It is a male hormone, masculine is not only a male sex hormone, it is kingpin in maintaining a host of health parameters .... responsible for Bone health, heart health, muscles mass building, Body Fat reducing ...if testosterone becomes less, not only your sexual desire will dry up, but has connection with ED....Even women have this hormone to some extent ....which helps in the overall women health ..though the main women hormones are estrogen and Progesterone.

Please read the article on Testosterone!

If you want to view my previous Two lipid profile report... please view here

You are welcome to ask me any questions

Thank you

Maty God bless you

Stay Safe , Stay Healthy

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namaha profile image
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26 Replies
vyas123 profile image

Great to see such ideal values wrt all parameters of lipids and sugars, that too without medicine. With medicine too, we are unable to get such readings. It is a dream for us to get that kind of lab report.👍

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to vyas123

Dear vyas

Gradually, I had to reduce my medications & supplements and stop most of them after consulting with my doctor as I went low blood sugar a couple of times with my current diet & lifestyle.

I am still on metformin - not to control my blood sugar, but my Endochrinologist has refused to stop it due to many other benefits that Metformin has to offer which I am convinced at least for the time being.

Please read my post on metformin- given link below: please read my complete post all the links there in have the right perspective .

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

Yes, I am following all your posts and reading as and when you post. Very very useful. I am also on metformin. Lipids are always higher for me.

sandybrown profile image

Thank you for posting your blood test results.

All the blood numbers are with in limits, are you happy and enjoying one life with your family and friends.?

Are you able to eat what you want when you go out?

A medical professor once told me if possible no investigation and no testing, listen to your body and enjoy life.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to sandybrown

Dear Sandy

Good question indeed!

For the first 48 years of my life, I enjoyed a lot... Travelled a lot in business & leisure trips with family ..... 15 -20 days a month was my official tour within my own country and Overseas....

......ate anything and everything I liked in restaurants, late night dinner parties almost all weekends , eating junk foods at airport's.......and ate anywhere & everywhere.

Never used to go for annual medical check ups though it was all free for me....funded by my company..

.... Until, oneday I started to notice Shoulder pain ...........And it was becoming severe by every passing day...when I couldn't not sleep for weeks due to severe pain.... I went for medical check up and I was diagnosed with type -2....

Now the doctor listens to my lifestyle and diet. ..... and tells me the reason for my diabetes..... And what kind of lifestyle I should adopt and what kind of food to eat..... Of course, thereafter I have come a long way.... By self learning through my own research and project work during my Nutrition degree ...... Now correcting my lifestyle, diet for my overall health after having learnt the hard way.....

....when one eats only animal products his choice is very limited, when one eats plant based diet....sensibly....Choice is limitless and enjoyable....

Diabetes is very notorious.... It is a silent killer..... Unfortunately, data/ statistics show that most diabetes end up with complications Damaging different organs.....diabetic Neuropathy- leg amputation , nephropathy- kidney failure , Retinopathy- eye damages, cardiomyopathy & heart failure, brain health - Alzheimer's, dementia , schizophrenia ...and many other complications are --- still being discovered day by day.. some of these so called Pathy's are well researched and documented associated with diabetes, But need of the hour is diabetic education which is lacking in our society . Not only most of us lack basic education on Nutrition,...yet there may be others in the society who don't hesitate to spread their half cooked knowledge gained through internet and Hearsay........unfortunately ignorant people get easily misguided by these self acclaimed experts and put their life in to more health complications .☹️

On importance of lab testing monitoring for diabetes ....No organs is spared unless one tests and monitors his health parameters very regularly and takes proactive measures- this is the universal mandate given by all Medical professionals across the world,

Testing/ blood work at path Labs regularly gives you Confidence if the diet and lifestyle followed by you suits to your health or not and also gives tell tale signs of begining of a diabetic complications and with proper medical care , complications can be prevented.

Hope it answers to your question and in my view your professor may have been ill-informed .... may not be applicable for diabetes at least ......may be he needs to learn and re-learn more on diabetes...for all due respect for your esteemed professor. 😁

Stay Safe Stay healthy take care!

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

Similar story with me too. Never controlled food until diabetes is diagnosed and few years after diagnosis too. Even now eat everything except sweets (controlled). Am veg. Take egg too occasionally.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to vyas123

What are your lipids ? Lipids & hsCRP - both are critical parameters to be monitored as these carry heart risks especially for diabetes .

Lipids is the cousin of blood sugar and both occur together. You can not emphasize one and ignore the other.

Please don't listen to anyone if they say that high cholesterol is ok. They tend to say this because they are not able to control their own cholesterol/ Lipids naturally.

No where in the world the cholesterol levels and other lipid parameters have been revised upwards. I would like to know if some country has revised acceptances level upwards at least not in India .

Goes without saying that in case someone is hospitalized unfortunately due to heart issues, all doctors , all hospitals across the world would follow a standard protocol.....and one of the reference point is lipid profile...and they would start treatment as per the cholesterol / lipids specification.

So please go strictly as per your doctors advice to control your cholesterol / Lipids rather than listening and believing Hear-Say.

Yes you don't need drugs for cholesterol / Lipids control if you know your food/ nutrition well and follow a discipline.

However, if you don't want to learn the diet , life style to control lipids, then better follow your doctors advice...better be on medication ....But food is thy medicine ... can not afford to live with lipid issues , not consult your doctor , which could complicate your health and your insulin resistance and diabetes further.

Stay Safe stay healthy

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

Agree with you completely. I am also taking plant based diet about 1kg vegetables per day. Walk about 3 hours a day various times. No dairy except occasional curd rice. Cholesterol is little lower to the border levels. Triglicerides went to 300 from 150 after eating lots of mangoes and jackfruits. Hba1c went to 6.4. If all fruits sweets are stopped and eat only one guava in the morning, then usually , the report is normal. I also take soaked almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, watermelon seeds, in the morning. Using jackfruit powder too in the afternoon. Reduced carbs (rice, rasam, dal, veg curry is usual lunch, dosa/idli/upma/macaroni/pongal for brakfast, dinner is oats/ragi/roti very reduced quantity) by half of what i normally take. Stopped all fruits and taking only Jamun fruit now about 10 to 12 per day that includes 8 in the morning. Due to higher readings about 10 days ago, increased metformin to 1250 (500 250 500). Used to take 375 375 375. Alternate days, taking 1 tab supradyn (multi vitamin). Once in while, I take b12 inj. D3 tabs (as per course) once in a year. Diabetic for about 20 years. Hypo thyroid and high BP too. Memory power too not great.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to vyas123

Dear vyas

(1) What is your BMI? Body weight?

(2) Have you ever measured your insulin levels/ c-peptide levels ?

(3) plant based diet vs Low Fat whole plant based diet are different concepts. In case of LFWPB diet, what I have learnt is that Fat intake need to be minimised especially saturated fat need to be avoided all together..... Saturated fat is found in dairy, eggs, meat....

You seem to be taking too much fats.... from all kinds of nuts and seeds... Perhaps You need to watch your portion size depending upon your BMR - basal metabolic rates.

I take only flax seeds & Almonds.. and at times few walnuts.

(4) on fruits- Fruits and fats especially Saturated fats don't go together as I can see from reviews in another diabetic forum which is exclusively plant based..

Fruits Portion size would depend upon the type of fruits you are eating and your diabetic conditions.....some people may have fructose intolerance...some people may have intolerance to some specific fruits. you need to figure out that and avoid them and take what suits your body.

(5) on physical exercise, if you can you need to have brisk walk to your highest ability.. to the extent you are comfortable with.

Or walk in a treadmill @ 5.5 to 6 kmph.

I also do resistance training 10-15 mnts a day, apart from yoga & pranayan early in the morning.

Hope you are in touch with your doctor for your treatment.

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

70kg 5'7" Fruit - only one guava in the morning.

Yoga, Pranayama, Walk - altogether about 3 to 4hrs. 2hrs domestic work.

Nuts (5almonds, 1 or 2 full walnut kernels), Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, 1 to 2 teaspoons each), Flax + Sesame(about 25gms or so)

Vegetables(about a kg per day), reduced carb food.

With this followed, usually my report is normal. Deviations will make report bad. Some people used to say, fruits are fine and tried with it and resulted high triglycerides and hba1c

Never checked and no doctor asked me to check insulin and c-peptide levels in the last many years about 2 decades. Doing brisk walk. Never used any medicine for lipids though they always more or at the border. Thyroid report was normal but due to a cyst, half thyroid is removed so started medicine after that surgery.

BP for about more than 30 years. Thyroid 10 years, Diabetes 20 years

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to vyas123

Dear vyas Your diet Appears fine basic thumb rule is to go gradually and see if your body accepts...

Avoid those which your body does not accept! Everybody is different.. You may also be intolerant to some specific fruits or fructose.

It is important that you know your pancreas health and beta cell status.. may please test your c peptide level and insulin levels... Please Consult your doctor If required test for amylase and lipase enzymes.

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

I have been on this type food for many years. Vegetables quantity increased recently. In general doing good. Today I am starting Apple cider vinegar and Ashwagandha tablets hoping for quality sleep. I am sleeping fine otherwise but with lots of dreams. Amylase, lipase have been normal in my half yearly comprehensive preventive health checks.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to vyas123

Dear vyas I would strongly recommend Balsamic vinegar.... You can have this as salad dressing with every meal.... It is 5 times healthier with antioxidants than apple vinegar....Balsamic vinegar helps nitric oxide production in arteries .

Apple vinegar is Acetic acid and it is heavily processed and stripped of nutrients.

Balasmic vinegar is highly recommended by Dr Esselstyn who treated &reversed heart disease of of ex-president of USA- Bill clinton .

Balsamic vinegar if many brands available with Amazon.

I love Balsamic vinegar tastes better is not pungent like apple cider .

Link below on Bill Clinton ex- president's statement

On balsamic vinegar :


Bill clinton lunch spread with Dr esselstyn

You tube video on bill cliton talks to dr esselstyn

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to namaha

Excellent. Will try it out. Thank you.

Tried Jamun vinegar but could not notice any use with it, so did not continue after few bottles

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to sandybrown

I too heard, eat what body says and enjoy and tried and failed. Body liked mangoes, cashews, sweets. I did not have sweets but tried mangoes and jackfruit, cashews. Half of what actually body and tongue wanted. Sugar levels and triglycerides went up substantially in 3 months.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to vyas123

I eat fruits. No sugar and no sweets. Because of-allergy I am unable to eat some fruits! I am 74, retired, enjoying life with controlled life style and regular exercise. Because of weight training During my student days, I am wide and weigh more than average. Now weight is under control but blood numbers are higher than average. Only time will tel if I need medication for blood numbers. One professor mentioned that controlling weight and waist is important. I need to loose few kilos. Take care.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to sandybrown

Dear Sandy

Earlier also, I had seen one post from you that your lab numbers are increasing...and you seem to have developed some kind of complacency because of the following two reasons as I could see from your posts if my understanding is correct !

(1) Blood sugar numbers increase with age

(2) you are already 74 and there are much younger people in this forum with still higher numbers and more why should you worry ?

In my view ,You may have to reprogram your subconscious mind..

My assessment is that the blood sugar numbers of non-diabetics don't increase with age ..even those who live for 100 years , the blood sugars remain 5-5.5 HBA1c ....I have seen this with few of my senior relatives & friends.

With regards to your condition that even at 74 years , your blood sugar numbers though increasing , but still much better than younger members in the forum. By this thinking you are doing injustice to your own body.

Everybody is different due to different diabetic status that we have acquired as of we can not compare...and

Even if you compare , you should benchmark with non-diabetes blood sugar numbers and non-diabetics overall health...then you may have a zeal to work on your body .

The body gives you enough signal that you need to work on your body ....and please don't on this..does not matter whatever you follow and whatever you eat...

You only sometimes say that one must listen to one's body and act ....

Please take care, stay safe , stay healthy 🙏

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to namaha

Thank you for your response. Yes I am looking my numbers, to take an action for blood glucose an uri acid. By eating berries and pine apple by Uric acid has come down, test taken last week, and it is now within range. My HbA1C test will be in Dec this year and I am working towards it. Blood cholesterol, yes it is a problem to reduce it. UK, NHS protocol do not allow additional testing. Even some medication I do not qualify for it.

Take care .

vyas123 profile image
vyas123 in reply to sandybrown

Which berries are best for overall health for BP, diabetes, thyroid patients?

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to vyas123

Because of my fruit allergy, I can eat ,strawberry, bleak berry and blue berry. I cannot eat mango or jack fruit.! this is because of sap in the fruit.

I Asia one can get black fruit like cherries, these are good, the seeds on the fruit are sold in shops and also in powder, in Tamil it is Nalval Palam.

Take care.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to sandybrown

Dear Sandy Berry and pine apple could help fight with your uric acid.

However , it can not stop generation of uric acid. You have to stop it's origination.

Insulin plays a major role and so also blood sugar level in uric acid formation

Have you ever checked your insulin levels ???

You may please get guided by this comprehensive article !

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to namaha


I live in a country where NHS provide free health care. Doctor's follow NHS protocol.

Basic health check list is given to doctors and doctors stick to this. If some thing is picked up then there is a referral to a specialist. Additional blood tests are available.

For me so far I am not a candidate for referral for cholesterol or blood glucose.

Under NHS health check, BP, Cholesterol and blood glucose are tested, only the basic and depending on the results, health advice or medication given. Any additional blood tests are available when one is taken to A&E.

I am afraid this is the NHS system I come under and therefore I am unable to go for some specific tests. This applies to most of UK, NHS people.

Many blood tests are available privately but medication can be costly, not every one have private medical insurance. I do not have private medical insurance.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to sandybrown

I understand your point...other than the testing part of it , a lot of other things you can do to control your uric acid levels which is under your control......if you are keen to reduce your level...Stay safe stay healthy 🙏

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to namaha

Thank you.

would it be possible for you to explain the steps that I can take to reduce the uric acid.?

I do understand the food and drinks control and eating specific fruits and veg.

Other members can benefit who are trying to reduce uric acid to control gout.

Thank you.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to sandybrown

I think I have attached a link of an established website that explains very well...I have nothing more to add.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to namaha

Thank you for all your help.

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