Lipid profile and Fasting insulin numbers. ... - Diabetes India

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Lipid profile and Fasting insulin numbers. Where i possibly gone wrong?

Shri9 profile image
25 Replies

Dear Members, Please check my lipid numbers and comment. Diets and activities i followed:

1st interval (7 dec to 3 Jan) Exercise walking daily 1 hrs 30 min. Diet: Moderate-Protein Moderate-Carb Low-Fat

2nd Interval (3 Jan to 22 Jan) Walking 30 Min. Diet: Moderate-Protein Low-Carb High-Fat (trying to opt LCHF from 4 days before test)

1. What fasting insulin level tell?What is its significance?

2. As you can see considerable change in HDL. How to increase it? Where i cud hav possibly gone wrong?

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Shri9 profile image
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25 Replies
Praveen55 profile image

Hi shri9,

I can give my opinion on Insulin resistance(IR) based on your fasting insulin of 10mU/L and fasting glucose of 170mg/dl( from your last post).

Your HOMA - IR comes out to be 4.2.

Optimal range 0.5 - 1.4

> 1.9 means early Insulin resistance

> 2.9 means significant insulin resistance

Therefore you are insulin resistant. Low carb will be helpful.

You can also search the net HOMA - IR to learn more. That would be useful in the long run.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to Praveen55

Sorry, forgot to mention, the day i took test Fasting glucose was 102mg/dL.. what about HDL level is it effect of less exercise ? And i was also consuming ghee butter since last 6 days..

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55Moderator in reply to Shri9

That is very good. with102 your HOMA - IR is 2.5 which means only slightly insulin resistance. If you lose weight your result will be excellent I guess.

I did not comment on LIPID profile because there are good experts in our group who will address this issue much better than me. Just wait for sometime. You will get very good advice from them.

Praveen55 profile image

Hi Shri9,

As per recent research, what is most important is TG/HDL ratio. When you drop TG usually it results in increased HDL and that is what is being observed in two of your readings. It is surprising to me why the test on 22 Jan with a significant reduction of TG, HDL has also gone down. Very unusual indeed. I have really no clue - maybe there is test error.

Having said that your TG/HDL ratio has been improving throughout:

7th Dec: 11

3rd Jan: 2.9

22nd Jan: 2.8

TG/HDL ratio between 2 and 3 signifies some insulin resistance which is the case for you.

TG/HDL ratio above 3 shows insulin resistance and elevated risk of heart disease.

In my opinion, you are progressing in the right direction - particularly when I note that you have taken the tests at very short intervals. I will assume there may be some error in the final HDL. Nothing to worry. It will improve with time following the new diet and exercise regimen. Wish you better numbers in the coming months.

By the way, exercise and Ghee - both are good for improving HDL.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to Praveen55

But sir, there is increase in LDL also, so If hdl and ldl are related then values may be true !

In first interval, i was strictly on low fat diet this makes me think whether to opt high fat? Or shud i wait to fall number in place because i am worried about HDL it is unexpected.

Can i opt Moderate carbs (80 to100grams) High Protein, low fat diet for few days (which i was following in 1st interval with sufficient excercise)?

In first interval i was burning 500 Kcal a day through exercise. Which came down to 250 kcal in 2nd interval.

As hdl is advised to be above 40. Do i need medication? Or i can improve continuing my schedule?

Do olive oil consumption help in improving HDL?

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to Praveen55

Or shud i simply repeat the test selecting other lab🤔🙃

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55Moderator in reply to Shri9

Shri9, I do understand your concerns and dilemma regarding HDL. Still, in my opinion, you should not go for another blood test right away. Give about three months before the next blood tests.

Regarding the diet, your last estimate was good with 80gm of carbohydrate. I think you should not worry too much about fat and protein. As you will be eating non-veg, it is highly unlikely that you will become deficient in either of these. In fact, you do not need to even count. Just make sure you are limiting the carb. which may be allowed to go lower than your estimated intake but not higher. Cook your non-veg food in the normal way without counting how much fat you are adding. You will be fine.

Yes, both olive oil and Ghee are good and are reported to give a boost to HDL. Just take care not to use olive oil at very high temp. Ghee is more stable at high temperature.

Also, wait for replies from other members.

I do not think you need to take a cholesterol-lowering drug at this time but you may discuss that with your Doctor.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to Praveen55

Yes, thanq

Using olive oil for salad dressing only and ghee for cooking.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Praveen55



Just a few questions.

1) Have you taken any statins?

2) What is your height, weight and caloric requirements?

3) Do you take any anti Diabetes medications?

From blood sugars, insulin and ir etc., shri you are still on a high carb diet. Carbs should be as less as possible. This ketogenic range diet would bring down tg down. Now a days non hdl cholesterol lipids are imp.

In short, the key to improve lipid profile is, have the carbs as less as possible and ketogenic ratio 3-4:1. Seems shri still thinks fats are responsible for bad lipid profile. Yes. But good fats should be taken.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to suramo

suramo sir

1) No. i havn't till now

2) Height 5'8"(172 cm) Weight 82 kg age 32 Havnt calculated requirement but taking 1300Kcal approx.

3) Initially i was taking medications (Metformin 20mg/500). But as doctor said after loosing 4-5 kgs and if u r doing excercise u can stop medics (I was 87kg). So i stopped it. My 14 days average (FBS:103 PPBS:138)

I am taking,

Net carbs 80 to 90 grams(2 whole wheat roti, sprouts, nuts).

Protein 120 grams (Sprouts, Egg whites, Chicken)

50- 60 gm fats (Nuts mostly)

1300- 1400 Kcal a day

Calories burning through exercise 300-500 Kcal

Hesitation about fat is just because previously i was following same diet and numbers improved considerably. No change in schedule and for 6 days before test i was following LCHF but HDL decreased. Thats why the concern.

Please advise..

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Shri9


You have to reduce weight. 82 kg is too high.

Reduce carbs to @ 50 and protein @ 60. As long as you are taking high carbs you can't reduce your weight. Don't go by sheer mathematics. Body changes its responses not based on our mathematics.

Ketogenic ratio 3-4: 1. So 900 cal = 100 g fats

and rest 300 from c & p so 40 g each. But protein should be atleast 50-60 g for you. That brings carb to 15-20 g. A day.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to suramo

Ok got it. 20 g net carbs right?

If i reduce weight upto 75kg how much carb i can take..? I mean can i increase to 50gm then?

Also do i hav to resume medications?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Shri9


Your weight should be @62 kg.

Carbs are responsible for fat deposition in our body. Whenever you will increase carbs in your food your weight and abd fat will increase and you will have to start medicines. We can't metabolise carbs efficiently. So we have to give up craze for carbs. We are not cured. Can just control D. Carbs in food will again start the vicious cycle we already underwent.

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to suramo

Okay.. will keep in mind sir.. thank you :)

Shri9 profile image

Thanks for the reply sir. I will follow the same.

Awaiting other member's responses, please.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to Shri9

dear Shri9 do not are going in right direction.... u need not worry much about cholesterol...

watch this video...

Keep doing what you are doing... I think you are on right path... give some time to body to get adjusted...i think minimum three months time for your body to get adjusted u can go for next test only after 3months...

keep carbs low... increase good fats... for me good fats means butter, ghee,coconut,cheese,sesame seeds..flax seeds etc.

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55Moderator in reply to cure

Unable to play the Video. Not sure if the problem is my side. Could you send the link please when convenient?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to Praveen55

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to cure

Thnx fr reply..

Right now my diet is:

Net carbs 80 to 90 grams(2 whole wheat roti, sprouts, nuts).

Protein 120 grams (Sprouts, Egg whites, Chicken)

50- 60 gm fats (Nuts mostly)

1300- 1400 Kcal a day

Calories burning through exercise 300-500 Kcal

is that ok? What modification u can suggest for better results..?

increase good fats... for me good fats means butter, ghee,coconut,cheese,sesame seeds..flax seeds etc.

Cheese/Butter contain 3.2% cholesterol.. is it gud fr consumption.?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to Shri9

hmmm don't be scared of cholesterol.... read more about current guideline about cholesterol...

did u watched the time travel nutrition clip which i posted??

Shri9 profile image
Shri9 in reply to cure

Yeah sir, have seen it thanks fr sharing... jus got egg yolks are good, it didnt say much abt fat and carbs though.. did i miss smthing?

Shri9 profile image

suramo Praveen55 cure

Also my reports contain some suggestions which include this line:

Limit your intake of foods rich in saturated fats and dietary cholesterol

which is again bummer fr me..

Please comment..

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to Shri9

The European countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Korea and India among others do not have an upper limit for cholesterol intake in their dietary guidelines. Further, existing epidemiological data have clearly demonstrated that dietary cholesterol is not correlated with increased risk for CHD. Although numerous clinical studies have shown that dietary cholesterol challenges may increase plasma LDL cholesterol in certain individuals, who are more sensitive to dietary cholesterol (about one-quarter of the population), HDL cholesterol also rises resulting in the maintenance of the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio, a key marker of CHD risk.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to cure


Shri9 profile image

Okay.. thank you cure

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