Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2021

Parkinson’s Disease Drug Therapies in the Clinical Trial Pipeline: 2020

145 trials are registered and ongoing clinical trials for therapeutics targetin...
Farooqji profile image

Episode 3 longevity series. Time limited

On Cancer. Tomorrow is hormones, day 5 is brain so join up if you want to see t...

Ct values and (RT-PCR) SARS-CoV-2 tests -ASK FOR YOUR Ct VALUE before making radical treatment decisions

(I try to avoid Covid-19 comments or on molecular virology/biology on this forum...
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Herbal Alternative of doxycycline (Quinine and knotweed)

The in vitro tests suggested that extracts from seven different plants were more...
Farooqji profile image

Nightmares REM Sleep Disorder

I’ve been having more frequent nightmares, REM Sleep Disorder episodes. My first...
rebtar profile image

Marty Hinz Amino Acid Protocol

Whatever happened to the Marty Hinz Amino Acid Protocol? When I was first diagn...
Buckholt profile image

Gut microbiome and Covid severity (article)

"the gut microbiome might influence the immune system response to COVID-19 infec...

i'm very lightheaded most of the time. Could it be apixaban? Or is it normal for Parkinsons? my GP says try Dabigatran.

ive been on Apixaban (5 mg x 2 daily) since 2016 for Afb after my stroke and sub...
ramotswe profile image

Amy Lindberg brought this to my attention describing it as the mother load on FUS. Indeed. List all the trials and treatment sites.
MBAnderson profile image

Experience with SpeechVive?

Has anyone tried the SpeechVive device? It looks like a hearing aid. It is supp...
Bill55 profile image

Venoms as an adjunctive therapy for Parkinson’s disease: where are we now and where are we going?

Longevity Docuseries - episode 1

Part 1 only available till 5.59pm EST January 14...
LAJ12345 profile image

Improve handwriting

Hi, I want to improve my handwriting, any advice and experience sharing is much ...
drmittal profile image

Motorized exercise cycle

Hi, Anyone has experience with forced exercise motorized cycle for PD? Regards,d...
drmittal profile image

Excellent video which is inspirational
pdpatient profile image

Posture corrector

I have just bought this for myself to remind me not to round my shoulders and ke...
LAJ12345 profile image

Magnesium for pain or cognition

Magnesium malate, glycinate, and threonate forms of magnesium for maximum neurol...
Hidden profile image

Proteus Mirabellas

Has anyone done any research about Proteus Mirabella‘s and Parkinson’s? It is a ...
Marcia123 profile image

Non-invasive suppression of essential tremor via phase-locked disruption of its temporal coherence (also effective in PD)
Farooqji profile image

Covid vaccine

Has anyone heard if Pfizer or Modern-a vaccine safe for PD patient?
Rabilo profile image

Brain health: Low-protein, high-carb diet just as good as low-calorie diet

New research, published in the journal Cell Reports, suggests that a low-protein...
JayPwP profile image

Levodopa vs. Mucuna Pruriens, How Similar Are They And Which One Is More Effective?

These two are discussed quite frequently on the forum so I decided to do some re...
chartist profile image

Anxiety and Parkinson's

I am suffering from anxiety associated with Parkinson's. It just seems to start...
Moon2021 profile image


Hi everyone, kindly assist with your input. How do you deal with difficulty ...
OREOLU profile image

There is something in doxycycline

New report fromt touteiroe etal finds that doxycycline decreases & size of Park...
Farooqji profile image

Sinemet only?

Is it out of the ordinary for a PWP to only be taking sinemet as I’ve done since...
Hidden profile image

I wrote this last night and wonder sometimes if anybody else feels this way occasionally?

I grieve for the man I used to be The man whom I knew, who used to be me I grie...
Dmr65 profile image

Amantadine sulphate

Amantadine sulphate - I was diagnosed with PD a few months ago (45 yo) and have ...
Yb252 profile image

Dr. Michael Fossel, Telocyte Quarterly Newsletter

Although Alzheimer's Disease is the stated target of their work,Parkinson’s Dise...
jimcaster profile image

Another positive Amyloid plaque clearing trial in alzheimer- PHASE 2

Maybe clearing plaques can actually help neurological diseases despite all the f...