New research, published in the journal Cell Reports, suggests that a low-protein, high-carb diet may be an easier alternative to calorie restriction for people looking to preserve brain health and prevent cognitive decline
Brain health: Low-protein, high-carb diet... - Cure Parkinson's
Brain health: Low-protein, high-carb diet just as good as low-calorie diet

The link doesn't work. This is of limited value though, as it is mice rather than people.
Not for me. My understanding is that carbs, especially refined sugars, are highly inflammatory and raised insulin levels are not helpful.
Quite right. High carbs, especially simple sugars, are associated with high rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality. See the charts at the top of my writing here:
Sugar, Fat And Cardiovascular Disease
It has been recommended that low carb/high protein diet is more beneficial to support your brain and weight.
The carbs should be high fiber from fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Works for me. Reduces inflammation so less aches and pains if nothing else.
High carbs as in complex carbohydrates, not simple carbs as in refined sugar and processed foods.
I have gone through many research articles which support the same views. High carb low protein supports brain health and longetivity.
Once again, I find myself urging people to focus on getting enough fiber, not protein. Protein deficiencies are extremely rare, while lack of fiber is driving the huge jump in auto-immune diseases, systemic inflammation, heart and artery diseases, etc. that we're seeing today.
Of course, f you maximize fiber, you'll find yourself NOT consuming highly processed foods, such as anything with added oils, refined sugars (not bound to fiber), etc. Unprocessed food also contains the best anti-oxidants. Leafy green vegetables, brightly-colored veggies, fruits and berries are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Oils can be found in unprocessed foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds. Actually, you'd be surprised how much oil and protein are in whole foods. Unless you're a body-builder, you'll get plenty of protein from unprocessed or lightly processed (steamed, etc.) foods.
Have you gotten your fiber today?
Even complex carbs spike my blood sugar (I’ve used finger pricks as well as a continuous monitor. A cup of cooked steel cut oats spikes my b. Sugar 50 points.