I am rigidity -dominant PD and like other PwPD my main issues arise when imbalances between Acetylcholine and Dopamine and other neurotransmitters occur. I think we are either Dopamine- dominant or Acetylcholine- dominant( my case) PD.
📍📍Note: The DaTSCAN image doesn't belong to me and that's for a healthy non-PD individual that I found on the internet.
I managed to balance these neurotransmitters and reduced my symptoms with the following interventions:
💢 My main symptoms;
•Dystonia (low degree)
•Bradykinesia (low degree)
•Stiffness (low degree)
✅I am good with:
•B1 Thiamine
• Magnesium
•Higher methylation
•Vitamin D3/K2
• Mannitol powder
•Foods with less or no Choline
•Alkaline foods
•High-fat foods and vegetables that are healthy and nutritious
• Fish (Salmon)
•Lamb meat
⛔️I am NOT good with:
•Omega-3 fatty acids
•Vitamin C
•Anything increases Acetylcholine in CNS or PNS
•Vitamin B6
•Folic Acid (Folate)
•Niacinamide (B3)
•Acidic foods
• Dairy products
•Low methylation
•Celery seed extracts
•Lithium Orotate
•Fish (except salmon)
•Sugar/ Carbohydrates
•Taking foods and supplements that I am good with as above.
•Avoiding foods and supplements I am not good with as above
•Intermittent Fasting
• LCHF diet
•MTHFR gene test (pending).
•Fast walk
•Yoga/ Meditation
•Five Element Yoga
•Kundalini Yoga - Pranayama
•I am looking for to find a way either exercise or supplement to manage Acetylcholine balance with other neurotransmitters.
•Before meditation,I look at the image uploaded for this post.
•📍📍The DaTSCAN image doesn't belong to me and that's for a healthy non-PD individual that I found on the internet.