I haven’t posted before. I am Carer to my husband who was diagnosed with PD in 2016 after being told for several years that he had essential tremor. Over the past year his motor and non motor symptoms have got worse. He does zoom PD Warrior 3 times a week, Beat boxing twice and other things too. Three weeks ago his hallucinations got very bad even during the day so we cut Sinemet Plus to 25/100 three times a day. The hallucinations have come back a bit.
Anxious not to up his Sinemet Plus again but equally concerned that his tremor is worse I am wondering and would like advice please about Mucuna as a more natural alternative. I do have Clean Mucuna L -Dopa 99% that I ordered off the web. Equally I would be happy to order other brands that I could get in the UK.
Should he take it with Sinnermet Plus or try it instead of one dose? I have read on here about taking it with Green Tea extract and that Mucuna makes some people feel sick.
Since reading other pieces on here I am trying to plan it so that he takes the Sinemet Plus plus away from food. Have I understand that correctly?
I am happy to add in any other useful supplements. He takes Mannitol x2 teaspoons a day, vitamin B complex, C and D. Fish oils, Q10 and Ginko. We do try to stick to a healthy largely plant based diet with fish and chicken Comments from those who have good experiences would be much appreciated. His neurologist is very good and advocates very strongly fir exercise but isn’t open to unproven natural ideas although we still try them. As many doctors his answer is usually more pharmacy.