I got a complicated diverticulitis attack on May.... Resulted in a perforation and abcess. I got lucky apparently that the perforation sealed up itself... Otherwise apparently it would be an emergency surgery... .after a course of antibiotics... Everything seemed to be going good but then got an acute attack in July.
Was told I should get a colonscopy done as that is the gold standard and needed to see what's really going on inside the colon. At this point resection surgery is recommended due to 3 attacks in 5 months
Got another acute attack in September and then went for a colonoscopy in Nov. This is where all my confusion starts.
After the colonscopy I was told there was inflammation in all parts of the colon and to wait for the biopsy reports. Biopsy came in as non specific colitis, possibility of post infectious colitis. BUT the report also mentioned "local genesis".
Either way, the GI told me to get the calpro done and the value was above 1000...saod to wait out since I don't have any other symptoms and repeat calpro in 4 weeks.. I repeated and still calpro is above 1000 without any symptoms.
What's confusing me and causing sleepless nights and general stress is that the doctor says there is a probability it can be the start of crohns or UC.. But then there is a chance it's also just inflammation!
I thought crohns and UC can be detected right away via biopsy?
I've been put on anti inflammatory meds for now and told to repeat the calpro again after 30 days.
Went to get a second opinion and that doc says he highly doubts in crohns or UC because biopsy would have confirmed that... He believes the inflammation is still a cause of the diverticulitis... But what confuses me here is why is the inflammation in all parts of the colon where diverticula are not present even....
Anyways...any feedback would be appreciated... Someone who's maybe faced a similar scenerio... I really hope it's not the starting stage for crohns or UC I'm sure if it was, the histology report would have said indeterminate colitis (medical term used if they know it's crohns or UC but can't distinguish and tell u exactly which one it is).