Hey all, might be a long one but.... I have been feel rather unwell for 3yrs, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis 2 yrs ago and not been right since. There is research out there saying people with endometriosis are more likely to have IBD. Also I have been trying to put a puzzle together... In 2009 I was in hospital with a bad stomach... Endoscopy showed inflammation in the duodeum which can be crohns right? It was never investigated after that.
My symptoms arn't the general crohns ones;
Constant nausea everyday
Weight loss- 2st
Can't exercise - causes nausea and pain
Pain all over abdo
Nights are terrible- shaking, needing toilet more and nausea
More urgencies to go to the toilet
Inflammation of my eye/s
had terrible diarrhoea when I was admitted to hospital last year for a few weeks
Now feeling so down
I finally have an endoscopy on Tuesday-I'm fearful it's going to be the wrong test unless it's in my stomach.
Has anyone else felt like me? Got crohns in the stomach area and had similar symptoms?? If someone could give me some advice it would really appriciate it....!!
This message is late because I'm having a bad night nausea etc...