Did the first run of week 2 yesterday. Managed all but 2 of the full 90 seconds but had to stop short on a couple. 90 seconds seemed like miles! Hoping that I will look back on this post in a few weeks time and be amazed at my feebleness!
Week 2 run 1.....90 seconds? Doesn't seem long... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 run 1.....90 seconds? Doesn't seem long when you say it!!

You will do exactly that. I too struggled with the first increments and felt so so unfit. But week by week it increased at a manageable rate. Keep going and before long week 2 will be a distant memory, I'm mid week 6 now and I'm really proud of myself (which isn't something I'd usually say out loud.
Good luck - you can do this x

I'll second what Twedders has said here. You can definitely do this!
Week 2 stands out for me because my team (Bradford City) were playing at Wembley during this week and I still took my running gear and ran/walked around the streets of Slough (of all places). Not really knowing the area I ended up in the town centre in and out of people doing their shopping!
But in all seriousness, I also remember it for thinking how difficult it was, and how far away running for longer periods of time seemed.
But do keeping going, you will get there and if you're like me, you'll just keep telling yourself off for not starting to run sooner!
Good luck.

Yes, am at same point as Twedders, and I too couldn't do a minute let alone those first 90 seconds when they first featured! I've had a couple of goes at other sections too, it's not a problem to repeat or rest longer, and only serves to make sure you are really ready to progress to the next bit. Stick with it Wheatls, you'll do it and you too will be encouraging new runners before you know what's happened! Have fun, good luck too Linda x

oh my goodness is 90 seconds a toughie!!! any time when you're not used to running it seems like AAAAAAAGES!!!!
HOWEVER, when you look back you will think "pah - 90 seconds?? eat my hat"!!!
its nothing to do with feebleness either, so smack that one away!
how can it be feeble when you're just starting?
give yourself a break, stick with it and you'll definitely look back and smile.
ali x
Awesome, keep it up. 90 seconds in amazingly challenging in Week 2 but like you say you'll look back in just a few weeks a chuckle
Trust in the Plan!

I'll just add make sure you're not going too fast. Really really slow down even if you're going at walking pace but with jogging motion. It makes a difference. Good luck.