I ran on Wednesday and I think I was going too quick to stop myself getting cold and also because I wanted to get it over with. After 10 minutes at this pace I had a pain under my ribs like a stitch and had to slow down to a walk. In retrospect I probably hadn't eaten enough that day in addition to starting off too fast. This was the first time I'd had a serious problem in the plan so I felt a bit discouraged. Now with the darkness and the cold I'm finding it difficult to go out again but I'll try and repeat this run tonight.
Week 7 Run 2: I ran on Wednesday and I think I... - Couch to 5K
Week 7 Run 2

You can do it. Its a rare c25ker that doesn't have a run that doesnt go to plan at least once in the plan. I've had several but I've just got back out there and her I am on week 9 and soon you will be too!
I agree with jadis just get back out ASAP Ed.
Cheers guys, still feeling pretty listless but I'll drag myself out after work.

Ross, welcome to the bad run club! Some just never go as planned. I read on here when I was just starting out to drink plenty of fluids the days of my run. Thankfully, I have never suffered a stitch. Maybe try to hydrate more and see if that helps? We are having difficult times too trying to make run time. Between the holidays and earlier darkness plus the cold weather. Wishing you well and yes, you will do this! Just a small bump in the road of C25K. Gayle
Thanks Gayle, you're right in fact because I usually drink a glass of water before I head out and I forgot to do that. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
Fruit and hydration for me before I go out today I think

Agree with comments from everyone above. Everyone has some runs better than others. At about week 7 I started getting a bit blasé and not physically or, more importantly, mentally preparing myself. I also started getting a bit fed up with the music, so had a couple of runs with my own music. My knees also started twinging a bit on the longer runs so I started taking an extra rest day which helped greatly. Good luck!
Despite quite a bit of rain I got through it. Thanks for all your input guys, definitely put me in a better frame of mind.