My precious C25K podcasts mysteriously disappeared from my phone and in the process of trying to download it again, I found the NHS Strength and Flexibility podcasts and I'm listening now. Hello again Laura! It's not running but it is something to do on a running rest day.
Found one of the new podcast series! - Couch to 5K
Found one of the new podcast series!

OMG! *squeals with excitement* where do we find these pod-casts? Are they good?

Can you copy/paste the link Purrrleeese

I honestly couldn't tell you how I stumbled on it but if you google "NHS Strength and Flexibility" it will get you there.

Found them!
Now to download. It will be good to have a routine to do on my 'rest' days, especially as I desperately need to improve my strength and flexibility. 'Me do press ups? Never!' what I would have said before c25k and Laura got me running for 20 minutes.
Woop - Thanks

Yes I'm looking forward to both sets. Mmm good idea about doing the strength one on rest days.

There are also videos to show you how to do the moves. I've not been a great fan of 'looking ahead' with C25K - a 'just do as I'm told' approach seems to have worked best, but I reckon I might possibly strain my brain relying entirely on audio input for the Strength and Flexibility programme and I think preparing by looking at these videos is going to help.
Brilliant - thank you!

Thanks very much for posting this - just downloading now.

The new 5K+ podcasts for recent graduates are there too.