Hello everyone - I have just found this platform for the sharing of couch25k experiences which I have to say was a welcome find! I thought I would introduce myself and say hello to all you lovely joggers/runners
I am on week 5 this week and hope to get out in my lunchbreak to do Run 1. As others have said, I have amazed myself to get this far already.
I don't know if there are any others with medical conditions - I am type 1 diabetic (diagnosed when I was 6 years old) and during lockdown last year I was diagnosed with an auto immune arthritis which I can't remember what it is called (very long word) but affects my hip joint mainly and multiple enthesitis! I could barely move, off the couch, off the loo, out of bed or out the bath! I had frozen shoulder in both shoulders too and it really was a depressing time. I had just turned 43
So, last September when I got my diagnosis and medication to help the joints I thought blow this....I am going to help my muscles and start weight training (as you do)!! I have the most amazing personal trainer and I have been getting stronger and stronger and more mobile ever since. I now do goblet squats with a 17.5kg dumbbell and do deadlifts at 60kg!!
My diabetic nurse said I could attempt to up my cardio which will help my blood glucose and get much tighter control. So I decided I wanted to learn to run. And here I am.
I know age isn't a factor and I am still young in the scheme of things just stereotypically young to have arthritis despite being the autoimmune type. I have a new found respect and understanding for age related arthritis as the aches and challenges are the same.
I was interested if anyone else has overcome their everyday challenges with long term medical conditions with running and if it has helped? And of course any tips/guidance and any pointers always welcome
Apologies for the long hello and I look forward to sharing my journey for which I am nervous and excited about at the same time.