Hello and Welcome to the July Consolidation Club. I am guessing that you are here because you have graduated? 🤩🤩🤩Huge well done for this amazing achievement🤩🤩🤩. I can still remember starting C 25K, and Laura from the podcast said that I would be able to run for 30 minutes after 9 weeks….. I remember laughing as I absolutely did not believe it was possible, and it almost spurred me on to prove her wrong! But I did it, and what a wonderful feeling that is!
So, if you would like to claim your well earned badge, then click here :
So this consolidation club is here for you to discuss any worries, queries, advice or fabulous running triumphs you might have...after all, it’s good to talk...whatever it is, we are here to help and to celebrate all the wonderful things that running brings.
Sometimes the period soon after graduation can be a bit like limbo...what to do next?! There’s no structured runs anymore, and I know I felt a bit lost. So that’s why the Consolidation club was created , to help and support you as you embark on the wonderful journey of running.
What do we mean by CONSOLIDATION?
As at any stage in running, when you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good practice to consolidate (work on feeling stronger running for 5k or 30 minutes) for a short period, bedding in all that effort.
Having just finished C25k, it is a good idea to:
★ Continue to run for 5k or 30 minutes (whichever you achieved during the plan) for a few weeks
★ Try out different routes
★ Just enjoy your new found ability!
Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off, have fun, run somewhere beautiful and new, forget about pace. While you are consolidating you are also helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there! I think establishing and bedding in a new consistent routine is one of the most challenging things about this. I have seen many runners drop off when this structure starts to go. So if you can establish a routine, you are well on the way to a wonderful future of running.
We encourage you to check in here straight after graduation, tell us how you're doing and feeling. Give us your run reports, swap ideas, ask questions and get help formulating plans and targets, knowing that at least one member of the admin team is keeping an eye out, with all the usual advice to offer. There is no need to sign up, just drop in and have your say.
★★ And check out our full GUIDE to post-C25k running:
Consolidation is not compulsory, but is considered good practice for all runners, at any stage, who have increased duration and distance over the preceding weeks and is particularly appropriate for new runners, to reduce risk of burnout and injury. How many runs this takes will be very individual, but it is so much better for you if you feel strong and confident about your 5k or 30 minute runs before starting work on faster times and longer distances.
So, over to you new graduates! Who wants to tell me how it is going/feeling? How can I help support you at this stage? Know that we've all been there, and Im HERE, with and for you, along with the Couch to 5k team.
It should be my first consolidation run tonight, but I rather stupidly decided to work on my core yesterday and did some planks and have hurt my lower back as was not doing them correctly. I think I will just walk my 5k route tonight and then see how things feel tomorrow.
I'm really cross with myself for being so careless.
I think walking the 5k is a really good idea to keep up the momentum and stay in the mindset. When I had a setback I would put week 2 or 3 podcast on with Laura and her music set a good pace for walking. Good Luck, see you soon!
I actually ran tonight as my back was fine. I didn't push it and was slower than normal. I did steuggle with the run mentally though. I miss Laura and although I replayed week 9 run 3, it's not the same once you've done it!
This may help, I swap around the coaches to listen to different people and voices. My first consolidation run is going to be Wk9 Run1 with Michael Jordan!
That's an idea. I did my first consolidation run last night and reused w9r1 as an aid. Not sure yet whether i could do the runs yet without a little bit of encouragement.
I had to give up on Michael on W6 so will maybe give him another go.
I've missed something somewhere along the way, I have the c25K app with Jo, Laura Michael talking etc, but not with music? Where do I find the ones with music??
Yes the music isn't that great but it has a good beat that helps to set the pace which I found very helpful. Now using my own playlist the beat is a bit different on every song, some are better than others, some make me speed up
I watched a couple of videos and I think my back was sagging.
I graduated yesterday and plan to do my first consolidation run tomorrow evening. I didn’t manage 5k but did run for 30 minutes so my goal is to run 5k in 30 minutes. I’m going to carry on running and my main goal is to reach 10 k 😁🏃🏻♀️🏆
That is super, huge well done on graduating. Very few people actually do the 5k in 30 minutes... just get yourself used to running for that length of time before adding in faster runs, would be my advice.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as you’re enjoying it and it’s great to have a goal. I’m slow too so am sure it’ll be ages before I manage 5k in 30 mins but I’m determined to do it even if I only ever manage it once then go back to being slow again 😂
We always recommend consolidating the 30 minute runs for a while to 'bed them in'. After that, there are a number of different 10k apps, and we have a plan on here too that people follow to get you to either running 10k, or running for 60 minutes. Do you have any particular aims in mind?
Just completed my 3rd consolidation run this morning, I've carried on listening to MJ on week 9 and have varied my route on road and country paths. Still sticking to every other day and getting up at 6am so I can't make excuses as the day goes on....😂
I'm not at 5k in 30 mins yet so I'm making that my goal but I'm sure it will come over time....fingers crossed!
Well done, I like morning runs too, it’s the best way to start the day..... and good plan to get to the 5k, no rush as you say, just taking it steady will help you get there 😎
I am glad to have discovered the health unlocked site. I have just graduated on 30 June 2020. I had solely been listening to the wonderful Laura on my C25K App and hadn’t explored the app more widely. But today I was wondering how to keep the momentum going and discovered that there’s lots of C25K follow up support. So this evening I have been out for consolidation run no 1!
I graduated on 1st July, encouraged by Sarah Millican on the C25k app. I tried my first consolidation run this morning using the stepping-stone podcast, but didn't get on so well with keeping in time with the music and gave up 25 minutes in.
However, the tips on posture were good so I still felt like I'd progressed and I'll give it another try at the weekend. My next goal is to be able to run for 5k in as long as it takes - I'm not interested in speed just yet.
Your plan sounds good. The stepping stone podcasts have varied reviews... some like them, some don’t. Could you make a playlist of your fave songs and use that? And good plan re the 5k too.... focussing on the distance is a good plan, keeping it gentle and smooth will help you reach that goal. Well done.
Hello, I graduated at the beginning of June and I've been out every two or three days since, usually for 30 mins. I am generally running 5k+.
I have started having trouble with stitches. I usually run first thing, before breakfast, (I sometimes have a mouthful of cereal about 15 mins before I go out), so I don't think it's caused by food.
I try to slow down, but I find it really hard to go slower than is comfortable and inevitably speed up again. Today I was really focused on stitches for the whole run! I think it may have made the situation worse.
I usually have about a litre of Red Bush tea in the evening (!) and that, I believe, is hydrating.
Gosh that sounds grim, stitches are dire. I bet that is making you feel a bit fed up. My son gets stitches on a run, but he is ok if he has absolutely nothing prior to the run, even a mouthful of food. Have you tried going out without the mouthful of cereal? I also find if I do my yoga stretches prior to a run I’m less likely to have a stitch. I found this article helpful: greatrun.org/news-and-media...
Hi Ju-Ju-, I’ve just done 4 weeks of consolidation runs since graduating, running 3 times a week for 30mins or slightly longer. I’ve been mostly walking on my rest days.
I usually listen to history/current affairs podcasts, not worrying about pace or distance, just enjoying running. I sometimes listen to C25k+ Steeping Stone (OK), Speed (my least favourite - I end up feeling like I didn’t run enough and could go for longer) and Stamina (my favourite - running at my comfortable pace, and stretching me slightly). I can run just about 5k in 30 mins but that leaves me drained for the rest of the day (my comfortable pace is 4.5k in 30mins). Basically, for now I just do what I feel like on the day of running.
I was hoping to keep consolidating for the next two months before starting the 10k programme. Would that be too early? Do I need to have a more structured consolidation?
I think that sounds ample time for where you are. We are all different. I started working towards 10k as soon as I had graduated as I knew I would otherwise lose interest. You are doing brilliantly, well done.
Hi juju i have just discovered your consolidation post ..just what i needed... have been measuring 5k routes (well not me... my partner did on his bike!) and hope to do a 5k once a week + increase my other runs by 1 minute each week (31...32..33) ... am enjoying the freedom but realise i need structure as well... so thanks for your support... motivation is good at the moment but i dread the winter months...
Great that sounds marvellous and a good plan too. Out of interest, why do you dread the Winter months? Winter is my favourite time for running as it’s cooler.
Hello everyone. I just graduated this morning, so this is my first post in the Consolidation Club. Here is my plan for my consolidation. Can someone give me advice about it please, as I don't really know what I'm doing!
Monday - run for 30 minutes at usual pace, using RunKeeper to see how far I have actually gone (I haven't measured distance or speed at all yet).
Wednesday - run for 30 minutes at usual pace, using Runkeeper to see how far I have gone INCLUDING the warm up and warm down walks.
These two runs will give my a baseline.
Friday. Go to the Parkrun course. Walk it for the first 5 minutes, run for 30 minutes, then walk however long it takes for me to get back to the end.
My long term goal is to be able to run the full course (5K of course). I'm thinking these runs will give me good baseline data and a feel for how much further I have to go.
I'm thinking that maintaining my 30 minute runs for the first two runs of each week is a good idea, then trying to add a few minutes on my Friday runs until I can run the whole Parkrun course.
Hi, my route from home is around 5k and includes part of the local Parkrun course. Have you seen the Not-ParkRun where you can enter your times for doing any 5k route, either walking or running or a combination of both? It will give you a record of your progress until we can do an actual ParkRun.
I am similar to you, I graduated on 30 June and did my second consolidation run today. The first one I was just happy to run for 30 minutes to my own music for fun. Today I wasn't too tired at the end so I kept running for around another minute or so, so knocked a little bit off my overall time.
No, they aren't. I looked up the nearest one to me and walked it the other day. I plan to run/walk it on Friday. It's a public space, so the actual route is available anytime. I'd like to be able to be ready to sign up for a run when they do open though. That's the goal!
I graduated last month but have struggled to keep in the routine, with the hot weather and then a few days off work. Last week hit a wall after 15 minutes or so stop start. Went out for a lunch time run today using the Nike Run Club guided run, 'easy 30 minutes' - what a difference! Would totally recommend that, lots of encouragement with a question every 2 minutes to get you thinking and not about running! Aiming for 5k in 30 minutes, so will keep at the 30 min runs for another 2 weeks I think then look to introduce interval runs.
Hello ju-ju, fab group thanks so much! I graduated today. I am running slowly for 30 mins and haven’t got to 5K. I’m only 5ft so don’t know if it will take a while to get there!! Have run 30 mins 5 times and planned to do this for a couple of weeks and then try and build up to 5K! Happy this group exists!! 😊
Hi Wobble1, I have never thought of that, I am 5 ft too and of course the little legs have to work that bit harder, don't they? I don't have any tech, but measuring on a map I think I am doing around 4k in 30 minutes.
That’s good! If you have iPhone I just discovered Strava which is free for a month so going to try that to monitor distance! We are a bit disadvantaged In terms of running ! I have been doing the runs on a treadmill as have been shielding(at 1% Incline though) but will head out soon. I am not sure how I will be able to run at 10KM!!! What’s your plan to get to 5K? I was thinking about just building up time week by week after consolidation weeks...
Hi, I'm not too bothered about striving to get to running 5k but depending on how I feel, I will try to run a little bit extra each time. This morning was my second consolidation run and I was feeling ok so ran for another minute or so.
My regular route is around 5k including the warm up and cool down walks, so as I run a little bit more each time I will need to extend my distance.
When Parkrun gets going again I will do that and I imagine I will probably have to walk for a bit in the middle to make up the 5k, but finish with a short sprint!
Meanwhile I just hope to enjoy my runs and make it a regular habit.
I use an iPod which is small and light as I don't really want to lug my smart phone. If I get serious I might consider buying a basic Garmin watch.
Please don’t worry about distance, consolidation is about getting out there three times a week doing the 30 minute runs to get your body used to it. You could choose to increase your time out running in the future to work towards the 5k, but there is no rush. Well done too.
Hi 👋. I graduated today - I managed 5k in 32 mins and am really chuffed. I’m finding the running a good release from lockdown and look forward to my morning runs. My question is: is it still advisable to have a rest day after each run? Sometimes I wake up and really want to go but don’t want to burn out. I always do a warm up walk and stretches when I get back. I would welcome your advice!
I’ve read on here that you should continue having a rest day between runs for at least 6 months. It might seem like a long time if you are raring to go but better to take a rest day than risk being out for ages due to injury
It is advisable as your body gets used to regularly running, giving it time to recover. However I have no idea of your fitness level prior to starting....I run everyday but I have built up to that over the last few years. I started running 7 years ago.
Thank you. I do HIIT workouts and yoga and would class myself as reasonably fit. I used to do obstacle course running but was more for the obstacles rather than the running! It was always my nemesis! I shall continue as I am for now as I don’t want to undo my good work.
Hi! I graduated on 30th June and did my first consolidation run yesterday.
Without Laura (sob!) and music I went off downhill like a bat out of hell, and unsurprisingly finished the final uphill with a creditable impression of a dying snail.
According to Strava, tried for the first time, I did 4.57km in 30 minutes at an average pace of 6.34/km. I'm convinced Strava must be wrong as this is considerably above my expectations.
I guess the only way to check is to head out again this weekend!
Well done, you are doing brilliantly. I suggest considering that you don’t need to go full pelt for every run. You may find it useful to have one run that is more gentle per week, and then having one a week where you really go for it.....
Second consolidation this morning, 4.48km in 30 minutes, average pace 6.41/km. So a fraction shorter and slower than last time, but felt much stronger all the way round.
Reversed my route - I don't quite run a full loop yet - and interestingly Strava said 42m elevation gain, it was 71m going the other way.
Please do correct me if elevation gain is the wrong term. I'm translating from French (dénivelé positif) and I'm struggling to find the correct expression in English, even though that's my first language!
Hi there. I graduated last august having run it all on a treadmill so I thought I would run outside instead and then realised it was totally different outside so redid C25K outside. I Have struggled with a few injuries and am on theIC at the moment having fallen off the kerb and twisted my ankle. I ran for 37 minutes on my last run which was my longest run and I was feeling quite pleased with myself until I fell off the kerb. My problem is that I feel I am failing if I don’t keep doing at least 30 minute runs. I don’t look forward to my runs because I am worrying that I might not be able to run for 30 minutes each time.
I’ve only just graduated so don’t have a lot of experience to offer but I’ve decided that I don’t always have to run for 30 mins now, if I’m short of time or just don’t feel like it I’m going to head out for 20 mins but try to go a little faster then if I feel like doing more and going for the full 30 I can but if I don’t at least I’ve done something
I am so sorry that you had a fall. Was it is trip? How is your balance? Could you do a mixture of outdoor and indoor runs while you get used to it? Also, there is no harm in any run being shorter. You could aim for a week of 30, 25 and 20 minute runs, just to get used to the structure, and maintain your motivation?
Hope your ankle gets better quickly. I did that on one run as well - falling off a kerb - I think it was because I was getting tired. I think the main thing is to keep going out 3 times a week . Maybe think of it as averaging 30 mins per run over a month? I have no experience on which to base this, other than a history of finding ways to persuade myself to keep going and not worry about it if one run doesn't go as well as planned. Some days I feel as though I'm about to collapse after 20 minutes and other days I have gone for more than 30 minutes. Once your ankle is better, get back out, and don't beat yourself up if you don't manage 30 minutes. You'll get there (you've already done it twice, so you know you can do it).
Hi. I graduated tonight with a 4.3k run so a days rest for me on Saturday. Planning to do my first consolidation run on Sunday and hoping to hit that 5k mark. 🤞🙂
Just popping in to say hello. Finished 9.3 today, covering about 4.3km. Think I’m going to re-run week 9 for a few weeks until I am comfortable with the time and decide where to go from there. I’m sure I’ll have questions as the weeks fly by.
Thought I would come in and say hello as I have just completed run 3 of week 9 today. It is very interesting reading about what everyone is doing after they have graduated. I haven't decided what I am going to do but maybe continue with 2 runs of 30 minutes a week and gradually increase the time of the 3rd one (I actually did 45 minutes today so maybe work up to that again).
Congratulation on graduating. And that sounds like a good plan, when you extend the time out, it helps to slow it down a bit if you can, then it will be more comfortable.
Hello. I’ve completed 3 weeks of 30 minute consolidation runs so far. I’m very slow and i usually cover about 4K in that time but I’m happy with that.
Today I just felt like continuing so I decided to keep going until 5k and I actually ran all the way home which was just over 6k. If felt great and I feel like I got over a mental barrier 🥳
However I have spent the rest of the day feeling exhausted, so I suspect my body was a little shocked by it 😆 My plan is to try to aim for 5k runs 3 x a week rather than 30 mins and see how that goes for the next couple of weeks.
Hello and well done..... right,I think you said it yourself that the longer run exhausted you....my personal advice is to keep going with the 30 minute runs twice a week, and then do one a week where you do the 5k or longer if you feel able. Then f that is comfortable increase to two times a week and so on if that makes sense?That way your body can continue to get used to it....
Today was my first consolidation run and I decided to go solo! I’ve read many people on here saying they repeat Week 9 a few times after graduation then find it a bit daunting having to let go of the support of their coach so I decided to say an instant farewell to Michael (in the sure and certain knowledge I can pick him up again should I need the motivation later on) and strike out alone. I didn’t have a lot of time today so decided on a 20 minute dash! I’m very pleased to say I shaved roughly a minute off my per kilometre timing and was very tired but very happy at the end of it. I like a bit of variety so I’m going to give the following a go: 1x20 minute faster run, 1x30 min slow trot and 1x longer duration adding 10% time per week until I get to 5k
Hi everyone, I graduated on 12 June & have done 9 x 30 min consolidation runs. Today's was the best in terms of pace, distance, enjoyment, weather, sparkly sea and seagulls! I managed 3.5k easily. I'm thinking of stepping stones next but I actually feel a bit nervous about doing something new! I haven't changed route but have changed what I listen to. Also not sure if I've consolidated enough, how do you know?
I read somewhere on this site that you should consolidate for at leat 6 months, but as far as I can see, different people choose different types of thing to do in consolidation. I started by thinking I'd just run for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, with no particular plan. Others have clear plans, with each run focusing on something different. My plan has already changed (I'm in week 5 of consolidation now). Because I wanted to run somewhere different, I encountered hills, which I've never had to deal with before. So now my plan is to do 2 runs of 30 minutes, on a non-hilly route, plus one run where I deal with the hills.
I think one of the main things to remember is to listen to your body and not build up the pressure too quickly by trying to do too much. I just read something (earhugz.com/blogs/fitness-a... that says it takes 66 days for working out to become a habit. So I think I'm going to take it fairly steady for 66 days and then work out what next. Most of all: enjoy running.
Good luck for the hills! I live at 680m in rural France and all my routes are undulating. I now realise how good it's been for me to have to deal with hills from the outset. My pace is all over the shop though!
Brilliant, you are well on the way to establishing this as a habit, which is often the biggest hurdle for people once they have graduated. Well done on the hills.....
I had planned to do first consolidation run Friday but work got in the way and had horrendous hay fever yesterday. Did first run today and have to say it was hard work 😓 what with the wind and heat 25c ! Had to have Laura to keep me going so repeating wk 9. Think I must have run a bit faster as seem to cover a longer distance 😁 going to try map my run next time and wean myself off Laura’s words of encouragement 🏃🏻♀️
Can I join in please? I graduated at the end of June and in the two weeks since I’ve done one nearly 8k run and one 30 minute 3k run! Keep talking myself out of it for some reason but have promised myself I’ll do Monday, Wednesday, Friday this coming week, 30 minutes each - really scared I’ll lose my fitness I’ve gained!
Hello! I saw this and couldn't resist chipping in 😊
That is a great idea to have a plan, and I suggest you get your plan written out and pinned up somewhere for you and all to see!! But to make it easier on yourself, and as you have already been doing, mix it up a bit to make it more interesting! If you shorten one run to 20 minutes you will find it easier to get going on that day, and then you can balance it out with a 35-40 minute long run on another day.
At this stage you need to work on building the habit of regular running, and making a weekly commitment like this will really help.
Thank you for the advice - I did what you suggested and planned today to run to 5k no matter the time. Actually ended up doing 4.8k in 30 minutes!! 🎉 Wednesday I’m going to just get out for 20 minutes on a slightly more ‘boring’ route and Friday I’m going to go for 5k again.
I graduated this morning! I am so excited to be here and I can’t wait until Tuesday to go out again....
Today I did extend my run, I got to 30 minutes then slowed my pace a little and ran for 4 further minutes as I felt it had it in me and really wanted to just get to 5k.... now I’ve got that out of my system my plan is
Run 30 minutes 3 times a week for the next 2.5 weeks
Then hopefully start going for 5k runs as I’ve built up my stamina adding the extra 4 minutes will be easier
Well, sorry to have to ask this on my first post here, but I seem to have picked up my first injury. 😬 Any advice, especially regarding rest would be really appreciated please. I had a niggle the last couple of weeks which I thought would go away. It’s between my big toe and second toe, about 2” up, on top of my foot and feels like inflammation inside. My last two runs of week 9 it’s got worse, even with a 4 day gap between them. It’s not swollen or agony or anything like that. I got some Devils Claw gel from Holland and Barrett today, as seemingly it’s anti-inflammatory. Guessing I need to rest it for a while. Any ideas, please? Don’t want to make it worse before I start consolidating. Many thanks!
Thanks so much for replying Belarussia. 😊 No, I hadn’t heard of it but don’t think I’ve got that as it’s not in the same place. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with it though! Have you spoken to your GP yet? I’m just taking ibuprofen, to see if that calms the inflammation down first. The worst bit is, no running this week! 😬 So annoying having become totally addicted to it during C25K and also having just graduated! Are you managing to run with? 😊🏃♀️🐢
I actually tried some advice from a running shop - trying to give the toes as much room as possible. I used an older shoe that was a bit on the large side and left the laces at the toe end really loose. Amazingly i managed to run for 45 minutes without triggering the usual pain. very pleased!
That’s great news Belarussia! 😀So pleased for you! 👍 Beatlesforever advised me to a look at some articles which I’ll do over the weekend but I’ll also keep what worked for you in mind too. 😊🏃♀️🐢
Hey Gannet1, so sorry to hear that, especially so soon after graduation! 😔 There are some good articles on pain on the top of your foot in runnersworld.com, might be helpful. Hope you feel better soon 🤗
Aw, thanks Beatlesforever! 😊 I’ll definitely check it out. Bottom line is to listen to my body telling me to stop for a while, I suppose. 🙄Easier said than done but I am! The lesson of patience! 😬Meantime, I hope you’re ticking along nicely! The posts will keep me going. 😊🏃♀️🐢
Its impossible to give specific advice other than rest when it comes to any injury. Worth checking your shoes fit, laces are OK and that you are keeping the runs nice and gentle. I hope it eases up soon...
Just graduated this evening...feeling bit bloated, so it could be my last run after a chicken dinner. I did wait 3hours. Ah well. I'm afraid I'll have no running for a week as I'll be the only adult for the kiddies and they can't keep up. I hope to do plenty of walking and playing with the, so keeping active (few games of chase should liven us up!)
After that, then consolidation on my 30mins then work on getting to the 5k so I don't have to walk the last bit of the park run route. 😁
congratulations on graduating, and I totally get that re the children, and as you say you can keep active with them. When I started C25k I actually bribed my son when he was 11 with £1.00 to come with me. He did, he loved it and he has continued into his teenage years to focus on his fitness, so I dont feel quite so bad about bribing him now!!!
Going out for my first post graduation run today - question is, do i run for 5k or 30 minutes? I was doing 5ks on my finally week but pushing the extra couple of minutes it took to complete them. because i just wanted to hit that sweet 5k
Congratualtions on graduating. Personally I would consolidate the 30 minutes first. Then you could use one of your runs to start to increase the distance to get to 5k when you are comfortable. Then do a shorter run for one of the other weekly runs.
Thanks good to have this. I did my post graduation run on Saturday, 5.5km in 34mins 40 secs, going out today very shortly and will run for 3o mins and see how far that is. I did find that by changing my route it was more motivating and today I will run with with music, whereas I haven only run before with the app guiding me and where there were big silences I did feel I needed something else to focus on.
Haven't looked yet, but wondered if anyone had put on suggestions for music to run to, particularly good motivating tracks. I guess the next thing is too buy some new running shoes and have my gait looked at which I haven't had done for about 10 years if not longer!
This is a brilliant forum for inspiring and motivating each other, thank you to everyone, it really helps!!
There are some sites which tell you the beats per minute of different songs. I've found it difficult to run to music because unless it's all the same number of bpm, I keep wanting to change my pace, and so never settle down into a steady rhythm. I'd be interesting to hear anyone's recommendations for steady pace music as well.
Great plan... I don't know if you have spotify? They have some good workout playlists... depends what music you like really. I have developed a number of different playlists over the years that are to my taste..... have you tried the C25k + audiofuel stepping stones etc? They are very good for having music to run to etc...
Thanks for recommending the podcasts, I did the stamina one this morning. Amazed I ran for 35 mins, and even more amazed I could actually raise the pace to 160bpm for the last 5 mins. It was hard work but so glad you signposted me to them, thank you.
I did my first consolidation run this morning. My speed was 7.5 km an hour and my pace was 8 minutes per km. I was very pleased with this as I assumed I would be much slower (first time I recorded distance etc).
The introduction of data etc has brought back my 'mojo' as I was losing it for the last few weeks of C25K. It seems that proving that I can meet a goal/do something better etc is what motivates me at the moment rather than running for running's sake.
Me too, because I definitely couldn't run before and now, well I can do it and I want to run well, not just running for the sake of it. I used the Couch to 5k purely as a goal. And pleased with myself I achieved it. I'm just going to see where it takes me, for a while.
I ran my first consolidation run earlier today (graduated on Saturday) and managed the full 5k over 35 minutes but I live in a place well known for its drumlins so steady inclines are a frequent challenge for me! Felt odd not listening to Laura's calm voice though, I miss Laura already 😔
Congratulations. I missed Laura as well. But have discovered podcasts are a great way to spend 30 minutes (I run for 30 minutes - which is about 4.5k, rather than aiming for 5K - I figure I'll get there at some point). Just enjoy yourself.
I've done my first three consolidation runs. The first two went really well, and felt quite exhilarating, the third one today felt like hard work, I was flagging a bit in the middle but I managed to finish the 30 minute run. I am sure it was because I didn't drink enough water yesterday, must do better!
I have definitely noticed a drop in my energy when I haven't drunk enough (water) the day before a run (and when I have drunk too much wine). Hydration seems more important than food even - I can run before breakfast, I have discovered, but not if I'm dehydrated.
Oh did I not mention the wine I drank over the weekend ... that's probably why I forgot the water! When I started this I felt I could not leave the house without a small amount of food, then on the longer runs I felt very uncomfortable. Now I find I do best when I just get up and have some water, do the warm up stretches then go. My legs felt a bit heavy today, that's a dead give away of being dehydrated.
I'm going into my 5th consolidation week. So far so good. I even ran up a hill last time I was out - nearly killed me - all my running up til now has been on the flat, but as I venture further afield and stop going round and round the park, I'm going to have to contend with hills. So my pace dropped quite dramatically, but that's ok. I like the "well, it doesn't matter what I do, as long as i do it for 30 minutes" freedom, so I can go very slowly up some hills and then very slowly on the flat, and it's all me learning how to run. Who would have thought!
Well done on trying the hills, I am still on the same course which is almost flat with some small rises, which still tax me. I've deliberately not gone in the other direction because it is uphill - maybe after another two weeks - watch this space!
Hills are so hard. I'll go out today and give it another try. I think it's where Laura's "slow down" voice needs to come into my head - it doesn't matter how slowly I go as long as I don't stop. Maybe the hills once a week and the regular flat 30 mins for the other two runs. (And when I say hills, they're more like gentle slopes really - I'll have to check the elevation on Strava next time: no Munros here in London.)
Graduated yesterday, so going to join your consolidation club now - 3 more weeks of 30min runs and hopefully I'll get to 5k. Already feeling a bit lost at the thought of doing it alone. Michael Johnson will have to come with me! Are there any other apps that talk you through the next stages?
I just tried the stamina podcast one this morning, tough going, but really good. I ran for 35 mins, couldn't believe it!! Excellent, because it helps to maintain your pace which I find hard. Well worth a try.
It’s consolidation run today! It was my first one and I completed 30 minutes! As I planned.
It was slower than any of my week 9 runs but it felt better. My heart rate was comfortable in the cardio zone and only went into peak when I picked up my pace in the last 4 minutes.
Hi, I graduated 3 weeks ago and have been doing consolidation runs. I’m doing 5k in 30mins, but not bothered about increasing speed at the moment. I tried the stepping stones podcast and absolutely hated it. It was incredibly slow for me so I struggled to keep the slow pace!
I’m looking for a good way to keep myself motivated and challenged. I feel it’s probably a little soon to start aiming/training for 10K as I still find doing 5k quite hard.
I’ve heard incorporating 1 interval run per week is good to build strength so I’ve been looking for an app to do this with as I don’t want the distraction of having to time my run. Can anyone recommend an app to do intervals runs? Is that a good idea or should I just try adding a longer run each week?
I graduated on Sunday and kept going after the 30 minutes till Strava lady told me I'd done 5k, sadly I was thwarted by the weather yesterday but decided to go out this morning. The drizzle rapidly turned into rain, had to pause twice to tie a recalcitrant shoelace, and ended up taking my glasses off because I couldn't see a thing!
I was going for distance over time, trying not to listen to the split times too much (especially as my first km was over 7 minutes) but wasn't displeased with 34.36 for the distance. Rest day tomorrow, then have another go on Friday (making sure the shoes are properly secured this time!)
Stepping stones - advice please! I've done 3 weeks of 3 x 30 mins and thought I'd try Stepping Stones today which I actually enjoyed! (I ♥️Laura). So I kept with the beat pretty much all through. Question is - if I'm increasing BPM up to 160bpm why does my Garmin show me doing a slower min/km at 160bpm compared to 150bpm? Ie 150bpm was 8.39 min/km & 160 was 9.20...... I'm not getting too hung up on numbers but just wanted to understand wot's going on? Can anyone help?
Not sure, I guess your pace was slower? Personally I wouldn't get hung up on pace and cadence, just focus on getting out and running, and you can read up on the rest in the meantime?
The sooner the better. Listen to your body. Are you feeling comfortable when running? Are your feet feeling good inside the shoes? I didn't want to spend on good shoes when I started and as a result got injured pretty much straight away. Many don't. Good shoes - comfy running, bad shoes - discomfort and injuries.
If you are having issues then it might be a good idea. I had gait analysis when I did C25K as struggled with a lot of pain in my shins.... turns out I over- pronated, and once I had the recommended shoes the pain went after 2 weeks. I have stuck to exactly the same shoe ever since!!
Hi I have been doing the consolidation runs but my knees are really sore, so took last week off and been doing strengthening exercises. Also doing some walking to keep up my fitness.
They don't hurt all the time now but twinge every so often. Should I give it a bit more time before heading out until they don't hurt anymore?
I don't want to stall my progress and I am really missing running
It depends how sore they are. I hurt my knee in Week 9 and had to have almost 4 weeks off. I had a gait analysis and got new shoes and I’ve been fine since. Although it was hard to get going again I’m glad I took the time to properly heal as I would’ve hated it if I’d made it worse and had to have even longer off
Thanks Workingathome, I appreciate the reply. The knees hurt more after my runs than during, but like you said it is better to make sure it's healed than making it worse. Just frustrating! Can I ask, when you returned did you go straight back to 5K/30mins or did you go a couple of weeks back on the program?
I ran w6r2 a couple of times then I think I did 25 mins then back to complete week 9
As you’ve already graduated you could just set off and do whatever you are comfortable with and build up by a couple of minutes each time, listen to your body and stop if you need too. I hope you’re fully healed soon 🤞
As the body gets used to running its very natural to have twinges... but its so hard to give you advice as I dont know your body to understand the detail.... we always advice rest if injured, so you could try that. Very good idea to do strength exercises too. I hope it eases soon.
I ran a whole 5k today! I didn’t expect to do it so soon after graduating but I’m on leave this week so decided to go for it. Very tired but very proud of myself right now 😄
Out of interest, are there any runners here that prefer to run without music? I tried it for the first 3K today and it was so crazy running to just the sound of the wind and passing cars! After a while I had to stick some on as my motivation was dwindling but it turns out I actually ran my fastest 5K yet!
I listen to podcasts rather than music but I’m looking forward to being confident enough in my running that I know I’ll keep going without the distraction of listening to something. I think it will be calming after a stressful day at work tbh
There are, there is a whole movement of 'naked' running where people choose to listen to whats going on around them etc....womenshealthmag.com/fitness...
I graduated and felt a little lost, it was recommended to do stepping stones on the C25K+ podcast, which I’ve done as well as the speed podcast, I did my first Stamina run yesterday and it was 35 mins, in my head I thought well I can do 30 mins and if I need to can walk for the last 5 mins, but once I got going and the way the speed increases throughout I was determined not to walk! I completed it 😊 still not running 5K yet but I did do 4.51, my furthest so far, so a few more of the stamina runs and I’m sure I’ll be there.
I still can’t believe I’m running as the first week of C25K I couldn’t wait for the 60s to finish.
I’m enjoying the C25K+ podcast, but unsure what to do next?
Brilliant, well done. That is great you are enjoying the C25k extras... I suggest continuing your consolidation runs. You could, as you progress increase one of your runs, and shortening one of the others in order to work on your distance. The shorter run could be an interval session? They are fun and will keep you entertained.
Because it's raining today and it's been a busy week at work and because the velopark opens again tomorrow so I can do some harder riding than I can on the road, I wasn't sure about trying for a 30 min run today (see how many excuses I came up with here).
So I went looking for a training programme and found one on Garmin that starts with a benchmark 2 mins light jog, 5 mins "strong" running, 2 mins light jog. I added 5 minutes warm up onto the start and finish, just out of habit. So whilst it was short, I ran faster than I ever have before, with a 6.04 pace for 1km. Much of the programme looks like a walk-run affair, but with cadence work and smooth acceleration and deceleration exercises. It's 3 times a week, until October, so not overloading, so I think I'll give that a shot. It is good to have some order in my life - my initial intention to keep at 3 x 30 mins per week lasted 4 weeks!
Popping in again to say I've done a couple more runs. Not sure they really count as consolidation as I have no structure, no plan, other than get out there and run!
The day before yesterday I added a bit to my route, looked at the views rather than Strava, and ended up running longer and further than I've ever done, but unsurprisingly slower: 40 mins, 5.71km, average pace 7:00/km.
Today I decided to do a loop with some faster bits. It sort of worked, in that I did indeed complete the loop and run faster than before - just over 30 mins, 4.8km, average pace 6:32/km - but I was distinctly hot and tired when I finished.
Hoping to go off on hols in our motorhome soon, so will be interested to see what happens if I can find somewhere to run that doesn't go up and down all the time!
Fab thread. I graduated yesterday so will be starting consolidation runs next week, probably on Monday.
I think the most I did was 3.44K in 30 mins, so looking forward to seeing if I can get that distance up but taking it nice and steady. Absolutely love this forum for all the advice & support!
Completed my first consolidation run this morning and managed 33 minutes so I'm delighted with that. I downloaded runkeeper to help monitor my stats so I'm interested to see how things progress over the next few weeks. I'm still nowhere near 5K but that will be my new goal. 9 weeks ago I couldn't run for 60 seconds and look what I can so now so I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I want to keep this going as the sense of achievement I feel when I finish a run is just brilliant.
I’m in a somewhat similar boat - was doing great with first 2 weeks of consolidation runs, 30 mins, nice and steady. Pushed to a 45 min run last Wednesday, stupidly trying to get to 5k. Was really tired after, went out for a slow pace 30 min on Fri and have had a painful, swollen right knee since. I’ve been icing it, doing gentle quads exs and taking ibuprofen over the weekend and it has improved but not better yet. I think I’ll take a few extra rest days to make sure it settles, and then maybe try a couple 25 min runs to be double sure. If I need to take a week off running, I will but will stay on the wagon by doing other exs and stretching, like you are doing.
We’re you trying to run longer or faster during your consolidation? Could that have triggered your knees and shins?
Hi, I completed C25K on Friday 😬 I also completed C25K in May 2018, but was very on and off with my running - it was all or nothing, and with no real structure in place I found it hard to find and keep momentum. I did somehow manage a 10k way back then, but never actually felt strong with even my 30 minute runs. So this time I'm doing it properly! I plan to do 3 weeks of consolidation runs, 3 times a week at 30mins each. Will decide my next step then 😊🦋
Hi everyone, just done 12th consolidation run and decided to do 35 mins. All good. Last week I tried stepping stones and speed which I managed although felt a bit flolopy. Gonna do more 30 & 35 min runs and concentrate on FORM 😊pick yer feet up, head up shoulders back! Loving it. Have a good week everyone;🏃♀️🏃💥
I graduated about 4 weeks ago and went straight to the NHS programme of Stepping Stones, Stamina and Speed still running 3 times a week. I did Stepping Stones once and all the rest have been either Stamina or Speed. Still struggle getting to 35 mins on the Stamina run which I'm finding a bit frustrating but I guess I just have to keep ploughing on. I do still enjoy it so am managing to keep going so far
4th consolidation run attempted today but only managed 17 minutes as I hurt my back at work yesterday (only minor and thought it would let up by running)
So disappointed but keep thinking 9 weeks ago I couldn’t even comprehend being able to run outdoors for 5 minutes let alone 17.....
Had a soak and hopefully will feel well enough after a couple of rest days to run on Friday.
Thank you for the information and tips, it's really helpful. I graduated today and continued running past the end of the podcast, eventually running 5.82km in around 40 minutes. To say I'm chuffed is an understatement. I really had trouble completing week 1: run 1.
I'm going to consolidate for a bit and work on improving my speed a little with an aim of doing 5k in 30 minutes. I've not made plans beyond that apart from to continue running. I'll see how the muse takes me. I'm keen as it was ok running for longer... but I'll build up properly after pushing it a little today.
That’s what I’ve been doing since graduating, trying to reach 5k in under 30 mins......best so far 30:10, I think it helps to have a goal having completed the programme....Good Luck 👍
Thanks Couchphoenix, that's really helpful and has settled my mind on working at 5k in 30 minutes. Good luck with knocking those last 10 seconds off. Tantalisingly close!
There’s a zombie running app I’d recommend too....see my previous post, it’s free and it’s good fun, you can use your playlist with it to. It’s nice for a change whilst your doing consolidation runs
Thanks for your reply ju-ju-. I did my first consolidation run on Thursday and ran 5.1k in 34:54. It's the first run I've done without the podcast and I think it lays down a decent baseline on which to improve.
Any suggestions for the shorter, faster run in terms of distance/time? I like having an aim. Should I look to do a proportion of the run at 30 minute pace, say 3k in 18 minutes?
Third run on the Garmin training workout. I don't run for as long or far as I was in the C25K, but it does tire you out. This run was 10 minutes warm-up, then intervals, with 30 seconds high cadence followed by 30 seconds walk/run recover, four times. Then things called glides, where you start really slowly, accelerate bit by bit and then use momentum to slow you down, over 30 seconds, then a recovery - do this twice. Then 10 minutes walk/run cool down. I think it has to do with muscle twitch (don't really understand this - need to do some more reading), and the general value of interval training. Anyway - I'm quite enjoying it and because I have the beginnings of a solid base, thanks to C25K, I feel like I'll be able to do it to the end (no way I'd have even started it prior to this programme).
Does this matter - that I'm not doing my 30mins x 3/week consolidation runs?
That sounds fabulous, and it’s clearly working for you. I would continue with this. Presumably this is for one run a week, and the other two are your 30 minute consolidation runs?
Hi, no it's 3 runs a week in the Garmin programme. Two of them are the interval training, with 10 minutes warm up/cool down, and then the third one is longer - they seem to vary it depending on how well you've done previous runs, so I can't look into the future of the programme, unfortunately. I do think there's some hills planned though: dreading that. I did the fifth run today. I like having some structure - I think I'm less likely to put off a run if I have that, and I guess part of consolidation is just habituating yourself to putting on your trainers 3 times a week and getting out there. Sometimes that's the hard bit.
I've repeated my 30 min run (about 4km I reckon) 3 times and I think the next thing I'll try is more or less the same distance but incorporating a longer tougher slope. Do that twice if I can, then maybe a different route a couple of times, and then maybe try a little quicker a couple of times. Then I should be on holiday in beautiful Asturian countryside in Spain so hope to do a couple of runs there too
Graduated then lost my mojo after moving up a mountain....then tried running down the mountain....turns out not my best idea.....gawd really used some different muscles bracing on the steep parts of the track ..my glutes are feeling it especially..only got a quarter of the way up...felt like i wasnt even moving.....going to go back to my little mountain
To be fair i live in the mountains of wales so have never had a flat run...but my new mountain is absolutely ridiculously steep...ran my usual mountain today...forgot to start my music and my running app so ran it bare...but i know when I'm 15 mins in so thats ok...i actually rather enjoyed running with just the sounds of nature...and felt i found my pace at last..have no idea what that was tho without my app...may have found my mojo again 🙂
I graduated on the c25k yesterday and really want to make sure I continue to progress, so would like to keep up with a routine moving forward.
I had been managing to cover just over 4k in the 30 mins timeframe. But yesterday, on my last run I did try the full 5k which I completed in exactly 37.5mins!
So... my question is, what's the best course of action to take from here on in?? I have read a lot of advice on here about not pushing myself too much too soon. Any guidance on how best to go about the consolidation runs? How long i should be consolidating for?? Should I just be sticking to 30mins??
Ideally I would like to work toward 10k... maybe start off with working towards 60mins and progress towards 10k? But I really don't want to end up on the injury couch, so keen to hear other people's tips and experiences?!
First consolidation run today went in morning and it felt really tough. Used Laura and 5k + podcast may have been a bit fast. Will do a few on my own behind I try it again .
Hi - just completed the 9 weeks today and I know for me it’s a danger point of just falling onto the off ramp and heading back to the couch. And I don’t want to do that! So I’m really happy to have found this place. I’ve only just started posting in health unlocked so not familiar yet. It does seem totally fantastic though. Such a huge amount of support. For the first time in my life (late 40s) I think I could become a runner. Mad! 😄
Yay well done. I didn’t start till I was 42 and not looked back since ( I’ll be 50 this year). Just focus on establishing your routine of 3, 30 minute runs a week, and then think about what you want to do next. The world is your running oyster 😎
So glad I found this post as I was feeling lost and missed Sarah Millican!! Have started listening to some short podcasts which help me through. I’ve hurt my hip though and worried being out for a few days will set me back... trying to ice and rest it and fingers crossed I’ll be back to running again late next week 🙌🏻😁
Hello, I think that sounds a great idea, as long as that feels comfortable. You can always drop back to the two 30 minute runs and one 5k if it gets too much.
Hi! I've just graduated this morning and I need to make a plan because it's the structure of the programme that's kept me going. I mostly ran more than 30 mins in the final 3 weeks (I did the prescribed bit then ran on the extra five minutes cool down, knowing I had some more time to walk home and cool down after). I even managed 5k a couple of times though it took me over 40 minutes. I'd love to get past feeling uncertain every time whether I can even keep going, so I think just doing 30 mins every other day will be good for me for now, with maybe permission to myself to go on longer if it turns out I want to?
Hi. I've just graduated this morning. Am amazed I've done it - doing 60 seconds was a challenge at the time - 30 mins seemed nigh on impossible!! But I've actually done it. I'm doing 30mins - 5k takes about 45 (I gave it a shot the other day!) so am intending to gradually increase to to 45 then try and eventually get the speed up.
My concern is that I need the structure, like Laura in my ear, to commit me to going. Any suggestions?
Congratulations, and that sounds sensible, you could do two 30 minute runs a week, and one that you gradually increase? Have you tried the stepping stones podcasts?
Hi, everyone! I completed week 9 a couple of weeks ago and haven’t managed to run 3x a week since then but have been doing 1 or 2 runs a week. Yesterday I finally managed to run 5k! It took me 32 minutes so it wasn’t a huge leap from running 30 minutes for me. Now I’m wondering what next? I know I want to be more consistent and get into the habit of running 3x a week. I find this hard as I work three long days a week on Mondays-Wednesdays and tend to feel tired so end up running in the back end of the week which means running consecutive days. Do you think this is ok?
On a Monday I start work early in the morning and finish at about 5, back at around 6 so I could potentially try running on the Monday evening but I find I struggle to do this after work (mentally and physically) and often get a stitch running in the evening after work.
I was thinking of trying to do a couple of weeks running 30min or 5k (whatever I feel up to) 3x a week doing some runs at a slower pace maybe for 25-30min and then one with intervals of fast and slower pace for some variety (30min) and then one where the aim is distance (5k to begin with). Then after 2 weeks slowly increase the distance of the longer run. What do you think? Are there any plans you have come across which do it this way and I could follow? Ultimately I would like to slowly increase my pace for 5k and increase distance to be able to do 10k eventually.
I would like to work at my own pace though and not beat myself up if I can’t complete 3 runs a week as planned. I’ve previously quit fitness programs because I have a bit of an “all or nothing” perfectionist attitude so when I did the NHS couch to 5k I’ve had a kinder approach and not worried if it’s taken me a few extra weeks because I’ve missed runs. There was a full week and a half I didn’t run at all and (while not ideal) I found it didn’t impact my progress significantly.
Apologies for the long post but it’s the first time I’ve posted in the forum really and I’m ready to start planning where to go from here!
I still can’t believe I can run 5k! 🏃🏻♀️😊 it’s such a massive sense of achievement for me as I was always told I’m just not “sporty” and therefore never really pushed myself to do anything like that. I have lots of friends who enjoy running long distances and a fiancé who can smash out a sub 20 min 5k after not running for weeks so they don’t seem to get how big a deal this is for me but coming to this forum and seeing other people celebrating this makes me feel so proud and motivated so thank you for that!
Well done on graduating, and your plan sounds great re the two times 30 minutes, or one shorter interval, and then one longer where you build up. I am the same re the evenings, I just can’t run. I work full time and what works for me is going out early ( between 5 and 6 am) and it totally sets me up for the day. I am guessing that if you do long days this may not work as you must start quite early. Have a good think about where you can best get your runs in, try it and you will suss out what works best for you.
Thought Id just check-in, after week 1 consolidation managed 1x30mins and 2x35mins this week. Think I will keep going with the 35 mins runs next week using the C25K app and get 4k under my belt . Had lots of folks telling me I should now do x,y and z, but I just want to consolidate what Im doing at the moment and gradually get up to the 5k.
They say it takes 12 weeks to form a habit and I think it’s safe to say, after my third week of consolidation I’ve certainly made a habit out of running!! I just finished the week with a 5K PB and I couldn’t be happier 🤩
I finished my last Couch25k run about half an hour ago! I was reluctant to do it, as I’m worried about carrying on without the support of the app. So I’m really happy to have found this group. I want to use the next few weeks to get a bit faster, as I’m 66 and very slow. Right- off for a well earned shower!
Hi, I completed the c25k a few weeks back and I've now done five 5ks and got a PB today of 33:40 today 😊.
I printed your magic 10k plan and was going to start it this week but Im wondering if I do another week of 5ks before starting the plan? What would you recommend?
I'm super keen to start the 10k plan and think it looks great - thanks for sharing this!
Second consolidation run done today - slight variation in my route and it felt good. May try a run in the local park this week - just to mix things up now lockdown rules here in Scotland have eased.
Hi all, I graduated this morning - feel extremely proud of myself and definitely plan to continue, I am only running approx 3.6k so the plan is to carry on and hopefully increase distance as my fitness improves. I also struggle greatly with humidity, so as the mornings begin to cool, it should be easier right? Off to nurse my aching knees now
The heat kills me - I have to go early in the morning or later in the evening. You're right that it should get easier as it cools down - though I think my old muscles might take longer to warm up in the cooler weather. You just can't win, eh? Congratulations on graduating.
Hi Ju-Ju, I started running during lockdown. I have enjoyed it very much and graduated on 9 July (4.5k in 30min) . I have never run before and during lockdown there was no access to running shoes so I used the trainers I already had. One pair gave me ankle pain, the older pair seems to be better and I used it for all these weeks with no problems. Yesterday I got my gait checked and got a new pair of Brookes. Apparently My old trainers are full size smaller and don’t give my ankle much support. But having listened to all that and having bought the new pair .... I am scared to try them!!! I feel like they are so different to my old ones that they will give me bother.... some advise would be really really welcome., Thanks ( sorry for a v strange situation/request/ silliness)
It took me a couple of runs to get used to my Brookes - the ankle support felt strange and they were a lot colder to run in than my old trainers. They are a massive improvement on my old shoes though. I've had no problems with my knees since I changed
Huge well done on graduating and great you have new shoes. Go for a few walks in them perhaps to get used to how they feel?
Hi All, I graduated the week before last and have done some consolidation runs since. My first consolidation saw me manage 5k in just under 32 minutes and my latest saw a slightly slower 5k at just under 34 minutes. The breakthrough yesterday was that the wall that I kept hitting at 25 minutes didn't appear and for the first time it felt like I was no longer counting every step during the run. Maybe that means I CAN run for longer
Good morning! I have just finished W9R3 and I can't quite believe I have done it! It's wonderful that you are all here to support people like me who are new to running, thank you so much for what you all do! I am determined to keep going and having your support here will be so crucial. Thanks again! 💚
Off for my first consolation run in a bit ... but looking for advice (again 😌) please!
I’ve just seen a video clip of me running & I look really weird, stiff & awkward: there’s hardly any moment in my torso & certainly no fluidity! (Think Basil Fawlty!)
I don’t understand why, or more importantly, what I can do about it ...
I do loads of yoga & am really quite flexible in my shoulders, back & hips, so I can’t believe it’s that ...
I’ve read a lot about posture for new runners but haven’t discovered any gems regarding this ...
Hello, running form is a tricky one, and other than someone watching you and telling you what to do differently it’s hard to tell. One thing that comes to mind is to relax into your running. When you are new to it there is a tendency to be more rigid due to anxiety, finding it tough etc etc. So apply your breathing from yoga, relax your body, slow down so you can observe how your body feels, and focus on being light footed, using your core to hold you up and look forward ten steps.
I also really tried to follow Laura’s advice in the speed stepping stones to ‘roll through your foot’ ... that felt much better! I think one of my weird-isms was that I was picking my feet up rather than rolling ... it certainly felt more fluid.
I ran run 1 of week 11 today. Still sticking to 30 minutes. Today I thought I really struggled, but when I checked my app afterward I achieved my furthest distance so far so I seem to be natutally speeding up. Still nowhere near 5k but still getting the buzz at the end of each run 🥳 thanks for the the post c25k advice, I would have been lost with out you 🏃♀️
Thank you! Lost you again and now found you again! Ha! Will do Consolidation run 2 tomorrow for the 30 mins and see how I get on. My legs are a bit stiff from the attempted Stepping Stones ( speed ) but have taken the advice to do this only once a week ☺️
I completed my 3rd consolidation run this morning. My longest distance yet and 5 achievements on Strava, I felt very proud!
I'm looking to maybe spread my wings a little and walk or drive to a new starting point. I live in the bottom of a valley so there are hills everywhere apart from a few chosen routes I run - mainly around my local park.
I have completed 2 x 30 min runs since graduation and plan to keep to 3x per week. I was thinking I should start to increase my pace a little, but reading your post I will stick to the usual for a couple of weeks before pushing myself further. I acquired a muscle strain in my thigh on the last run so really should stretch out after warm down? I can’t say I enjoy running yet but I do like the feeling of achievement at the end 😁😁
Hello, yes I would definately get comfortable in your 30 minute runs first. And watch that strain, some stretching and looking after it is needed. You may want to give it a few days rest before going out again. See how you feel?
Thank you for your advice, I look forward to my next run and feel happier to settle into the same distance/ time for a few runs, hopefully it will become a little easier 😬🤔🤔, I live in hope
I am at the same stage as you Runcovid and like you have still to experience the real enjoyment factor but I'm sure it will come. Having tried the Stepping Stones with Laura (NHS website ) I loved the sprint feeling and managed it but then lost all my rhythm and gave up after 10 mins so will try it again maybe next week! Hope you start to enjoy it. My 2nd Consolidation run tomorrow
It’s hard to keep the motivation, I still use the app on wk 9 for my consolidation runs, I had an extra 2 days rest due to muscle strain ( which has now recovered) but I found the 30 mins tough and slowed down to a fast walk a couple of times😔., but felt good later in the evening afterwards so I guess I have to build on that good feeling to keep me motivated. I will look at the stepping stones to see if it will benefit me. Well done to you for keeping it going 👍
Good plan, and is there anything in particular that has caused you to feel this way? I, sorry about your bad run, we all get them and generally learn so much from them too. Hang in there.
I am definitely "old lady" trying to find the right links! I'm so glad I finally found the July Consolidation Club as was all over the place !! Since graduation I've completed only 1 x 30 min run and found it really hard. I downloaded Stepping Stones ( speed ) and managed only 2 of the 4? runs as entirely lost my rhythm. I'm now back on 30 min run and hope I can increase my pace a bit but wonder if just doing a sprint at the end is enough?
It sounds like you’ve been bombarded with too many things to work on. My advice would be to stick with 3 of the 30 minute runs a week with no pressure for speed or distance.... find your running rhythm and your running legs... and the rest can follow on later..... and we’ll done, it is really hard after graduation.
Also sorry to ask probably a really dumb question but how do I know if I have actually run the 5k ( as opposed to the 30 mins )? Do I need a gadget of some sort??
I am using MapMyRun app, it runs at the same time as my repeat of C25K runs and music on my phone. It gives updates every km, which is helpful as Sanjeev does updates by time, so I get 2 lots of info.
I’ve been going out 3 times a week and started out doing the 30 mins runs (I use that term loosely 🐌) but felt ready to move on a bit 😂 I was the same, had no idea until I got home how far I’d run. Last week, after reading another hugely helpful post, I downloaded the free NikeRunClub app and the nice lady tells me after each km my time and average pace. The first time I used it, I got to 3km and continued to run while she told me my stats, I thought “I’m already on my way to 4K” so I carried on and then at 4K “I’m already on my way to 5K” so carried on. I’ve now done 5K three times which I’m super proud of! 😊 I’m still very slow, 5K takes me 45 mins but I’m happy with that. Still feels odd saying to my daughter that I’m going for a run 🏃♀️
My advice would be to enjoy your 30 mins runs until you feel ready to do something different and keep it fun.
Will have a look at the NikeRun Club App. Think tomorrow I'll just do the 30 minute run till I can work out the next best thing from all the suggestions people have made. no excuse anyway for not trying some of them! Many thanks for your help!
Good question.... there are a lot of free apps you can use like Strava, Nike, mapmyrun as HennieR62 says below. Lots of people choose to buy a watch like Garmin etc.... google and explore and you will find something that’s right for you.... however there is also a downside as it can be very distracting and not healthy to become focussed on stats rather than the joy of running... there is lots written out there about that too.
Am sticking to the 30 mins for now and have done 3 now. I'm not bothering with the distance like you say as really glad just to be able to do this for now. I tried the Speed one again and failed again so not bothering with it for now ( if ever ! ).
Been so busy that I still haven't got round to applying any of these extra suggestions but still doing the 30 min runs alternate days which I'm quite enjoying for now ( with a sprint for last minute) . When I say enjoying, I'm really not sure if I will ever enjoy running as I'm basically not very good at it but somehow managing to do it!. Thanks for now ju-ju.....and everyone😀
Completed W9R3 this morning and enjoying my development from W1R1. My plan is to keep to running for 30 minutes with the ultimate goal of running 5k in that time. I’m current running just over 3k, so a way to go but considering I didn’t think I could do 30 minutes, I’m sure 5k is doable 👍🏾😊
I'm like Fabuat50 (good name!) - my aim is (eventually) to run 5K in 30 minutes. I'm averaging around 35 minutes at the moment. I'm going to think about it in terms of shaving - a little bit off every month, I reckon, until I get there. I've been thinking about the Garmin outage and all the "you haven't run until it's on Garmin" vs "forget the tech and just enjoy the experience" stuff on social media. I think I'm somewhere in the middle: I'm not obsessed yet but I can see myself heading that way. (Especially as I treated myself to a Garmin running watch - it's great going out with no phone.)
Thanks, Fabat50 was taken and Fabu reminds me of shows like Miranda and Absolutely Fabulous. I didn't realise Garmin was the go to tech. I've got a Fitbit and it serves me well but maybe I'll go Garmin next😁.
Your plan sounds great, and yes it’s a very easy trap to fall into, and I think it’s about finding a good balance between enjoying your running, and also about having a focus and goal you can work towards, which the Garmin can help with.
5th consolidation run today ... and 2nd (since w9) whereby I’ve got to 5k in under 30 mins ... two more weeks of consolidation before upping one of my weekly runs by the 10% rule ... loving this feeling of being able to run !! That said only had 3 wet runs since W1R1... wonder how the motivation will be when it pours down ....
Just about to run my first consolidation run this morning, I tried running with mapmyrun, but it cut Michael out on my final run, so I think I will just try running the last week9 run again for 30 minutes and enjoy it without thinking how far I'm going. I bought new running socks though, my special treat for finishing.
Well, it's exactly four weeks since I graduated, and I'm still running every 2-3 days, mostly in the morning to escape the heat. And I'm naturally a night owl!
I've just been going out and seeing what happens rather than aiming for specific times or distances. Longest run to date was 6.91km in 44:48, which also included my fastest 5K time at 32:05.
Now toying with the idea of running 10K before I'm 60. Is that the Magic Plan calling me?
I'm 60 in a tad over two months, so in theory it should work. Assuming temperatures cool off a bit - it topped 42° here yesterday afternoon - and that I can stop misreading how far I'm supposed to run! #muppetdumassifcentral
Hey there! Tonight I graduated wk9 run 3 and even kept going to complete 5k. I never would have believed I would manage it having never ran before.
The programme has been amazing not only for physical well-being but particularly for my mental health as I’ve suffered anxiety since having my kids. I’ve found running an amazing way to completely switch my mind off from anything other than putting one foot in front of the other.
Any advice on where I go from here/consolidation running would be so appreciated. I worry that without the set schedule on the programme I’ll lose my motivation. I feel like I’m in such a good place and I’d like to keep up the momentum.
Well done..... and my advice is to do the consolidation running, 3 times a week for 30 minute, and then you could start to think about increasing one of the runs, and doing a shorter run that could be an interval run. Are you on Bridge? Lots there to help keep you motivated.
Hi -ju-ju and all. I am so happy to have completed my final run on this beautiful morning. Would you know if there are there any other guided runs or apps available to help me to consolidate my running?
Hi. I signed up for the Great North Run solo challenge on 28th June (where you have to run 40 runs in 78 days) and, now that I've graduated C25K (3 runs per week), obviously find myself behind in the schedule I need to complete the GNR. This means I'm going to have to break the cardinal rule and run on consecutive days a few times. They don't need to be long runs. I was thinking of maybe just doing a 5-10 minute fast run on my non-run days. Does anyone have any tips to ensure I don't hurt myself (other than don't do it, which will break my heart as it's my lovely first running medal goal)?
Personally I’d be cautious about ensuring you don’t injure yourself. Tricky to say as I don’t know your level of fitness and strength etc.... but yes one way is to chink it up into manageable bits, and you may want to walk some of them too.
I can't believe that July is nearly over. I graduated 3rd June, so that's nearly two whole months of just running. Still doing the Garmin programme though I'm still faffing about with the watch and manage to turn the programme off halfway through, trying to change podcasts. If I was better organised when I left the house in the first place...or had bothered to read the instruction manual. Seems a bit bonkers, having to have an instruction manual for a watch. Anyway...best 1K (5.57), best mile (9.55) and best two mile (20.52) efforts. So I'm feeling dead chuffed with myself.