So gutted, pulled my calf muscle a week ago so didn't run since then. Tried again yesterday but it went again. Looking at my calf there is now a bruise on it. Any advice on how to heal it? How long should I have off?
I'm injured! : So gutted, pulled my calf muscle... - Couch to 5K
I'm injured!

I would try and see a physio asap, or your gp. A private physio appt is around £40 and should give you treatment and advice on exercises and when you can run again.
Depending on your gp, they may also refer you to a physio but that could take a lot longer.
I wouldn't run until you are absolutely sure it's healed as it could get much worse. 👎🏼
Thank you, I'm so gutted as I was really enjoying my runs after finishing C25k a couple of months ago
Trust me, I know the feeling! I broke my little toe a few days after graduation!
Far better to be safe than sorry. A neighbour actually detached her calf muscle from the bone just walking, took almost a year to heal. A couple of weeks off now would be better than something like that 🙈

I hurt my calf and it took quite a time to heal. I stopped running, after a few aborted attempts to re-start
After a three week complete break I was good to go
It spends on what you’ve done. We’re not doctors so can’t give specific healing times. we’re all different, and we don’t know what your injury is
Some times we just have to just stop and rest
Our calves take the brunt of our running so they need to be strong enough. Once you’re healed you can do specific exercises to strengthen them
Good luck 🙂

Please go get it checked out by a health professional! You don't want to stress it out for no reason 😊
Have made an appointment with a sports physio as advised. I find it funny as I'm a fat round heavy person, seeing a sports physio