It was about 5pm on the evening of Tuesday 24 March 2020 that I first started Couch to 5K. The previous evening a blond haired man in a suit had told us all to stay at home, but that we could have half an hour of exercise outside each day.
The Couch to 5K app had been glaring at me on my phone for a couple of years previous to that. I could never find the time to start. Well, I didn't have that excuse any more.
So I put on some totally inappropriate clothes for running and set out. It was hard. Really hard. I didn't realise how unfit I was.
It took me until the end of August 2020 to complete C25K. The first two attempts were abandoned due to the medicine I was taking at that time. I'd forgotten that you shouldn't do exercise in the middle of a six month course of Roaccutane.
Anyway, it's five years from that first attempt and I've done lots of running since then, with my longest run to date being a little over 26km. I've done over 120 parkruns.
So today I redid that first Week 1 Run 1, but to make it interesting I did it barefoot.
Yep, no shoes at all. I also wore a tee shirt and shorts. I do have some standards.
Now this isn't the first time I've run totally barefoot. I also normally wear "barefoot" shoes of various types (usually Vibram FiveFingers, the ones with individual toes). I even did this exact thing the last two years on this date.
It's a perfect day for running: dry and sunny but with a slight breeze. Temperature around 13°C.
I get out onto the pavement. It's concrete paving flags. This is actually a comfortable surface for bare feet.
I start the watch and also start the five minute warm up walk.
The surface changes to rough asphalt. I wait for a gap in the traffic to cross the road (not particularly nice surface-dressed tarmac) to get to the pavement on the other side. A brisk walk to the corner, past the hairdressers and the sandwich shop, and onto the main road.
I keep walking. Some wags in a car honk the horn and call out asking where my shoes were.
And then the watch beeps to remind me that the five minutes are up.
I break into a run. Across a side road junction and past a bus stop. The minute goes by quickly.
Then the ninety second walk. The next minute of running takes me over another side road junction and past a bus stop. There are people taking up the whole width of the pavement so I run in the bike lane (rolled tarmac, which is actually nicer on the feet than some of the pavement surfaces).
Another 90s walking, another car full of wisecrackers. They're only jealous, I reason to myself, because they couldn't or wouldn't do this.
The next run interval takes me past a lady who is unloading groceries from her car. And the one after that takes me past the bus stop for the local college. The students waiting for the bus have clocked my oddity but do not comment.
Then my mistake. I turn around too early. I'm remembering where I used to turn five years ago, but I'm stronger and faster than I was then, so turning here is doing it one interval too early.
I walk back past the college bus stop. Again they make no comment.
The next run takes me past the high school bus stop. I have to go into the bike lane again because of students on the pavement.
A couple of run intervals later, I cross the second side road from earlier. A car with a lady in it is turning right into the side road. I look to check she's seen me. (Even though Highway Code rules now say I have priority in this situation, many don't even look and some don't care.) As we say round here, she's gawping in disbelief.
The next run interval gets me past the first bus stop, and then I realise my mistake. I decide to take a diversion up the side road which leads to the chippy, finishing the final run interval just a little way past the chippy's entrance.
I then go back towards the main road and continue homewards.
It then occurs to me that I could take a video of me running, so when I was not too far from home, I decide to run 200m and take a video of some of it (from the waist down) so that I could frighten people with it on Strava.
Back home, I stop the tech and take a photo of the soles of my feet. Mucky!
No pain at all. Only a few small stones which I easily brushed off. I enjoyed this outing.
Here's to the next five years, and best of luck to everyone currently doing C25K.