18 minutes into the run and feeling good. Out of nowhere sharp pain at bottom of right calf so aborted run. Looks like everything on hold for couple of weeks maybe. If I don't run for two weeks how far back should I go. Hope I don't undo all the hard work!
W7 R3 injured: 18 minutes into the run and... - Couch to 5K
W7 R3 injured

So sorry😘 for you Diamond Dogs🐕. that can happen to anyone, don't go back to running🏃until the pain has gone. If it's only two weeks off, I would rerun week 7 again. If you are off for longer, perhaps consider going back to week 4 with a few intervals, I just hope you can resume your 🏃 runs ASAP🏃😊

Firstly, get it checked out and see what is going on... A sports physio would be the best bet. You will then know what to do next and which exercises can be useful! Then you can think how to move forwards... I had a minor calf tear..but was back on it after all had been sorted

Very sensible decision there... sudden sharp pain means stop. Hopefully it’s not much and stopping stopped it being too bad. If you don’t run for two weeks you lose nothing, 3 and I’d still say go at the next run.
Here’s hoping you are days on the IC instead of weeks.
Try standing on that leg tomorrow while supporting yourself and going gently to tip toes.

Ouch, sounds nasty. You definitely did the right thing by stopping there and then. Yes, get it checked out, stick to whatever layoff/exercises you’re recommended, and you’ll be back in action sooner rather than later.
Good luck. 😀