I need some major inspiration to actually get started and going!!! I feel really nervous about getting going and doing the first run because I can barely run at all! Anyone got any tips?
Week One run one : I need some major inspiration... - Couch to 5K
Week One run one

Yes well that’s the idea of the programme. It teaches you to run from a standing start
Never fear, the programme holds your hand. There is no hurry at all. You walk more than jog to start with. Just a few walks and you speed up when prompted by your chosen coach.
Read the programme notes as much is explained They are in Blue text on the right 😃👍

Don’t be afraid to try, we have all been in your trainers in week 1. Nobody joined this programme because they were already good at running. Jog slowly, and if it feels very difficult, then go even more slowly. There is no such thing as going too slow

Lots of us on here saw ourselves as not being able to run - I struggled after 20seconds in Week1 - I'm now on W8 and running for 28minutes. This programme ensures you are physically ready for each new week - it's your mind that will tell you that you can't run. It's not easy but there's no reason that you can't do it. You can. Just focus, go as slowly as you can and you will succeed! Best of luck 😊

Read this, get the shoe on and enjoy.Take it slow a steady... post your runs for support and encouragement and you will be fine

Hannah- as everyone else has said- you CAN do this. Go out early, somewhere quiet, get your music going and listen to the programme . You will surprise yourself I’m sure. Good luck 👍💪

This is a life changing programme that really works and it will work for you. You will not only be fitter and have a statistically reduced risk of a whole host of life limiting conditions, your confidence and self esteem will grow and (yes, I know it sounds corny) you will be happier.
It is a win, win, win situation and most graduates regret that they did not start this years ago. Follow that link given to you by Oldfloss
Hannah I started this week after years of not running. I did my 2nd run last night and couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed it. I’ve tried running so many times but never in this way but reading everyone’s stories really helped. You’ve got this. Let us know how your first run goes.

All been there. I bet that after first couple of runs you will be hooked like we all are. It's a great programme.

I think we’ve all thought that. I found week one the toughest, mentally more than anything. PMA! Don’t think, just do what your trainer tells you!!! Good luck, let us know how you get on. 👍👍👍
Just do it!!! I'm 45 over 16stone and couldn't run for anything! I've got my w2r1 later today and like you was finding loads of reasons to worry about getting out there for the first time, now I can't wait for work to be over to start my new week! The first run is the worst but I found I enjoyed the next 2 and now I couldn't care who's around! Just take it easy and go at your own pace, you can take the weeks in your own time, repeat a run if you feel you need to! Get out there and good luck, you can do it!
Thank you everyone! I have a lot of exams at the moment so with revision I literally don’t have time to run but I’m planning on starting this Friday and I’ll make sure to tell you all how it goes! I’m actually looking forward to getting going now.