I started this plan as a very very unfit man 19st 8. And now 4 months later I am doing regular exercise 5 times a week 3.5 stone lighter. I have played hockey for Spalding town in the league on a regular basis I am doing circuit training and a weights plan. I have also assessed my DIET and started eating healthy as my Personal Trainer said it is 80 diet 20 exercise. What I am trying to say is that this app inspired me to do all of the above so I would highly recommend to anyone.
I have only gone and done it WK9R3: I started... - Couch to 5K
I have only gone and done it WK9R3

Well done you, what an inspiration. I am week 4 and keep asking myself ..can I actually start to believe I can graduate. I love the exercise but trying to get my diet sorted seems a bit more tricky.
Yes you will graduate!
Best thing to do I start with a known plan I signed up as an online slimming world member for three months learnt the principles then adapted it to my lifestyle. Now when I pick up food I think now how many minutes running of time in the gym is that going to be. Haha stupid I know but works for me. The only thing I would say is you need a treat day every week else you will never stick to it good luck x

Wow well done! Can’t wait for mine! You are an inspiration!
Keep it up Tasha the feeling I got after
Every run spurred me on to my next. If I can do it so can you and I will be here to cheer you over the finish line. X
Thanks! I’ve only got week 9 to finish and hope to graduate on Saturday but sinusitis is holding me back this week 👿 I’ve signed up to ju-ju-‘s bridge to 10k plan next but I’m not sure I’ll do it. What’s next for you?
Tasha I have a 5k run to do for a mental health charity then I am looking for a 10k plan as I have a 10k for September then hopefully half marathon early next year. My dream is to RUN a full marathon mid to late next year. I also will be playing Hockey again this winter. Circuit training, swimming & weights should keep me busy. But I am loving the running.
I think I’ll sign up to the local 10k for September. Something to keep me going on Ju-Ju’s 10k plan. Sounds like you’re turning your life right round. Well done! 💪🏽
Your doing a great job too Tasha. It is a lifestyle change I wish I had done 10 years ago. X is ju-ju’s an app??

Congratulations 🎉💪🏻
Congratulations 👏👏👏🍾.

Whoop whoop 🎉 🎉 🎉 Congratulations Unfitwestie, you have finished the program and Graduated!
Well done👏👏👏👏
Step up to the podium for your well deserved badge 😊x

Well done!

Woohoo! Congrats, here's to a new lifestyle! Also, you're going to take the "un" out of your username!
Congratulations well done 🏃🏻♂️😁

Fantastic!! What a great graduation post...so many positives to shout about 🙌
Happy running graduate 🎓
Congratulations! An amazing achievement, what an inspiration 🎉

Brilliant, well done! You need to change your name!!!

Well done westie !!! You are definitely not unfit anymore. What an amazing achievement , bet you feel great. So glad you completed it, we started about the same time. I am trying to tackle my weight problem now. Anyway back to you... CONGRATULATIONS ! and welcome to the shiny graduate badge club.
Thanks I remember plenty of your posts. Are you still running I have just signed up to Ju-Ju’s bridge to 10k
Yes still running for 30 minutes 3 times a week. I've started doing trail runs. I run less distance over the 30 minutes doing trails, and I still find running hard work. 10k maybe my challenge for next January. Hope you continue to enjoy your running journey...injury free

Hooray and 3 cheers!! 🎉🎉👏what an achievement and it sounds like you’ve got it all mapped out for post C25K. The only way us up!!!

Well done. Bet you feel brilliant! What do you plan to do next?

💪🏆🎇whohoo! Congratulations, wonderful news, well done! So happy for you! It's great to see your hard work paying off with such dividends! I've only lost 1kg but feel so much better and have definitely list a few inches.
Hope to join you as a graduate soon and onwards with a whole gang of us with Tasha99!