Hello lovely runners…I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine in between the showers? It’s giving me a bit of hope that spring is just around the corner (I’m saying that quietly incase the snow hears me!!!)
As some of you may know, my mojo has been more of a mo & a missing jo for a little while…I just can’t seem to find the time but I am going make time for my running, it’s so important to me and I feel so much better when I’ve been out…so…this morning, I was awake around 5:15 I’d laid my running stuff out ‘just in case’ I woke early and felt the need, well, as soon as I opened my eyes the first thing I thought was ‘run’…but that was a little bit too early..so I got up, gathered my running stuff up and took it all downstairs…had a drink of water, did a bit of a stretch, threw my running stuff on and then the hunt began for a bobble for my hair, could I heck as find one!! Eventually, under a cushion, under the dog in the chair I found one…hair up, trainers laced & out of the door.
my last few runs have been a bit of jeffing here and there, but I kind of want to get back to a ‘full’ run so I’ve been repeating week 3 for my last few runs building my stamina again incase that was with my ‘Jo’ anyway, I decided on week4r1…which involves a whole 5 minutes x2 ..I know that sounds lame but I honestly thought I’d struggle…warmed up, did the first run of 3 mins…I thought I must’ve accidentally pressed fast forward on my phone because it literally flew!! Rest for 90 seconds (the rest bits are the fastest minutes of the whole day aren’t they??!!) then run for 5…uh oh…I thought I’d be stopping after 2…but no…my legs, my heart, my lungs were all working together…in perfect harmony! 5 mins up..wow!! I’ve still got it!!! Rest for 2.5 mins…then Laura says another 3 mins..again, that flew…rest 90 secs (whoosh) Laura pipes up again…5 mins …so off I go…& then it happened…the rain…it’s started raining…my absolute favourite, running in the rain…I carried on and before I knew it I was counting down the last minute…YESSSSSS!!! I even had some left in tha tank and ran a little bit during the warm down walk…. I Blumming did it…this time, I am not repeating week 4 over and over like I have been with week 3 I am moving on…right to week 9 run 3…and I will be cheering and clapping as loud as I can when I get there!!!
reading all your stories and adventures have def spurred me on…if you happen to see my missing ‘Jo’ will you tell it it better get home quick because it’s being replaced!!
This is a picture of the beautiful sky on my way home, don’t you just love being outside?