Hi I am really struggling to complete the final run of week 6. I cannot make it more than halfway without needing to walk. I have attempted it 4 times now. I have even gone as far as repeating the whole of week 6 again to see if that would help, but no luck. What's really odd about this is I completed week 5 run 3 without any problems, and like others have said on here was really elated by it. Does anyone have any tips I could try?
Struggling with week 6 run 3: Hi I am really... - Couch to 5K
Struggling with week 6 run 3

This sounds like a mental block that has developed, rather than a physical one. Try the gentle approach -forget the name of the run, forget that you have already tried it. Wipe the hard disk. Consider this as a run for you rather than a hurdle you have to jump. Slow down, breathe, look around you, and remember that it's not a test, it's a journey. Then run to the next lamp post, to the next car, to the man walking his dog... each time congratulate yourself and set a new, reachable goal. Every one you meet is a chunk that's finished. And when Laura tells you to stop, you're done. We tend to balk at the number, and fear is enough to set anyone up for the 'f' word that nobody mentions around here. You've got this.
Thank you. That sounds like it could work for me as I do use the intervals as a goal post. I'll let you know how it goes on my next run 😊
You have to BELIEVE you can do it. If you've got this far then your body is ready (as long as you're not injured) now its all about the mind. When I'm running I give myself mini targets - get to the next telegraph pole, then the next house etc. Try to distract yourself with thoughts of lovely things so the running can just happen. You CAN do it. Just shout 'I Believe!' People might think you're mad but who cares!! Good luck. Let me know when you've done it so I can celebrate with a glass of wine!!! 🙂👍

I did this run today and it was more a battle with my brain that anything else, which kept on trying to sabotage the run at every given opportunity - 1st 5 mins; halfway point; last 60 seconds etc. I just kept telling my brain to shut up and myself that I can do this and zoned out into my music - feel good, motivational pop, not my usual taste but it helped and thanks to my 13 year old daughter playing it on repeat I could mouth the words (not capable of actual singing during a run!). Probably looked like a right numpty, but it got me through and got my mind off the clock. It was also more of a stagger than a run by the end! Music really helps me and doing it early when it's cool. There's no way I could do it at the end of the day in weather like this. I would fail. So I got up at 6am, which is unheard of for me - I don't know what this programme is doing to me!! Good luck, you will get there, believe that. You can do 20 minutes you know that and the extra 5 is all in the mind, honest!
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. It means alot 😊. I will try the run again on Friday as at a wedding for the next few days.

Let us know how you get on! Enjoy the wedding.

I finally managed W9R1 yesterday morning - having had two "practice" runs for it. I bribed myself with a McDonalds egg McMuffin if I did the full 30 minutes. It worked!

Music, run targets, lamppost, postbox, etc., a new run route - anything just Don't. focus on. the time.
Hi all,
I managed to fit in a run yesterday before the wedding. It was a very different run for me as it was cross-country with uneven terrain and lots of hills, meaning I was going at a much slower pace than my normal flat road run. However I managed to complete the 25 mins, with only walking when the hills were too steep to run. So in all I ran for longer than I have in my previous runs, which I'm counting as a positive 😊. The different environment really helped to get my mind off the time. Still to complete the run properly, but feeling more positive about it now 😊. Thanks for all the support you all have given, it has really helped.
Soooo..... I finally completed the run 😁. I have been on a high all day from it. Looking forward to starting week 7 now. Thanks for the support when I was feeling low. It really helped.
Hi, I am on week 6 and my next run is run 3. I thought I would struggle with the 20 minutes run last week but it's amazing how we can surprise ourselves. The way I'm going to approach it is take it in stages of 10 mins, and once I hit that moment of wanting to stop I know it will pass. For most runners I'm sure the key is managing your breathing and being able to handle the tough moments that arise and get through them. Just focus on landmarks, be it a lampost, 20 seconds more to run, get to the next person you see, whatever it may be. I try to be as positive as possible and tell myself 'I've got this'. You have too. Sounds more mental than anything. Your fitness is there, it's more in the head now. Control that and the rest as I have discovered comes along with it. Good luck and give yourself a high five. Running is bloody hard when you're not used to it as I continue to discover but it's getting easier. Hang in there and listen to a podcast. I find it easier than music. It keeps me calmer than music, hence I watch my pace. As long as you're running not walking when you finish that's all that counts!