Was repeating W7R3 yesterday early am, getting near the end and dreaming of finishing then wallop - hit the floor. Tripped on raised (4/5cms) bit of ground so mustn't have been lifting my legs high enough as so tired. Still on the ground I was scared to move in case anything was broken. Slowly moved bits & bobs of my body and to my relief, everything worked - just. Elbow and hand grazed and bleeding with grit & dirt mixed in. OW! Really hurt. Couldn't get the dirt out with soaking so lovely nurse at GP surgery did it by scrubbing and tweezering - OWWW!!! (& gave me a tetanus injection into the bargain). All bandaged up, bruised and sore all over today but SO relieved it wasn't worse and I hadn't broken a wrist, shoulder or ankle.
Don't know if I'll make Monday's W8R1 as my knee's pretty sore but scared I'll lose my mojo if I don't keep going. Think I'll plan to do it within the week and do some fast walks in the meantime (paracetamolled-up if necessary). Feeling a bit sorry for myself, but could have been much worse, eh? And there's always Wimbledon to watch...π