Well, it's later than I usually do it, but I started week 2 today and boy, it was tiring! I was planning on running this morning like usual, but my side (which has provided me with pain of an as yet undetermined cause for almost 18 months now) flared up this weekend, and kept me up last night, so I was a little apprehensive about taking it for a run this morning. As the day's gone on, however, it's got a bit better, and as I was feeling more than a little disgruntled to have missed my morning run, I decided that instead of waiting for tomorrow morning (as I was intending to do), I'd go tonight instead. Had to wait for it to cool down a bit outside before I went (why does the glorious weather always come when I'm forced to stay inside to revise for exams? xD), but I did it! The minute and a half of running was definitely harder than I thought it might be, but I still managed to run all the bits I was supposed to run, though I will admit to pausing briefly during my warm down walk to say a quick hello to this very friendly cat (It's a vet student thing; we stop to pet most animals we come across because animals xD Plus living where I live don't get to see them all that often, aside form the demonstration cows and ponys at Uni), of which I have attached a (rather terrible) picture. Definitely feel better having gone for a run now though, and can't wait for Wednesday's run
W2 R1 Complete!: Well, it's later than I usually... - Couch to 5K
W2 R1 Complete!

Well done! I prefer running in the morning too especially early so no one can witness my struggle lol but sometimes evenings will have to do. I do agree though I find them more tiring especially after a day's work but it's such a good feeling when i eventually go to bed and know that I have done it once again 😄x

Morning Adler, congrats on your run (cat is pretty) hope your side is on the mend. I managed to get out this morning and run wk2 run2. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the revision
Thanks Unfortunately, it's not and was complaining quite a lot while I was doing my yoga this morning, but never mind. I'm just ignoring it at the moment in the hopes it will leave me alone
Hasn't worked so far, but, you know, it's worth a try.
Congrats on your run too How're you finding it so far?
This morning was tough, a late night baking for the charity bake sale didn't help and it was thinking that I'd told you I would do it that coaxed me out of bed earlier the usual - so the credit goes to you I hope that your side recovers must make it so much tougher for you