Dear runner friends,
I want to deeply thank you for all encouragement, cheering me up, helping me overcome another illness break in my running.
Yesterday, the weather was so nice, clear sky, sun shining, a little of a breeze on my face, some shadows from trees to keep my dog cool. I had a longer walk the previous day and got a blister, but I could let the weather just pass without me putting my running shoes and at least trying. We had our warm-up walk (ok, it was longer 10 min walk) to the canal path, so I could let her loose and not worry about all the pulling/stopping, and we started running. I kind of forgot what the schedule was, and I need to admit that in the beginning I wasn't listening carefully to Laura, so I thought the first run will be 5 minutes. I was running, getting really tired, my lungs kind of hurt, so I slow down even more than the snail pace, but I kept going. I started to feel my legs, but I heard Laura saying we're in the half way through the first run, I though OMG it feels like eternity, but I was running for 5 minutes before, so I can do it. And I did Suddenly Laura said that I ran for 8 (EIGHT!) not 5 minutes. I was so shocked that I managed it after over 1 week break. I got a stitch and I didn't fully recovered before the next run. My legs hurt a little, plaster from the blister peeled off and make me suffer. Regardless, I decided to give it a go. It was hard, oh my, it wasn't like in the commercials or the Baywatch intro. My dog was panting, so tired that she was running just next to me, without her traditional wandering and sniffing around. I concentrated on the sun shining on my face, on the water sounds, I took few deep breaths. One step after another, slow and steady, very slow, even slower. Laura told me "only 60 seconds left". One more step, and one more. And you know what? I DID IT !!! I was panting, my dog was panting, but we did it! Finished with a little longer cool-down walk home, got a lot of water (both of us), took a shower, and a huge smile appeared on my face
I completed W5R2 and I am back on track, I am back in the business, I did it, in spite of everything, I did it!
1 step at a time, 1 run at a time