Thought that the dreaded lurgy was behind me, apparently I don't have that kind of luck as my shifts on saturday and sunday dragged, as well as finding me with a rising and falling temperature, muzzy head and a nose like a leaky faucet.
"That's ok," Mam assured me, "that's your body telling you you're run down. Take a few extra rest days and let yourself heal before you run again"
OK, I thought, I can handle that, though I'm still surprised that, after hating the thought of this programme 8 weeks ago, I'm sorry to miss my runs, but never mind, I'll be OK by monday, right?
Wrong. Woke up this morning with my right eyelid glued shut by gunk. When I managed to open it (after a wash in the bathroom with warm water) my right eye is pink. I have managed to contract conjunctivitis on top of the lurgy. Not quite sure what to do as I was feeling better than at the weekend, I went into work, only to be told to go home and call the doctor, just in case I was contagious. According to the doctor I'm ok to work as long as i wash my hands after touching my eyes to put the prescribed drops in but I utterly forgot to ask if it was OK for me to go running with my eye like this. I'm going to guess not as the gunk keeps obscuring my vision a bit. I've had my dad and Hubby-to-Be making South Park references (hence the post title)
Oh bill-hooks, as I will politely say