How do I get faster I run/walk about 2.10 miles in the 30 minutes but I am not over weight just want to get into running at a good speed. My breathing maybe never been a big runner but my sister runs 8 miles at least a day and I want to be able to run 3 nonstop lol
Week 1 day 2: How do I get faster I run/walk... - Couch to 5K
Week 1 day 2

Have you done C25k?

Follow the programme! Sorry, I don't mean to sound flippant and I don't know your level of fitness, but if you follow the programme you will be able to run for 30 minutes at the end of it. Depending on your level of fitness this may mean that you can run 5k, or 3 miles, or you might still have to build up to this, but it does come, honestly. I started out like many others, struggling to run for 60 seconds, and am now up to 10k. A word of warning though - if your sister is running 8 miles a day, she must be very fit and her joints and muscles will be used to that level of effort. Trying to catch up with her too soon will stress your body and cause injury - take it slowly and build up, otherwise you'll be out of the game. Good luck!

There's no easy way I'm afraid, it's sheer hard work, and bloodymindness at times. It's also a slow process that can't be rushed because your body needs time to adjust and build the strength and stamina it takes to just run.
Don't be concerned with speed/distance. Concentrate on each run as it comes and do what you need to do. If you stick with it, eventually you will see improvements but you do need to be patient. If not, you will almost certainly end up being *a patient* - on the injury couch!
I quite agree. I have been told off more than once on here for trying to run before I can walk. Taking it slow is the key. Stamina and strength first then maybe speed further down the line. The program works - having never run before, I ran 3 sets of 5 minutes runs yesterday - and felt I could probably do more.

No worries! I'm slow too. I've noticed that on about the 3rd run of the week (granted I'm only on the second week) I tend to be slightly faster, but I'm trying not to worry about speed too much yet.
Honestly, the weeks fly past! You will be here and advising others before you know it.
Keep asking questions, because if you think it/feel, it a dozen other people probably do too.
I got hung up on times and distance, I had put Map My Run etc apps on my phone....having been told to drop them, I am much happier, finding my own (albeit very slow) pace. My breathing control is better now. I can actually see a time in the not too distant future when I can run without stopping. Like GOOD GRIEF! Me?