I have just done the first run of week 6 and found it pretty tough. After doing the 20min run at the end of week 5 I thought it would be fairly easy but I was mistaken. Did other people find this was the case too?
W6r1 was hard going: I have just done the first... - Couch to 5K
W6r1 was hard going

Eeek, don't say that!! I'm starting week 6 tomorrow, and like you, I thought it would be a walk in the park compared to the 20 minute run! Will see....

I can relate to this. I found this particular run really hard. I was fine until the first walk break and then I just found it really hard to get back in to it. I had made the mental switch from intervals to constant running and to go back to intervals was tricky. Stick with it though. The end is in sight and you're doing a grand job
Yes, I posted just that the other day. I couldn't work out why that should be. I felt well chuffed after doing the 20 minutes and thought this would be a breeze. But worse still for me, I set the app going then when I checked my TomTom I'd ran week 5 run1 by mistake! So I am going out in 1 hour and going to adjust run 2 week 6 to a 13 minute last section to compensate. What a numpty I WAS.

Absolutely yes. In part I think it's it's a mental thing, in that it feels like a comedown after the elation of running for 20 minutes (well done, by the way!); also W5R3 is a big step up from everything that's gone before, so is pretty tiring and takes longer to recover. I looked at W6R1as one to tick off as done rather than to celebrate. However you only one more running-then-walking session, and it's all running after that.

Oh Tez, I have just posted exactly the same thing.
I found it really hard for a number of reasons but I think the main one was over confidence. I ran for 20 minutes - I am a runner, 5 minutes should be a doddle so off I set with a spring in my step, rather than my usual shuffle.
The spring didn't last long and I actually failed to do all the runs. I had to walk for about 30 seconds of the 8 minute run (to sort out my music - thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it) and for about 20 seconds of the second 5 minute run.
I'm going to repeat it on Friday, leaving the cocky me at home!
Just did it, and you were right, was definitely the hardest run yet. I felt sick, got stitch (which I haven't experienced until now!) and struggled massively to keep going, but I did it! Extreeeeemely slowly I must add.. It was very windy which didn't help.. Maybe Snufflegruff is right in that it's harder because we're still recovering from the 20 minute run?..

Yep. Plus everyone I asked before I graduated. It can be a shocker of a run but you're so close to the end! Keep going

Having just completed that run on Monday I found it a little bit harder than I expected, but even so I just kept thinking about wk5r3 and knew it could be done. So overall not as bad as I thought so looking forward to Saturday for the 25 minute run! Does that make me mad?
I just completed it today and like everyone else I thought it would be breeze in comparison to week 5 run 3. Nope, it was still tough. I am managing to get through all my runs first time but I still find it very difficult! It's just sheer mental strength getting me through each run. I can't wait to lose more weight so that the runs become easier for me. i think that may help, as I am very overweight.