Hi all! Have been a Couch25K graduate since last April. Despite a few blips, still out there pounding the streets of Stratford upon Avon on a relatively regular basis. I'm wondering if anyone has found an app which will help to motivate me further. I have the 5-10K training by 'Suz' but haven't tried it yet....also from what little I've heard, she sounds like Donald Duck!! I still like the 5K+ podcasts from Laura but feel like something new....any thoughts would be much appreciated !!
5K to 10K?: Hi all! Have been a Couch25K... - Couch to 5K
5K to 10K?

You could use the B210K podcasts I think they are called - some one kindly put them on dropbox and made a pinned posts to them here. I'm too stupid to get them onto my phone, but I'm using a written plan by MyAsics, a lot of us are actually. There are loads of plans out there I think, hopefully someone else will be more helpful than me. Good luck xx
The Bridge to 10 k on here (with Sami Murphy) is the business. I love these podcasts. I have run them countless times as they crop up on my playlist. I love the inspirational tracks that she's chosen. The lyrics are perfect, and I always seem to get the right words burbling into my ears as I struggle to reach the top of a hill etc. Lots of the tunes were new to me but I love them now, even music I'd never dreamt I'd like, but are fab to run to
If you're happy on a run it makes it more fun and the times passes quicker
These podcasts are over five weeks, which is a bit tough. I got stuck on week 4 so had to keep doing it for a bit til I cracked it and could move on. No matter though. That's fine.
Thanks very much misswobble.....how would I go about getting them onto my phone?....I'm a complete technophobe!!
If you find out let me know....
Hi Curlygurly, it's me again! My husband helped me to get the app on my phone! I googled B210K, then found an entry which mentions the Apple App Store .....with a bit of patience, it's now on my phone (small charge) and I'm good to go! I was thinking of an inaugural run on Sunday, but I hear we're in for snow.....could be a long run or snow run!! Hope you are successful too!
Thanks! I'm way too tight to pay for it, and have an android anyway. I'll bear it in mind though, might change my mind later! Let me know how it goes x

I don't have a snazzy phone. I just downloaded them onto a borrowed mp3 player