well must admit to being somewhat hesistant about donig a run in this heat. So I had penty to drink before setting out and decided to run conservatively..ie slowly. Really enjoyed it in fact I ran a PB in terms of distance completing 7k. Arrived home somewhat dehydrated and rehydrated with lots of cool refreshing water. I'm somewhat sweaty smelly and tired and am about to retire to a well earned cool soak. Feeling happy! :0)
mad dogs and English people and c25kers - Couch to 5K
mad dogs and English people and c25kers

Well done for getting out there. I bet that cool bath felt good! The hot weather can't last for too much longer and we will miss it once it has gone .... perhaps

So you should be feeling happy Well done

I am very very impressed that you could do that distance in the heat and enjoy it!
I managed the grand total of 2 miles in 25 minutes before I gave up. I enjoyed the first 15 minutes, possibly because I was going pretty slow, but enough was enough at 25 minutes. I blame the fact I come from the north east of Scotland

7k in this heat is a long long way. Well done for getting out there in this heat. Running Conservatively to avoid Labouring away in this heat, then taking Liberal quantities of water. Will You Kip after your soak or have something to eat? Some Greens perhaps?
Sorry, I don't quite know what happened there.......

Well Done Marc , I take my hat off to you running in this heat , fab stuff ! xxx

well done...its sooo tough in this heat!!

Oh wow, well done Marc! You deserve to feel proud and happy

Well done! That is some going, it just shows what we can do if we pace ourselves