Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

3,600 members1,412 posts

All posts for June 2016


Hi, I am new to this group. I was wondering if anyone else uses Breo Ellipta and...
catnohat profile image

Confused about COPD diagnosis.

Hello everyone. I was just diagnosed with COPD after they ruled out Pulmonary Fi...
Hidden profile image

Copd treatment

Hello. I'm 57 smoked for years have quit and now I have copd. I believe 1st stag...
Mspatriot57 profile image
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COPD/Pulmonary Hypertension diagnosis

My latest diagnosis is pulmonary hypertension and my pulmomologist has advised t...
Brapp profile image

Took a different option

Did not quit; could not cut my hours, so I had to decrease the amount of effort ...
hamtol profile image

Do These Symptons Sound Familiar?

I was diagnosed over a year ago with COPD! I now use 2 Inhalers and Oxygen at n...
slcreek67 profile image


Hi - My name is Mary and I was diagnosed with COPD in 2005. In between those a...
PteW43 profile image

Living on the edge

Hello out there in COPD land I'm kind of new here but voice myself in other COPD...
Mustangman profile image

Back on Prednisolone

Good afternoon everyone, Patricia7 here. Thank you very much to those people who...
patricia7 profile image


Hi! I was diagnosed with COPD 10 years ago, a widow for 9 years. I have done ...
Rosann profile image

New here

Hi. I'm Cyndi and I was diagnosed with copd since my early 30s.I now have stage ...
Cynners profile image

Extra pounds from not being able to breath

I have gained 40lbs in 10 months. I do not eat much because of having false teet...
Theresa-57 profile image


Hi my name is Cynthia and I found out I had COPD 2 years ago. I'm on 3 inhalers ...

I am Madonna

Hello, I'm new here. Love meeting new people, I have COPD, use two inhalers, air...
Madonnalee profile image

I have COPD, it does not have me.

Hello. I am new here so please bear with me. I have emphysema and have had it...
bcat9251 profile image

Antidepressants and Anxiety meds cause shortness of breath.

Have Copd dx for years. Recently figured out that some antidepressant meds, ...

me and my baggage ?!

hello im new here, a little nervous about this. ive got copd cf diabetes high b...
mema58 profile image


Learning how to breathe

COPD , learning to live with it

Hi I am 44 and I just found out I have COPD I was put in the Hospital Jan 31 for...
bella2016 profile image

New here

I'm new here, looking for advice on living with this disease
Hidden profile image

Living healthy

I am 57 yo male likes to exercise. Have some health issues and have made several...


ti24red profile image

Muscle cramps

I'm on oxygen at night and when I'm real active but I've been waking up with mu...
Dgtheel profile image


This is my third try but I will wait to see if one of my previous emails got thr...
Saramana profile image

COPD Newbie

To my friends at COPD. Hi Sarah I just got done writing a sort of resume' but it...
Saramana profile image

Struggling to breathe

I'm not allowed to have oxygen at dv shelter. I'm sitting down struggling to bre...
lanesf profile image

New and interested in learning and sharing, receiving opinions and advise and discussing thoughts and feelings.

Hi, my name is brapp and I am new to this site and forums. In January of 2014 I ...
Brapp profile image

Do I need a saturation monitor?

Good am, my name is Patricia7, I was diagnosed with COPD last December 2015. I ...
patricia7 profile image

This is who I am

I don't have much information on how to do posts. I need everyone's prayers, I k...
lanesf profile image

COPD: Symptoms & GradesWritten by Joann JovinellyMedically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA on September 8, 2014SHAREOverviewCommon Sy

Hi I'm Moyz, just had c.o.p.d.confirmed,a bit annoyed with myself,smoking all th...
Moyz profile image

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