I'm new here, looking for advice on living with this disease
New here: I'm new here, looking for advice on... - COPD Friends
New here
Hi Hidden , welcome. You don't say much in your post but I had a look on your profile and you give some good information there.
From what you say I think you have been very badly let down by your Doctor and could possibly have a claim against her. It is absolutely ridiculous to have been complaining about a cough for 5 years and nothing be done about it.
I went to my Doctors complaining of a cough and he gave me antibiotics. Still had the cough after finishing them so he gave me some different ones. Still had the cough after finishing the second lot so he referred me to a Consultant. From first seeing the Doctor about the cough to seeing the Consultant was about 6 weeks.
If you had been diagnosed when you first started complaining of a cough, you most probably wouldn't be stage 4 now. COPD is a progressive illness but it can be managed to slow its progress down. My wife has had COPD for over 12 years and she is only stage 2. She gets regular checkups, medication reviews and has a good Doctor. I hope now that you have changed your Doctor you will now get the treatment you deserve.
Feel free to ask any questions. There is always someone here that will be able to help you.
Regards. John
Im new too and find that there are people here from all levels. I still work and dont require O2 but am having to get used to working or even walking and then have my breathing just collapse. There are a lot of really nice people who are open to help and share on this site. You'll do well, welcome.