What education topics are you interested in? - COPD Friends

COPD Friends

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What education topics are you interested in?

R2B_Michele_RRT profile imageR2B_Michele_RRTPartner71 Voters

Please select one:

11 Replies
barneysbull profile image

As diagnosed with COPD, later to be confirmed as emphysema - what medications would be considered appropriate for treatment?

mikelocke profile image

Understanding the progression and outcomes of COPD over time.

Bingo88 profile image

Hello R2B_ Michele_RRT From my understanding. C.O.P.D is just a title for a group of lung conditions. So to me until they find out my particular illness and start treating it. I will just gets worse i guess. So at present. I am a bit mystified. Thank You

janet1944 profile image

My reason for clicking on Travel , 2weeks in Spain £1,800

2weeks in Llandudno £800. INSURANCE. Now you know why we are Isolated , sorry I am isolated. Four walls is now my future.

Burbagegran profile image
Burbagegran in reply to janet1944

Hi Janet1944,

I understand perfectly! Last year we went on a river cruise in France from Southampton, it cost me £1700. That was the best price searching the Internet and also using the services of an insurance broker. I could only get six quotes, the rest refused to insure me. I had been in hospital once in the previous 12 months.

So yes, I am no longer interested in travelling because of the costs.

Good luck for the future, Janet.


Donnabelle profile image
Donnabelle in reply to Burbagegran

So you have to pay extra for insurance to travel abroad due to COPD?

Burbagegran profile image
Burbagegran in reply to Donnabelle

Yes Donna, because I have COPD and mild bronchiectasis and had a hospital stay because of an infection. You must disclose otherwise you will not be covered if you fall ill. I felt totally ripped off.

janet1944 profile image
janet1944 in reply to Burbagegran

Thank you Joan glad it’s not only me , Post Office advertise using older actors , dangerous sports abroad absailing into the Grand Canyon for one ,what with your problems ,Rubbish ,Refused.

I had one Hospital stay two years ago, for three days intravenous ABX .

How did they work out Llandudno £800 still working that one out.

Best wishes Joan stay well. Janet.

Nikilet profile image

I'm interested in most of the topics given. But apparently could only choose one.

Cinders1959 profile image

I would like to have chosen all the options.

Bettz profile image

Since I never smoked very much - would like to know what other things can trigger COPD - also if my COPD will get worse when I am no longer exposed to whatever caused it in the first place.