High FIT test results and calprotectin - Colon Cancer Conn...

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High FIT test results and calprotectin

Sooty712 profile image
4 Replies

I had started to had constipation after a change in my diet which caused a anal fissure and piles i was given cream to use and the tear would did heal and still has not.

For 3 months i was also experiencing very loud noises in my tummy with excess gas/bloating and the bleeding started to get worse where it was covering all my stools, after a few months i noticed this was not the bleeding from the tear or the piles as i begun to cut certain foods out my diet which were gluten and diary and all noises and visible blood coating stools stopped ( i still had alot of gas but no noises ) i felt more comfortable.

Upon returning to GP they did blood tests, culture stool tests , FIT stool test and blood test for celiac disease plus a calprotectin stool test. Results of all blood tests were fine, culture stool test fine and celiac disease results are not back yet but what has been found is a high calprotectin of 332 and a FIT test result high at 94.6 and a referral to colorectal team.

I am naturally concerned and any advice would be so welcome please if anyone has had a similar experience as i am worrying the worse.

Also what other tests can be done instead of having a colonoscopy or a sigmoidoscopy as i am most scared to have either one done.

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4 Replies
GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Sooty712,

Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. I hate that you're having to go through these health issues, but I must say you're doing all the right things. You're experiencing symptoms and you're getting them checked out. Just knowing that you had an anal fissure and piles, your FIT test was going to come back positive so that shouldn't be an issue. The calprotectin test could be an indicator of IBD, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

You definitely still need to get some good answers so you can be put on the path to being well. You're still dealing with a lot of variables that need to be figured out. As a part of my health surveillance that I do annually, I get a colonoscopy, a CT scan, and blood work. That's every year. The colonoscopy is absolutely the best way to see what's going on. If something is discovered, they could take a biopsy right away. A sigmoidoscopy is similar as it just checks the lower part of the sigmoid colon.

You know if you're dealing with piles, IBD, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. The absolute best way to check this out is the colonoscopy👍. It is the gold standard for surveillance of the colon. And you shouldn't worry about either of those tests. I know it's a little awkward just thinking about it and not exactly something that's chatted about in public, but it's a necessity that can offer a great deal of information. I think it is good that you're going to likely have a colonoscopy. They'll go a long way in giving you good answers.

I know I have to get a colonoscopy every year. It is what it is. I even asked the same question you asked about there being some other means to determine what's going on inside the colon. The CT scan has its benefits to look for possible spread of disease and tumors. But there are things that the CT scan cannot detect that the colonoscopy can. As I've said, I get both of these procedures done every year. It is the "prep" work that needs to be done in a proper way and that is the aspect that is the worst. But you have to clean up the colon so they can get a good view of what's going on inside of it. There are things you could do with the prep that can make life easier on yourself. When it's time to have the actual procedure done, I find it to be the most restful hour of sleep you could imagine. I hate to admit it but I kind of look forward to it. 🤔

We do wish you the very best in getting the answers to your symptoms. I think the colonoscopy is the best way to get you those answers and you shouldn't be scared of having that done. It's a very common procedure and it's absolutely the best way to get good answers. Please let us know what your next steps are going to be and what you find out. It is that type of information that can be helpful to others on this site as well.

Thank you,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

tony11173 profile image

Your symptoms and test results need explaining. Its good that you've been referred. Ive had two colonoscopy tests and it was okay. preparation was harder i thought. I also had a virtual colonoscopy ct scan which is an alternative but it does not take biopsies. Though i had low qfit and low calprotectin i displayed all bowel cancer symptoms and my dr was very concerned. I was loosing weight and was anemic. They didnt find cancer anywhere in the stomach or colon. I did have diverticulitis which can be awful. So dont assume anything until there's evidence. Good luck.

Becboo7 profile image

probably a ctc scan. That is the only other non invasive treatment they can do. I’ve had 3 sigmoidoscopies. They get easier. Have gas and air.

Shanlissanna profile image

May be a CT Scan or MRI could be dne.

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