Positive FIT 400 : Hi all, I’m a 37 yo... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Positive FIT 400

Lisaf327 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all,

I’m a 37 yo female. I’ve had IBS for years so have always suffered with bowel symptoms, so it’s difficult to spot any ‘changes’ in bowel habit really as my bowel movements have always been strange, varying from constipation to loose stools.

However, I started to experience quite severe abdominal pain and noticed much more frequent and looser bowel movements over the past few months. It was the pain that made me book a GP appt.

The doctor ordered a calprotectin and FIT test together with bloods. My bloods all came back normal and the calprotecin has returned normal, ruling out IBD my doctor has said. But my FIT test is positive at 400.

I have been referred via the suspected colorectal cancer pathway and my colonoscopy is on Tuesday 9th April.

I am petrified it is going to show cancer, it is the high result that scares me most and the fact that the GP has already ruled out IBD.

I have endometriosis and I am wondering if any ladies have had similar high fit result but negative calprotectin and been found to have no colon cancer?

Can endometriosis cause a positive fit test?

Just want Tuesday to hurry up so I have some answers as I’m going out my mind with worry!

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12 Replies
Lisaf327 profile image

forgot to add, I also have extreme uncomfortable bloating and frequent burping (not big burps more like belching, no noise just gas) and some heartburn but not that bad.

Hi there I was terrified too but on colonoscopy showed no sines of cancer it turned out to be ulcerative colitis now cured with diet no meds there's lots can be wrong and if worst sinario cancer can be cured my uncle had it ages about 75 they snipped it out he's 87 💛✨🌻

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

There is no cure for ulcerative colitis, if you have it you have it for life. If you are symptom free it means you are in remission but no guarantee it will last as the nature of the beast is that flares can happen at any time. Diet is an individual thing and we have to find what suits us but again it can change at any time and diet cannot cure UC. If/when you do flare don’t turn down the meds as they are a life saver ! Hope you stay well for a good while longer.

in reply to bantam12

Hi I was diagnosed 9 half years ago by time I saw the meds specialist I was heeled he said take the meds it will come back I had a exam by another specialist not colonoscopy visual she said the ulcers have gone but it's not a normal colon the skins thin carry on doing what your doing as in diet I'm unsure why it came back 9 half years later I came off the diet all but after a year half

in reply to bantam12

It coming back as made me anxious,I suffer health anxiety anyway and general anxiety and a bit depressed to be honest as I thought I was free of it I read each flare up causes scar tissue which narrows the intestine I know I can't eat like I used to I get bloated and full

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

I’ve had UC since I was about 12 years old and that was over 50 years ago so I’ve had many flares, my latest remission lasted around 20 years due to taking Mesalazine which works well for me.

I’m surprised your Dr didn’t do a colonoscopy as a visual exam can’t possibly tell them what’s going on further up the colon, a colonoscopy with biopsies is the only way to find out the extent of the inflammation and damage, they also look for polyps which can be pre cancerous so are removed at the time. If you've never had proper investigations you should push for it especially if you do flare up.

in reply to bantam12

Hi thanks I had colonoscopy about 2 months ago he did 9 biopsies I'm still awaiting results I got my HRT prescription but no meds on it good job I'm ok the NHS doctor systems all to pot I was told I'd be referred to a IBD specialist 🙄

in reply to bantam12

What food do you eat

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

You should have had the results of your biopsies by now, I would be chasing them up.

UC meds will usually only be prescribed by a Gastroenterologist after a definite diagnosis and I always contact either my Gastro or IBD nurse if I have any problem as GPs are not experienced to deal with UC.

Food wise I avoid all fibre, spices, most veg and fruit, anything fatty or greasy. There is plenty of evidence that certain foods can cause a flare up but little to no evidence that foods can treat a flare up. I stick to white and bland and raise my meds to maximum dose if in a flare, which thankfully isn’t to often.

I hope you get your results soon and they are all ok and do push for that IBD referral.

in reply to bantam12

Thanks thing is tho mine went with diet fish mash no skin or seeds no wholemeal bread nothing rough on the colon Gillian mckeith book I read she self cured her chrones

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Yes a white bland diet can help but neither UC or Crohn’s can be “cured” with diet, some people with mild disease may get away with omitting all foods that cause inflammation and a flare up but unlikely it’s a permanent way of treating, I certainly wouldn’t want to risk it !

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Lisaf327,

Thanks for posting with us. I hate to hear you have all this going on, but I think you are all over the situation. The colonoscopy should provide you the information you’re looking for. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing. Can endometriosis cause a positive fit test? I would think it could be possible. There are so many things that could be causing your symptoms and it’s the speculation we all do until we get a definitive answer. You are on your way to that.

For me, after what I’ve been through, we have the same bowel habits. Nothing surprises me anymore. I find myself thinking about what I had just eaten and how I need to adjust to fix what’s going on. I love peanut butter and too much and it’s not good. I’m a constant lab experiment.

Question: Is there a history of hereditary disease in you family? This is good information for your doctor to know as it could lead to some other tests.

Colonoscopy tips … move the timeline up 2-3 hours so the “wave” of having to go is over early evening and you can get some sleep. Do the same the day of the procedure. You’ll feel more relaxed and in control prior to the procedure. I know it’s a lot of liquid to consume, but you can thin it out with more if that is advantageous. I will add some lime or light color Gatorade for the electrolytes and flavor. Nothing red. There are many flavors to choose from. I usually get the MoviPrep or Suprep. If you have a favorite, stick to that. Otherwise, don’t let them tell you to take a bunch of laxatives “over the counter” stuff. If they suggest that, they are trying to save a buck and your insurance company is being cheap. Get the good stuff.

We do wish you all the best. Do the prep right. I think you are all over this. Please let us know what you find out. It is that type of information that can be helpful to others on this site.

All the best,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

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