Hi my 33 and have been having problems with my bowels for over 12 months now. Symptoms are small amount of blood on and off, constipation( passing small misshaped stools) mixed stools hard and soft. I have had a number of blood tests, examinations and a calprotectin test all negative what next how accurate are calprotectin test can you get a false negative xoxox
Bowel test enquires : Hi my 33 and have... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Bowel test enquires

Any update. I'm.having on and off blood . But have white mucus always
Hi Nina, I’m with you on that too. I also have loose stools. I asked doctor to schedule colonoscopy. Have u had an update?
Same how is it all now??
I'm getting more blood. Always on the stool...doesn't look mixed. I think an internal heamorroid.but just dont know . Hows you
Hi Nina, did you get it checked? Isit heamorriiod?
Hi there ..so 2 weeks ago..I had a really bad time . Was having diarrhoea up.to 8times a day. Blood , pain. I wasn't keeping anything down. Anyway went to A and E in the end say heart rate was v high . Had a sigmoidoscopy that afternoon and diagnosed with ulcerative colits . Was in hospital 5 days and came up with a right cocktail of meds . Note to self...dont self diagnosis. How r your symptoms
I had colonoscopy in March, everything is good, I did colonoscopy cos I had stomach bloating n bleed in poop, irregular pooping and feel pressure at rectum and unfinished pooping. After colonoscopy bleeding stop but pressure at rectum is there, feeling of unfinished pooping is also there. After 1-2 months pressure at rectum no more and unfinished pooping also no more but now the bleeding is like once every 3 weeks or 1 week. I’m so worried
Wow with all those symptoms and they found nothing. Those were my exact ssymptoms.I still now have this awful pressure in bottom and lik u a feeling of incomplete finish. Feels like I'm constipated but not. The only thing different is the diarrhoea I had . But that's because when I tested I was in a flare with the illness .. i would perhaps ask for another colonoscopy as symptoms still persisting with blood.
Actually Basically now I’m left with bleeding on poop sometimes, the rest are okay. Your bleeding is Everyday? A lot or abit
Before I went into this big flare. It was not on every stool but most . Now I'm in flare . Yes I bleed because so many ulcers in my colon . I'm on steroids to try and reduce the immflamation but I think I need more look at my diet too to see if this help with the bleedin . The bleedin isn't as bad now as before meds but still there. I have 6 weeks left of steriod treatment, so I'm not sure how bad I was and sp it may take until nearly the end of treatment to go. I'm so new and shocked by the diagnosis that I'm tryin to get my head around it all. As its life changing