What pulls you through?: You know when you... - Anxiety Support

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What pulls you through?

Chellebells profile image
24 Replies

You know when you get those bad days, when you feel down about your anxiety, that you think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, hopelessness.. what helps you through it?

Luckily enough, I haven't felt that way for a month or so. But I have done in the past, and it's a horrible feeling.

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Chellebells profile image
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24 Replies

My love of life :-)

I was going to put god, but I'm not religious



Ugliebettie profile image

Sleep seems to give my body a wee bit if a break .. I rest a lot .. Warm, quiet, darkness soothes me.

Re God - I actually have also found the church has seriously helped me. I'm not sure how I explain that but I unintentionally went back a few years ago and the calm that hit me just blew me away. I cannot put it into words and tbh I don't try ... It just works for me!

in reply to Ugliebettie

I can respect that..........bettie...how beautifully said

I find when I'm close to nature I get it too sometimes, I cant explain it either, but when it happens it comforts me so much, its like my heart will burst with love.

Mandy26 profile image
Mandy26 in reply to

I love nature too Baylien. I had a gorgeous walk with my dog yesterday and we were out of the wind in the middle of the fields and I just felt so calm and happy I could have cried.

Mandy26 profile image
Mandy26 in reply to Ugliebettie

I find sleep and a nice warm quiet place eases me too.

Ugliebettie profile image

I wish there was a like button Baylien ... I particularly find the wilder elements soothing ... Wind and lashing rain (just like we have tonight).

agora profile image

Having an allotment plot, a little piece of land I 'owned'. It was a place where I could be alone but there were people around if I chose to socialise. For me, with agoraphobia, it was the safest place for me to venture into contact with other people.

in reply to agora

That sounds idillic agora, what would we do without our little piece of earth.

I have wild orchids, and lots of chalkland wild flowers in the front lawn

love my foxgloves, poached egg plants chives, californian poppies, etc

I also have grasshoppers, slow worms, toads frogs etc, and lots of plants for the butterflies.

It really comes to life in the summer.

LadySaabra profile image
LadySaabra in reply to

I wish I had that...sounds just what I need, best I've got is a window box filled with all kinds of yuk...dare not empty it onto the patio below

in reply to LadySaabra

Its only an ex-council house sitting on a hill, but I know what you mean.

I cant complain.

swanlinnet profile image

Being around my Church community is a real gift. The world is full of nasty and inconsiderate people. But a good Church community is so different to people out there in the world and is such a tonic for a new start .

Jeffju profile image

I also read the scriptures a lot but don't attend a Church. I sometimes help as a volunteer at the Church services at two old people's homes and find this great. Old people can be really good to be around. They are wise and glad to still be here !!!

My little job , as a teacher aide, is invaluable as it gives me a reason to get up in the morning and the kids are great. That's my contribution.

And , of course, my husband and two girls. Thanks for asking. xx

Hi chellebells it's acceptance and distraction for me. Accept that everyone has bad days. When I was really ill last year then had a good spell and then wham a bad day I gave the bad day too much attention and got frustrated. I accept its not going to be a good day then go do some Pilates or go for a walk or a jog. Or if its really bad wrap myself in a blanket and eat chocolate and think tomorrow is another day. glad you are doing ok at the moment thats great to hear love eve x

Psychgrad profile image

Hi chellebells, for me it's walking my dog, she's the light of my life and I like being in nature and out in the fresh air xx

Mandy26 profile image

My dog definitely gets me through the bad days. He brought me out of my hole when I first started suffering and he lights up my day every time I see him :) x Like Psych I too love walking with him. I chat to him all the way too, people must think I'm mental :)

Psychgrad profile image
Psychgrad in reply to Mandy26

I talk to my dog all the time too! :)

Chellebells profile image

Loving these answers! I'm not religious, but I do practice some aspects to Buddhism such as medication, mindfullness, yoga and I've read books about Buddhism. But whatever helps people, whether it be religion or not, it's still great that it works for you! I can totally relate to the nature bit, just reconnecting with nature and especially with it being Spring.. the birds, the sun, the flowers etc. I just love how peaceful and quiet nature can be.. and it never judges us! My partner and my parents have helped me. And this website! The positive comments have helped a lot, no one is here to judge and completely understands. And it's great offering support and help to those that are going through a rough time. Animals are certainly helpful too.. again, they don't judge, I unfortunately lost my cat a year ago (still grieving for him, really.. or maybe it's that I really miss him) but I can totally understand how an animal can be a human's best friend.

Thanks again for the answers! xxx

Ugliebettie profile image

Chellebells ... We lost one 18 year old cat around Easter last year and another (18 too) on Christmas Day. It's really hard. We miss them dreadfully although weenie they had the greatest lives and we still have one old lady left ... They get into a special place in our hearts ...

in reply to Ugliebettie

Aw really feel for you. My cat is nearly 17 and I am dreading losing him. Fortunately he is still in good health but you never know. My last cat was 17 and I was so dreadfully upset and still miss him. I occasionally feel that he is around though. I would rather meet my animals first than any humans when I pop my clogs.

Bev x

Chellebells profile image

Aww I'm sorry to hear that. They really do get in to a special place in our heart, and they really are part of the family. I absolutely can't stand when people say.. "Oh it's just an animal" because they aren't just an animal, they're a family member.

Psychgrad profile image

Thinking about this question made me think I do have another 'coping strategy' that's a bit weird! When i feel sick I like to make myself cold i.e. having a cold shower or opening all the windows! In my head if I think if my body is working to keep warm it stops working to make me feel sick! No logic whatsoever but often works:)

agora profile image
agora in reply to Psychgrad

I think I understand what you mean, sounds like a distraction technique. When I feel anxious I often use a strong smelling ointment like Tiger Balm to try to focus my mind on other senses. Doesn't matter if it's illogical if it works for us!

My sense of humour helps. And my cat and shared dog.

Bev x


I love watching videos on youtube motivational ones

I also love to watch videos from Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Joyce Meyer, Terri Savelle Foy. I also like to watch beauty videos, hair videos and make up videos.

I sometimes work out if I am really stressed as this can boost your endorphins and make us feel good, I also believe I praying to God as He's always there to lift me out of the mud and out of despair.

I love helping others too, I believe that this is one of my best ways of feeling good in life, to help others. Xx

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